Important Changes in Spread ASP 6.0.2005.2008 and 6.0.3505.2008
· The MVC Spread control for ASP.NET (FarPoint.Mvc.Spread.dll) is now installed to its own separate version folder under v6.0.4005.2008. The MVC sample is also now installed in that path. The MVC Spread control for ASP.NET requires MVC3 or later, .NET Framework 4.0 or later, and Visual Studio 2010 or later. There will be new blog posts about using the MVC Spread control coming soon!
· FarPoint.Web.Spread.dll and FarPoint.Web.Chart.dll are now installed to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) as shared component assemblies.
· New design time support integrated in Visual Studio and the build process handles copying the shared Spread assembly references to the local bin folder for the project, to make deployment more convenient. This new feature is available from a new check box “Copy Shared Assemblies Local” added to the smart tags for the control in the ASP Web Form designer:
· In a web application project, this check box will change the CopyLocal property for each shared Spread assembly (FarPoint.Web.Spread.dll, FarPoint.CalcEngine.dll, FarPoint.Excel.dll, and FarPoint.PDF.dll) that is referenced in the project.
· In a web site project, this check box will cause the Spread’s control builder to copy the shared assembly references to the local bin folder as part of the build process.
· In web site projects, this check box adds a custom application setting in web.config to control the copy local behavior:
· You can edit this setting in web.config to change the value to false, or remove it, to disable this feature (for example, if you deploy the Spread assemblies to the GAC on your web server).
Upgrading Projects to use this release:
· Because the assemblies are now installed to the GAC, this new release requires the full version information to register FarPoint.Web.Spread or FarPoint.Web.Chart in your ASPX page source:
<%@ Register Assembly="FarPoint.Web.Spread, Version=6.0.3505.2008, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=327c3516b1b18457" Namespace="FarPoint.Web.Spread" TagPrefix="FarPoint" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="FarPoint.Web.Chart, Version=6.0.3505.2008, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=327c3516b1b18457" Namespace="FarPoint.Web.Chart" TagPrefix="FarPoint" %>
· Alternatively, you can register the controls globally in your web site or application in web.config: