Apart from being the most compelling and fascinating control, Spread Studio is one of the best when it comes to customization. Customizing Spread Studio is not at all a difficult task, all that is needed is a tiny amount of time along with a few quick efforts. Spread Studio provides us with a plenty of functionality. Oneof these functionalities is Copying value to a range of cells. But what if the requirement is to copy a series instead? Auto Fill Handle, the same feature which is already present in Excel, is available in Spread Studio. Instead of entering data manually on a worksheet, one can use the Auto Fill Handle feature to fill cells with data that follows a pattern or that is based on data in other cells. Dragging and selecting a range and copying its contents, formatting or series to the selected range of cells. This blog will demonstrate how you are able to implement the following functionalities in Spread Studio: 1. The 'Auto Fill Handle' as in Excel which implements the below functionalities. Copy Cells _ Fill Series_ _ Fill Formatting Only_ _ Fill Without Formatting_ 2. Filling a range of cells with Auto Increment/Decrement functionality.
Implementing the 'Auto Fill Handle'
1. Get the Selected Range
2. Select the operation to be performed from the ContextMenu of Spread Studio and perform the selected operation:
//Copy complete cell along with formatting
FarPoint.Win.Spread.Cell cell = fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[rowbegin, columnbegin];
if (direction == "Down")
for (int i = rowbegin + 1; i < (fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).RowCount + rowbegin); i++)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[i, columnbegin].Value = cell.Value;
copyFormat(i, columnbegin, cell);
else if (direction == "Up")
for (int i = rowbegin - 1; i > (rowbegin - fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).RowCount); i--)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[i, columnbegin].Value = cell.Value;
copyFormat(i, columnbegin, cell);
else if (direction == "Right")
for (int i = columnbegin + 1; i < (fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).ColumnCount + columnbegin); i++)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[rowbegin, i].Value = cell.Value;
copyFormat(rowbegin, i,cell);
else if (direction == "Left")
for (int i = columnbegin - 1; i > (columnbegin - fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).ColumnCount); i--)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[rowbegin, i].Value = cell.Value;
copyFormat(rowbegin, i, cell);
The above implementation will copy a cell value to the selected range of Cells along with its formatting.
Filling a range of Cells with Auto Increment/Decrement functionality
Implementing this feature of Excel is not a tough job either. Here is what you'll need to manage: 1. Check if the 'CTRL' key is pressed. 2. Perform the functionality(if 'CTRL' is pressed)
//Auto increment/decrement by drag with CTRL key
if (ctrlpressed == true && celldrag == true)
int num = Convert.ToInt32(fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[e.RowBegin, e.ColumnBegin].Value);
FarPoint.Win.Spread.Cell cell = fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[e.RowBegin, e.ColumnBegin];
int j = 1;
if (e.Direction == FarPoint.Win.Spread.FillDirection.Down)
for (int i = e.RowBegin + 1; i < (fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).RowCount + e.RowBegin); i++)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[i, e.ColumnBegin].Value = num + j;
copyFormat(i, e.ColumnBegin, cell);
else if (e.Direction == FarPoint.Win.Spread.FillDirection.Up)
for (int i = e.RowBegin - 1; i > (e.RowBegin - fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).RowCount); i--)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[i, e.ColumnBegin].Value = num - j;
copyFormat(i, e.ColumnBegin, cell);
else if (e.Direction == FarPoint.Win.Spread.FillDirection.Right)
for (int i = e.ColumnBegin + 1; i < (fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).ColumnCount + e.ColumnBegin); i++)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[e.RowBegin, i].Value = num + j;
copyFormat(e.RowBegin, i, cell);
else if (e.Direction == FarPoint.Win.Spread.FillDirection.Left)
for (int i = e.ColumnBegin - 1; i > (e.ColumnBegin - fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetSelection(0).ColumnCount); i--)
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[e.RowBegin, i].Value = num - j;
copyFormat(e.RowBegin, i, cell);
celldrag = false;
rowbegin = e.RowBegin;
columnbegin = e.ColumnBegin;
direction = e.Direction.ToString();
copyCellsToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
Now you are ready to Auto Fill the data in the SpreadSheet :) Any suggestions or improvements are warmly welcomed. Download Sample - C# Download Sample - VB