- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for Imaging demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports System.Collections.Generic
- Imports System.Linq
- Imports System.Numerics
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Exif
- Imports GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
- '' Clear all Exif tags found in an image.
- '' This sample is almost identical to @(ShowExif} but prior to printing
- '' Exif tags found in the image it clears all those tags.
- '' The expected result is that no tags are found.
- Public Class ClearExif
- Function GenerateImage(
- ByVal pixelSize As Size,
- ByVal dpi As Single,
- ByVal opaque As Boolean,
- Optional ByVal sampleParams As String() = Nothing) As GcBitmap
- Dim pad = 20
- Dim side = pixelSize.Width / 3
- Dim bmp = New GcBitmap(pixelSize.Width, pixelSize.Height, True, dpi, dpi)
- Using g = bmp.CreateGraphics(Color.White)
- Using testImage = New GcBitmap(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "fire.jpg"))
- '' Remove all existing values from the image's Exif profile:
- testImage.ExifProfile.Clear()
- '' Note: Individual tags can be removed via testImage.ExifProfile.RemoveValue(tag)
- '' The remaining code is same as in ShowExif:
- Dim tl = g.CreateTextLayout()
- tl.DefaultFormat.Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "times.ttf"))
- tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 11
- tl.DefaultTabStops = 160
- tl.MarginTop = pad
- tl.MarginBottom = pad
- tl.MarginLeft = pad * 2 + side
- tl.MarginRight = pad
- tl.MaxWidth = pixelSize.Width
- AppendExifData(tl, testImage.ExifProfile)
- g.DrawImage(testImage, New RectangleF(pad, pad, side, side), Nothing, ImageAlign.ScaleImage)
- If tl.Lines.Count = 0 Then
- tl.AppendLine("No EXIF tags found.")
- End If
- g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty)
- End Using
- End Using
- Return bmp
- End Function
- Private Sub AppendExifData(ByVal tl As TextLayout, ByVal ep As ExifProfile)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Make, ep.Make)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Model, ep.Model)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.XResolution, ep.XResolution?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.YResolution, ep.YResolution?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ResolutionUnit, ep.ResolutionUnit.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Software, ep.Software)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.DateTime, ep.DateTimeRaw)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Artist, ep.Artist)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Copyright, ep.Copyright)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ExposureTime, ep.ExposureTime?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.FNumber, ep.FNumber?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ExposureProgram, ep.ExposureProgram.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.PhotographicSensitivity, ep.PhotographicSensitivity?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ExifVersion, ep.ExifVersion)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.DateTimeOriginal, ep.DateTimeOriginalRaw)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.DateTimeDigitized, ep.DateTimeDigitizedRaw)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ShutterSpeedValue, ep.ShutterSpeedValue?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ApertureValue, ep.ApertureValue?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ExposureBiasValue, ep.ExposureBiasValue?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.MaxApertureValue, ep.MaxApertureValue?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.MeteringMode, ep.MeteringMode.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.LightSource, ep.LightSource.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Flash, ep.Flash.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.FocalLength, ep.FocalLength?.ToString())
- '' First 8 symbols in UserComment specify encoding:
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.UserComment, ep.UserComment?.Substring(8))
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.SubsecTimeOriginal, ep.SubsecTimeOriginal?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.SubsecTimeDigitized, ep.SubsecTimeDigitized?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ColorSpace, ep.ColorSpace.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.SensingMethod, ep.SensingMethod.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.FileSource, ep.FileSource.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.SceneType, ep.SceneType?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.CFAPattern, ep(ExifTag.CFAPattern)?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.CustomRendered, ep.CustomRendered.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.ExposureMode, ep.ExposureMode.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.WhiteBalance, ep.WhiteBalance.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.DigitalZoomRatio, ep.DigitalZoomRatio?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm, ep.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.SceneCaptureType, ep.SceneCaptureType.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Contrast, ep.Contrast.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Saturation, ep.Saturation.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.Sharpness, ep.Sharpness.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.SubjectDistanceRange, ep.SubjectDistanceRange.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.BodySerialNumber, ep.BodySerialNumber)
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.LensSpecification, ep(ExifTag.LensSpecification)?.ToString())
- Append(tl, ep, ExifTag.LensModel, ep.LensModel)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Append(ByVal tl As TextLayout, ByVal ep As ExifProfile, ByVal tag As ExifTag, ByVal text As String)
- If ep.HasValue(tag) Then
- tl.AppendLine(tag.ToString() + vbTab + text)
- End If
- End Sub
- End Class