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ActiveReports: Solving problems since 1998


I recently hosted a webcast titled "ActiveReports: Solving problems since 1998!" The idea behind this was to showcase some of the features that our current customers have found most useful. I can tell you all the great things about ActiveReports, but it's better to show you the features that our customers have said solve their problems on a daily basis. And that's exactly what we did! We had two amazing sessions with an awesome group in the audience. Throughout the presentation, my co-organizer, Bhupesh Malhotra, was typing away answering the many questions we were getting, which shows that the content was being well received. We had great participation, great questions, and great feedback. Utilizing live polls, we gathered that the audience members were mostly developers and the majority of them had been long-time users of ActiveReports. So we tailored the presentation to suit them. For those who were new to ActiveReports, or to GrapeCity as the producer of ActiveReports, we started off with a brief introduction to what ActiveReports is, what the main features are, and why our customers choose us over our competitors. One such example I mentioned in the webcast was a customer I had spoken with the previous week. His company was worried about the stability of the product and of GrapeCity. I mentioned that GrapeCity has been in business for over 30 years. ActiveReports has been around for the last 20 years. Over those many years, we have come to know and understand reporting and the industry very well. We have an amazing global team of support agents, developers, and managers that stand behind the product. We are dedicated to our customers and their reporting needs. You can't ask for a more stable company or a more stable product! After the introductory slides, we quickly jumped into the demos. From a long list of features , I chose to showcase a few of the more popular ones:

  • HTML5 Viewer - One of several fully customizable viewers that integrates easily into your application and displays reports with one line of code.
  • Custom Data Provider - Custom Data Providers let you easily bind ActiveReports to any data source. A must for those who have a non-traditional data source such as CSV or Excel.
  • End User Designer - A customizable control that lets you enable your end users to design their own reports.
  • Secure PDF Generation - The PDF Export lets you generate encrypted PDFs and control permissions like saving a copy, printing, etc.

To those who attended, thank your for being a great audience and for all the great and valuable feedback. If you missed the webinar, you can catch up by viewing the recording below. Finally, we would love for your to keep in touch with us with any other feedback, questions, concerns, or future webinar ideas.

Download Webcast Projects. Mateen Firoz ActiveReports Product Manager