A few of my favorite (web) things
It has finally stopped raining in Pittsburgh (for the moment) so I'm going to blog while the sun shines.
I love the 'Burgh, but it does rain quite a bit in June. We have a large arts festival -- the Three Rivers Arts Festival -- that coincides with the rain every year. But it all seems to work out.
So ... here are a few of my favorite (web) things ...
You can build your own fonts (and share them) with FontStruct http://fontstruct.fontshop.com/ (I read about this @ http://www.slate.com/id/2192535/)
The Duck Island Greeking Machine generates greeked text in seven "languages" (Classical Latin, Hillbilly, Marketing, The Matrix, Metropolitan, Pseudo German, and Techno Babble). Very handy.
If you need to map colors for different outputs, the Tridesign PMS/RGB/Hex color (actually colour) chart is very useful. http://www.tridesign.com.au/index-tess1.php?ItemNo=2055
While on the subject of the web -- I highly recommend Janice (Ginny) Redish's new book _Letting Go of the Words -- Writing Web Contents that Works_. Lots of great information and solid examples. I have post-it notes all over my copy.
Lastly, an interesting article from slate.com about how we read online http://www.slate.com/id/2193552/ (Jakob Nielsen is referenced).
More later