GrapeCity ActiveReports Part 5: Documentation Tips
ActiveReports Script 5 – Documentation Tips
This is the 5th in a series of ActiveReports Blogs and is a continuation of:
Part 1 Getting StartedPart 2 Run a reportPart 3 Silverlight Viewer ToolbarPart 4 Uploading reports to Silverlight Viewer
1) There is a wealth of information in the ActiveReports Documentation. For example, to modify a viewer theme template (see contest at: ), we might want to lookup how to do that in the product documentation.
2) Browse to our GrapeCity Documentation page. All the documentation is online in addition to offline… click on ActiveReports 6 Product Documentation:
[![image](/wp-content/uploads/blog_images/russells_blog/image_thumb_20A035DB.png "image")](/wp-content/uploads/blog_images/russells_blog/image_0A2D9754.png)
3) Drill down into Walkthroughs…
[![image](/wp-content/uploads/blog_images/russells_blog/image_thumb_718DD436.png "image")](/wp-content/uploads/blog_images/russells_blog/image_7E682A54.png)
4) Select Silverlight Viewer under Walkthroughs
5) Scroll down page for several related topics…
In Part 6 we will look at customizing Themes in the Silverlight Viewer
Technorati Tags: ActiveReports,Getting started,grapecity,reporting components,DataDynamics,multi-part series,AR Tutorial,AR,AR Script,Tutorial,Script,part 5,license message,toolbar,documentation,help
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