Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentException was thrown on adding or removing rows and columns on adding C1BarCode to TableLayoutPanel.
CalendarView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed certain performance issues in forms containing several "C1.Win.Calendar.C1DateEdit" controls.
Fixed the issue where C1DateEdit incorrectly worked with null values when used as an editor.
Classic Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the current selection color was not shown on icon when RibbonColorPicker was in the pressed state.
Fixed the issue where repeatedly setting image to a button causes issues in opening tabs in a minimized ribbon.
Fixed the issue where the C1RibbonForm flickered when the form size changed and the form visual style was 'Custom'.
Breaking Changes
Classic Ribbon now supports .Net Core 3.1. The ContextMenu property has been changed to ContextMenuStrip property. The methods that use ContextMenu class have been removed.
DashboardLayout for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the description for ItemContainerSelected and PaintHeader events were not shown in the property grid.
Fixed the issue where Options.HeaderAppearance was not stored at design time.
Fixed the issue where the GetId method did not return Id for maximized item container.
Fixed the issue where the controls on DashboardLayout were flickering on moving the mouse.
Added C1DashboardLayout.Options.GlobalDrag property that defines whether the item containers can be dragged from the C1DashboardLayout control where this global dragging was also allowed.
Added C1DashboardLayout.PaintHeader event.
Breaking Changes
Added PopulateItemContainer method to the ILayout interface. This can be a breaking change for users who had created a custom layout for C1DashboardLayout control.
DataFilter for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where the drop-down list was displayed in the wrong position on setting RightToLeft to Yes.
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where all filter operators appeared in the drop-down list of operation after dragging and dropping the Filter Expressions.
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where DatePicker editor didn't support disabled style.
Fixed the exception that occurred after adding Calendar or DateRange filters at design time.
Fixed the issue where CalendarFilter did not change 'RightToleft' when c1DataFilter's RightToLeft was set to Yes.
Fixed the issue where LowerValue wasn't applied to DateRangeFilter on setting the value to LowerValue from design time.
Added new control C1FilterEditor. This control represents a filter as a condition tree.
[4.5.2] Added reference to C1Input.
[4.5.2] Added reference to C1TreeView.
Breaking Changes
Changed references from C1.CollectionView and C1.Win.CollectionView to C1.DataCollection and C1.Win.DataCollection.
Other Changes
Added Russian and Deutsch runtime translations.
Document Library for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue partly where a request to provide information on missing pixels in merged FlexReports.
Fixed the issue related to PDF rendering, where the C1PdfDocumentSource uses GcPdf to parse and render PDF.
Fixed the issue when exporting to Excel file (.xlsx Format) via FlexViewer, created a "Maximum number of rows exceeded (65,536)" error.
DynamicHelp for WinForms
Breaking Changes
C1DynamicHelp class has replaced the public property ContextMenu with ContextMenuStrip property.
Editor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an 'InvalidOperationException' occurs when the application containing C1Editor was executed on the machine with Windows user name containing apostrophe.
Excel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where corrupt excel files were generated with the latest version.
Fixed the issue where repeating row clones and insertions into a sheet increased the number of columns in the sheet.
Fixed the issue partly where error occurs in output file while loading and saving an excel file which contains macro with .xlsx file format.
Fixed the issue where the saved excel file did not retain Background, Header, Footer and custom grid color when the file was loaded and saved using C1Excel.
Partly fixed the font name on the toolbar, which was garbled in Excel files exported by C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where the format (currency/scientific) was not properly saved in .xlsx or .xls file.
Fixed the issue where an error message box occurred on adding an image in a cell and saving the background of the sheet in .xlsx file.
Fixed the issue where the style of the text in the cell was not properly retained on loading .xls file and saving as .xlsx file.
Partly fixed the issue where an error occurred in the output file while loading and saving an excel file which contained macro with .xlsx file format.
Added Background property for worksheet where you can use the C1Bitmap for background image of the sheet. (*.xlsx, *.xls).
Added ViewLayout property for worksheet instead of PageBreakPreview (*.xlsx).
Adjusted formula range on deleting rows.
ExpressionEditor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[c1ExpressionEditor] Fixed the issue where ITypedList did not support as a data source for C1ExpressionEditor.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue with legend scrolling.
Fixed the issue where the annotation attached to data index was incorrect for bar chart.
Fixed the issue where 'About Box' link name of 'FlexPie' and 'Sunburst' were same in the Smart tag.
Fixed an exception that occurred on exporting the svg file while selecting the 'X-Axis' after opening the FlexChartDesigner.
Fixed the issue where the 'Sunburst'/'TreeMap' chart was not properly saved as image to the clipboard by using SaveImage() of FlexChart.
Fixed the issue where the scrollbar axis appeared at the wrong position.
Fixed the issue where the app form remains focused after hiding line marker.
Fixed the issue where the zoom view of spline curve was not properly displayed.
Fixed the problem with legend group title alignment, when the legend was scrollable.
DrawChart() method is now supported in all charts.
SaveImage() method is now supported in all charts.
Added new SaveImage (int w, int h) method that saves chart image to clipboard.
Heatmap series now supports DataTable as data source. You can use BindingX property to specify comma-separated list of column names.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Theme can't be reset after applying the theme on row detail control.
Indentation level of footer rows was incorrect when using tree-like structure in FlexGrid.
System.NullReferenceException was thrown on clicking the footer after grouping the row detail grid.
NullReferenceException was thrown inside GridGlyphs class.
Added support for finding cells with testStack.White framework.
When SearchApplying and SearchApplied events are added to C1FlexGrid, events are fired respectively before and after the search operation.
[4.5.2] Added UI Automation support for C1FlexGrid. C1FlexGrid supports Grid and Table patterns. C1FlexGrid's cell supports GridItem, TableItem, Invoke and Value patterns. UI Automation and pattern support are enabled by default for applications that target .NET Framework 4.7 or later. Applications that target an earlier version of the .NET Framework but are running on .NET Framework 4.7 or later can opt out of legacy accessibility behaviors (and thereby take advantage of accessibility improvements) by adding switches to the <AppContextSwitchOverrides> element in the <runtime> section of the application's configuration file. For additional information about accessibility switches, look into
[C1FlexGrid] Added 'FileFlag.ExcludeEmptyRows' enumeration value to exclude the export empty rows to XLSX, XLS or CSV file.
Added MaxLength property to Column class. This property used for setup MaxLength property of the TextBoxBase-based editor in the corresponding column.
Added support for Required, StringLength, Range, Compare data annotation attributes.
Also added RequiredRule, StringLengthRule, RangeRule, CompareRule classes which can be added into Column.EditorValidation collection for validation of editor value.
Added GetEditorErrorInfo event for C1FlexGridBase class.
This event can be used for providing custom error text if validation of editor value fails.
Added FailedReason property to ValidateEditEventArgs for specifying the reason why validation of the editor value fails.
Other Changes
Added reference to System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll for C1.Win.C1FlexGrid assemblies.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Breaking Changes
C1FlexPivotPrintDocument.FlexPivotChart property has type IFlexPivotChart (instead of C1FlexPivotChart).
Bug Fixes
[C1FlexPivotPanel] Fixed the issue where the Theme was not applied to 'Field Settings' dialog by opening it by double-click.
Fixed the issue where negative numbers appeared in the 'Decimal places' numeric box in 'Format' tab of 'Field Setting...' (Numeric Type).
Fixed the issue where an 'ArgumentException' was thrown in the 'Show Detail...' dialog when there were fields with identical names and different tables.
Fixed the issue where the Expand/collapse button did not work for subtotals when RightToLeft property was applied.
Fixed the issue where the collapse button of 'SubTotal' in group columns was not shown properly by the FlexPivotGrid.
Fixed the issue where it was unable to bind the OLAP SSAS Cube with measures that does not belong to measure group.
Fixed the issue where setting KpiGraphics to None threw NullReferenceException.
Fixed the issue where some contents in 'Format' tab of 'Field Settings...' overlapped when the field was not added to (Rows/Columns/Value/Field) area.
Added new FlexPivotChart/FlexPivotPage controls which are based on FlexChart.
Other Changes
[4.5.2] Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient reference was changed from version 11.0 to 12.0
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where in order to improve the compatibility with C1Report property BehaviorOptions.EnableAggregatesOnReportFields was set to true on import.
Fixed the issue where in certain scenarios, FieldBase.ZOrder property was processed incorrectly.
Fixed the issue where the report from C1Report xml file DataSource.ParameterPassingMode was initialized to Literal to improve the compatibility with C1Report.
Fixed the issue where the SuperLabel Custom Field ignored AutoHeight value in FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where a customer was seeing a nag screen which was showing the name of the inheriting (i.e. customer control) and not C1FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where a warning was observed on trying to import Crystal Report in C1FlexReportDesigner32.4.5.2.exe.
Fixed the issue where the Section.CalculateSize() was not working on using a report as a sub-report.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when the sub-report was in the PageHeader / PageFooter and used Page or Pages keywords.
Fixed the issue where the HideDuplicates property of Legacy Field was not working in FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where the ForcePageBreak specified for SubSection of SubReport was ignored.
Fixed the issue where SubReports containing groups with 'KeepTogether == WholeGroup' could be rendered incorrectly in certain scenarios.
Fixed the issue where a single thumbnail was displayed on refreshing after setting 'Single Page View'.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed an exception that occurs when editing task through the grid after setting e.cancel to true in BeforeEditTask event.
Fixed the issue where the PercentComplete property set for the summary task was not reflected in GanttView when the task ended in non-working day.
Fixed the issue when PercentComplete is set to 100 for a summary task, the child task's percent complete was not 100 in GanttView.
Fixed the GanttView's horizontal scrollbar performance issue on setting multiple exceptions dates for long duration tasks along with summary task.
Fixed the issue of slow performance observed with hierarchical tasks.
Fixed the issue when the undo action did not properly work after applying indent task.
Fixed the issue where summary task bar disappeared when circular reference was set between sub task and others task.
Fixed the issue where Tooltip was still displayed when Window+D keys are pressed while dragging 'Deadline' and the tooltip was shown.
Fixed the issue where the Row index of sub task was not retained in undo operation after deleting a summary task.
Fixed the issue where the point's shape of progress bar, non-working time color and paint day color were not retained properly while scrolling the horizontal scroll bar.
Fixed the issue where collapse/expand button of GroupColumn header was not properly rendered.
Gauge for WinForms
C1.Win.C1Gauge.4.5.2.dll can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1Label] Fixed the issue where several rendering issues were observed with the C1Label borders when the theme was applied.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the Material theme was still applied on the some part of the drop down, although the theme was set to none.
[C1TextBox] [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where Value and AllowSpinLoop property could not be reset.
Fixed the issue where VisualStyle of the input controls was changed to incorrect value when the theme was reset to 'none'.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the C1TextBox had wrong vertical alignment on changing the font when the Multiline property was set to 'true'.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the Text property was set to blank on reopening the form at design time when the TextDetached was set to True.
Added the feature to change C1RangeSlider value by SmallChange property on scrolling the mouse wheel.
Added the feature to change C1RangeSlider value by LargeChange property while pressing the PageUp/PageDown keys.
Updated VisualStyle 'System' to look flat and modern.
[C1ComboBox] Added Boolean ShowTooltip property which indicates whether the C1ComboBox displays a tooltip for the highlighted drop-down list item or not.
[C1ComboBox] Added TooltipShowing event, which occurs before a tooltip is displayed for a highlighted item.
[C1DropDownControl] The performance has slightly improved when DropDownFormCreationTime is set to Default.
InputPanel for WinForms
Added the AutoSize property, which indicates whether the size of the control automatically adjusts.
Added JP localization, where links in the smart tag of C1InputPanel were not shown in Japanese.
Added cue banner support for the InputTextBox in Multiline mode.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where the dropdown button's border was a little cut off when RightToLeft was set and VisualStyle was anything other than 'Custom' or 'System'.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the caption BackColor wasn't applied when VisualStyle was not 'Custom'.
Fixed the issue where the AddItemSepartor property could not be reset.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the HeaderCheckBox could not be checked after scrolling the Horizontal scrollbar when the ShowHeaderCheckBox was set to True and SelectionMode was CheckBox.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the scrollbars were not displayed immediately when the Material theme was applied to the entire form.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the C1List threw SerializationException in .Net Core 3 project.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the Indeterminate state didn't show correctly when the VisualStyleRenderer.IsSupported was false.
[C1Combo] Added EditorBorderColor property.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the DockingTab page was not restored to its original position on double clicking the header of floating page after restoring the layout.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the DockingTab disappeared on docking if it contained an invisible tab page.
[C1DockingTab] Added SaveLayout method parameters to define additional C1DockingTabPage property names that you would like to store.
[C1DockingTab] Added a feature to continue scrolling tabs by pressing the scroll button.
[C1CommandDock][C1DockingTab] C1DockingTab now does not move to the outside visible area on setting the C1CommandDock.Dock to 'Fill'.
[C1DockingTab] Maximized floating C1DockingTabPage does not lose the size when Ctrl key is pressed.
[C1ToolBar] Floating toolbar now does not disappear on resetting toolbars through the C1CustomizerForm.
MultiSelect for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[4.5.2] Changed the version of designer to 4.5.2.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where the order of selected items was not correctly shown in header area when DisplayMode was set to 'Text' and Separator was set to 'Space'.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where SelectionChanged event was fired multiple times when the item was selected by typing, on setting the DisplayMode to 'Text' and TagWrag to 'True'.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where all the text was not completely shown in the header area when the DisplayMode was 'Text' and the SelectAll() method was called.
Added the CheckBoxColor property. This property gets or sets the checkbox color.
PDF for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the character spacing of the string output by the DrawStringHtml method may be incorrect.
Fixed the issue where when html including <a> tag is drawn by DrawStringHtml method, the link is set at a wrong position.
Fixed the issue where extra spaces were added in between some words within the tables on rendering the HTML into PDF using DrawStringHtml.
Fixed the issue where the line break did not properly work on setting the Font name to 'Cambria Math' when the character was drawn in RectangleF using DrawString.
Fixed the issue where some text were not properly displayed on exporting PDF file using DrawStringHtml.
Fixed an exception that occurred on creating the PDF file by metafile image with Japanese characters using DrawImage().
Ribbon for WinForms
Breaking Changes
Corrected typos in image names. "InsertCitration", "MarkCitration", "SchDeteleAppointment", "ArrangeSidebySide" have been replaced by the "InsertCitation", "MarkCitation", "SchDeleteAppointment", "ArrangeSideBySide" correspondingly.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where repeatedly setting Image to a button caused issues in opening tabs in a minimized ribbon.
Fixed the issue where C1RibbonForm flickered when the form size changed and the form visual style was 'Custom'.
Fixed the issue where MDI child form worked incorrectly with navigation keys were in maximized state.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonToggleButton had incorrect Checked style when the C1Ribbon had the black lightness.
Fixed the issue where repeatedly setting Image to a button caused issues in opening tabs in a minimized ribbon.
Fixed the issue where some ribbon items were shown incorrectly in the simplified view when TextImageRelation was ImageAboveText.
Fixed the issue where Windows messages WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE and WM_EXITSIZEMOVE were missed by C1RibbonForm.
Fixed the issue where RibbonGalleryItems were shown inconsistently between runtime and design time.
Fixed the issue where the Load and Save methods used the wrong default value for the AllowSimplifiedView property.
Fixed the issue where some text were not displayed completely in the localize dialog box of C1Ribbon.
Added Lightness and IsDarkTheme properties to the RibbonStyle class. The Lightness property gets the style lightness, while the IsDarkTheme property defines whether C1Ribbon needs images for the dark theme.
Added the GetPresetImage method. This method returns a bitmap image from build-in C1Ribbon presets.
Ribbon can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Scheduler for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1TableView] Fixed the issue where the content of the clipboard could not be pasted onto the 'End Date' cell selection of C1TableView.
[C1TableView] Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when un-checking 'Start/End' fields value in TableView.
[C1Schedule] Fixed the issue where AllDay property was ignored when an Appointment's Start and End Date were on the same day.
[C1TableView] Fixed unhandled exception when appointment key was an integer value.
[C1TableView] Fixed the issue where editing 'End Date' value was not reflected immediately in 'Duration' value of TableView.
Fixed the issue where an error occurred while adding Custom Visual Style and underscore sign in Scheduler.
Fixed the issue where the week tab of month view does not properly navigate to the last week.
[C1TableView] Fixed the issue where the end date of appointment was not rendered correctly when editing through 'End' column of the TableView.
Fixed the issue where the 'ShowTitle' property of C1Schedule when set to False did not work properly at initialization.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when navigating to the last date in Month view after setting the ShowWeekends property to False and setting the day of the WeekStart to Monday.
Fixed the issue where FirstVisibleTime property did not work in TimeLineView when setting RightToLeft to Yes.
[C1Schedule] Improved iCal import. C1Schedule will try to fallback to existent time zones if the ICS file includes time zones missing on current computer. For example, 'America/Regina' time zone will be resolved as 'Central America' Time.
SuperToolTip for WinForms
Breaking Changes
[C1.Win.C1SuperTooltip.4.5.2] Removed ToolBar class unsupported by .Net Core 3.1 in the C1SuperErrorProvider class.
Bug Fixes
[C1SuperLabel] Fixed the issue where 'border-collapse' attribute was ignored. Only <table> tag is supported, items that have 'display' attribute set to 'table' or 'inline-table' are still not supported.
[C1SuperLabel] Fixed the issue where an extra space was inserted into the displayed text when the text contained certain characters.
Fixed the exception that was thrown in HtmlElement in locales where the decimal separator was ','.
[C1SuperLabel] Fixed the issue where 'border-collapse' attribute was ignored.
[C1SuperLabel] Fixed the issue where an extra space was inserted into the displayed text when the text contained certain characters.
[C1SuperLabel] Fixed the exception that was thrown while adding text with HTML tags in locales where the decimal separator was ','.
Added support for the 'word-break' style attribute.
Added support for the 'border-collapse' style attribute for HtmlElement. Only <table> tag is supported, items that have 'display' attribute set to 'table' or 'inline-table' are still not supported.
Added support for the 'word-break' style attribute for HtmlElement.
C1.Win.C1SuperTooltip.4.5.2.dll can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where two AboutBox links (About C1ThemeController/About C1ThemePicker) were shown in the context menu of C1ThemePicker.
Fixed the issue where on opening the smart tag of C1ThemePicker, an AboutBox link name was shown as "About C1ThemeController".
[C1ThemePicker] Fixed the issue where useless properties were visible in the property grid. Now, these properties are hidden.
Fixed the issue where the C1ThemeDesigner crashed on opening any theme and clicking on the "C1Ribbon" item in the "Theme tree.
[C1Theme] Added theme support for the DataGridView control.
[C1Theme] Added a GetBackground method to get the background at the specified path.
Added the applied theme name in the text area of comboBox of FlexGrid's RowDetails Sample.
Other Changes
[C1Theme] Fixed the issue where a Readonly MS TextBox appeared as a normal TextBox on applying the theme through C1Theme.
TileControl for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the size of a tile is decreased on a double tap with touch.
C1.Win.C1TileControl.4.5.2.dll can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the vertical scrollbars remained visible when they should have been hidden.
Fixed the issue where the C1TreeView didn't call accessibility events.
Fixed the issue where the PropertyChanged event's description was not shown in C1TreeView.
Fixed the issue where the Owner property was null from the SetValue method when a custom node was created.
Fixed the issue where the Drag and drop didn't work correctly when the CustomContentPresenter was used.
Fixed the exception that was thrown in design time when clicking on the Cancel button of the C1TreeColumn Collection Editor after setting tree node and expressions.
Fixed the issue where the expressions editor dialog box was closed on clicking the "Add new" button after clicking the "Delete last" button.
Fixed the issue where the Collection Editor dialog box was closed when pressing the delete key after setting Expressions.
Fixed the issue where the TreeView didn't work correctly when the item was removed from the BindingList collection or the collection was cleared.
Added the CheckBoxColor property, which gets or sets the checkbox color.
Behavior of the KeyField and DataMember properties was changed.
Improved accessibility support.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the drill-down form Font was not reset when the theme was reset.
Fixed the issue where Xml comments of the MeasurementDeviceEnum were incorrect.
Fixed the issue where the accessible object of split returned an empty value for the Name property.
Fixed the issue where C1TrueDbGrid threw SerializationExcelition in .Net Core 3 project.
Fixed the issue where horizontal scrolling by scroll buttons didn't work correctly when grid had frozen columns.
Fixed the exception that was thrown when DislilayColumn's width was set via design time when on setting the DataView to MultilileLinesFixed.
Added support of interactive column movement when DataView is Form.
Added the FetchFilterStyles property, which determines whether the FetchFilterStyle event should be fired.
Added the SetFilterBarHeight method, which specifies the height of the filter bar.
Added a feature where button without text uses backcolor of the cell when the ButtonCustomStyle is set to true.
Added flag in the SaveExcel method of C1TrueDBGrid to show hidden Columns.