Fixed issue where Chart2D throws an exception when stacking values and there are no values at the point to stack.
Editor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where font of the text cannot be changed back to previous font when a new font is assigned.
Fixed the issue where C1Editor ContextMenuScrip SourceControl is null.
Excel for .NET
Added new C1XLBook.ListSeparator property for using in methods C1XLBook.Load (for .cvs files), XLSheet.LoadCsv and XLSheet.SaveCsv.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where ValidateEdit event did not fire when EditMask and ComboList properties of C1FlexGrid are set.
Fixed the issue where selection of cells was discarded on editing when the selection is started from any cell after the first cell in the merged cell range.
Fixed the issue where text was moved automatically when alignment of cells with newline text is set to center and some cells with trailing space are shown.
Added showing of sort icon in each sorted column accordingly to the sort order when sorting MultiColumn.
Other changes
Added FrozenAlternate cell style. This style used to render cells that are frozen (editable and selectable, but not scrollable) in even-numbered rows.
Added ValuesLimit property to ValueFilter class. If ValueFilter has more than ValuesLimit values than only ConditionalFilter will be shown.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where invalid barcode data is displayed on exporting barcodes with direction TopToBottom/BottomtToTop in Pdf format.
Fixed the issue where value of setting is ignored within the main report even if RecordsPerPage property is set in the sub-report.
Fixed the issue where RtfField rendered incorrectly if it contains plain text with line breaks.
Fixed the issue where RightToLeft property does not affect align of check mark in CheckBoxField.
Fixed the issue where Line break key 'Ctrl+Enter' in the Text Field , RTF Field and Paragraph Field are not effected in Word export.
Fixed the issue where RtfField and Field with RTF == true renders text incorrectly if text is not started with "rtf prefix" {\rtf1 but has RTF snippets.
Fixed the issue where field with greater ZOrder value is not shown in front of the other field with lower ZOrder value.
Fixed the issue where position of chart axis does not change when change compass value.
Fixed the issue where subreports does not render when C1Report open in FlexReport designer.
Fixed the issue where selected checkstyle for checkbox is not displayed properly on designer until value is not set for it.
Fixed the issue where exclamation mark starts displaying inside checkbox control removing its content on designer on changing Check Style from Checkbox to CustomImage.
Fixed the issue where image set for the Custom checkmarks overflows outside the boundary of checkbox control.
Fixed the issue where standard check mark continues to display for checkbox on designer even after setting CheckStyle to CustomImage.
Fixed the issue where Check mark does not display in the Fore Color set for Check box control in report preview.
Fixed the issue where check mark is displayed slightly clipped on designer when Font style for check mark is set to BoldOblique.
Fixed the issue where difference in behavior is observed in plotting 3D visualization scatter charts using different number of series values while no series group is present.
Fixed the issue where deleting main data source from collection causes an exception when rendering report.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue where RtfField drawn in design-time incorrectly when RtfField.Text specified as expression.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue where clicking the Properties option did not show property window if the property grid was in auto-hide mode.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue where 'More' and 'ReportFields' dropdowns are displayed disabled in Group Sort expression editor of reports.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue where irrelevant compass value are shown for AxisX and AxisY, unlike the C1Chart.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue with FormatPainter button's tooltip.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue where alignment set for RTF field does not get reflected in Designer.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fixed the issue where clicking the "..." button on Border property in the property grid did not bring up the border editing dialog, when multiple fields are selected.
[C1ReportDesigner App] Fixed an issue where an error occurs when trying to launch the VBScript editor in the designer app for .NET 2.0
[C1FlexViewer] Added the collapsing/expanding buttons to the outline panel.
[C1FlexViewer] Added the PageRefreshRate property to set the number of pages generated between the viewer refreshes its layout.
[C1FlexViewer] Added support for Right-to-Left layout.
[C1FlexViewer] Added support for DPI-aware apps.
Added support of ColumnLayoutEnum.Accross for subreports.
Added C1FlexReport.AvailableHeight property, gets the height of the remaining area available for sections on the current page.
Added support of RightToLeft to text fields of C1FlexReport, added properties:
bool? FieldBase.RightToLeft { get; set; }, default value is null, in this case C1FlexReport.RightToLeft is used.
bool? C1FlexReport.RightToLeft { get; set; } specifies default RTL value for the report, default value is null, in this case static C1FlexReport.DefaultRightToLeft property is used.
static bool C1FlexReport.DefaultRightToLeft { get; set; } specifies default value of RightToLeft property.
[FlexReport Designer App] Added group keytips to the main form's ribbon.
[FlexReport Designer App] Added RTL support.
[FlexReport Designer App] If the data source name was invalid, it showed as "(none)" in the property grid. Now it shows the specified name with "(unavailable)" qualifier added.
[FlexReport Designer App] In the script editor, do not pop up code completion window inside strings or comments.
[FlexReport Designer App] Speed up BackgroundEditor opening.
[FlexReport Designer App] Support solid color mode in BackgroundEditor.
[FlexReport Designer App] Fix problem of cannot add items in ChartData editor (using non-EN culture).
[FlexReport Designer App] ChartField designer, catch and show exceptions on getting chart image.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where first row could not be moved down on clicking Move Down from toolbar.
Fixed the issue where row height of C1GanttView are not uniformed when BarText is set large font size.
Decreased the number of GDI-objects in process of print preview.
Fixed the issue where groups and summaries were not sorted properly in grouping mode.
Added date tooltip to timeline.
Added possibility to make task inactive.
Gauges for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where PointerDragMove event doesn't fire when some control is arranged on C1Gauge.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1DropDownControl] Fixed the issue where pressing Windows key or Ctrl + Esc doesn't navigate to Start Menu while opening dropdown of some input controls.
[C1ColorPicker][C1FontPicker][C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where Item was not selected correctly by typing while opening dropdown when setting AutoOpen to 'true'.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where application does not respond on pressing "Window + D" while opening of ComboBox dropdown.
[C1CheckBox] Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException is thrown when C1CheckBox uses theme.
[C1RangeSlider] Fixed the issue where both thumbs were moved to left when clicking bar between thumbs while left thumb position is far from left.
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where the garbage collection does not get free even if a pop-up menu of selecting month in C1DateEdit is displayed, and garbage collection is put into effect by closing the form.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox height is changed according to changing size of C1Sizer, even if the AutoSize of C1TextBox is set to True.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where height of C1Textbox increases incorrectly when used in combination with C1SizerLight.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where height of the C1TextBox does not change according to font size.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox shows password Text incorrectly when VisualStyle set to other than 'System' and C1TextBox is disabled.
[C1CheckBox] Fixed the issue where database is not updated when the C1CheckBox is checked.
[C1SplitButton] Fixed the issue where 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error message is shown on canceling the addition of C1SplitButton on the form.
Fixed the issue where AutoComplete of c1TextBox does not apply correctly when setting AutoCompleteMode and AutoCompleteSource property in designer and code.
Fixed the issue where'WeekDay' names do not localize on changing the 'Culture' of C1DateEdit.
New feature
[C1CheckBox] New event ValueChanged occurs when the Value property has changed.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where validating event does not fire for InputNumericBox when the entered value exceeds the Maximum value.
Fixed the issue where ListBox control flickers and other components appear grayed when ListBox is used as the InputControlHost
Added the DateClick event to InputDatePicker. It fires when the user clicks a date in the drop-down calendar.
Added right-to-left layout support to C1InputPanel.
Supported zooming in/out with C1Zoom (C1InputPanelZoomPolicy required).
Added support for DPI-aware apps.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where dropdown arrow is not visible in some themes.
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where C1Combo does not open when the DropDownContainer is closed in runtime.
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where In drop down list of C1Combo, a line appears from border of form.
Pdf for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where extra character is added when user copy/paste text from exported pdf file to notepad.
Fixed an issue where color for pie chart is not exported correctly to pdf file.
Fixed an issue where round bracket from wmf file is replaced by 􀀌 when copy/paste from exported pdf file.
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where borders of a C1RibbonForm with Custom VisualStyle appeared above the dialog box displayed from the Form.Shown event
Added the FlipImageRtl property to RibbonItem. The property indicates if the image should be flipped horizontally in RightToLeft mode.
Added the ChildCaptionInSquareBrackets property to C1Ribbon. The property gets or sets whether the title of a maximized MDI child window should appear in square brackets after the main Form's title.
Reports for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where SSRS reports with cascading parameters processed incorrectly in some rare cases.
Fixed the issue where C1SSRSDocumentSource can not render SSRS report if it contains internal report parameter.
Fixed the issue where Form.BackColor cannot be seen under the Thumbnail View of C1PrintPreviewControl.
Fixed the issue where the navigation panel did not hide at runtime when a C1PrintPreviewControl is added to the standard TabPage and its NavigationPanelVisible property is set to False.
Now options dialog is displayed for PDF exporter of C1SSRSDocumentSource, so is it possible to define addtitional PDF options which were added for SSRS PDF export.
Added support for PDF/A (level 2B) compatible export to PDF in SSRS Reports.
Added support for PDF/A (level 2B) compatible export to PDF (option in PDF export form, new FileFormatEnum member FileFormatEnum.PDFA).
Added support of RightToLeft to text objects of C1PrintDocument and C1Report.
[C1PrintDocument] Added ambient Style property bool Style.RightToLeft { get; set; }, default value is false.
C1Report, added properties:
bool? Field.RightToLeft { get; set; }, default value is null, in this case C1Report.RightToLeft is used.
bool? C1Report.RightToLeft { get; set; } specifies default RTL value for the report, default value is null, in this case static C1Report.DefaultRightToLeft property is used.
static bool C1Report.DefaultRightToLeft { get; set; } specifies default value of RightToLeft property.
SpellChecker for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the application hangs when the application(.exe) is executed in Release mode and email id is typed into WebBrowser with spell checking enabled.
Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException is thrown when no errors are found in the content and 'Show Spelling Errors' button is clicked.
Fixed the issue where C1SpellCheck.UserDictionary does not work with the dictionary when dictionary created in C1DictionaryEditor.
[C1DictionaryEditor] Fixed the issue where unsaved changes in words list are discarded if words list was renamed.
SplitContainer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where child controls do not render correctly on a C1SplitterPanel being resized if its ResizeWhileDragging property is set to True.
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1FontPicker, C1ColorPicker and C1StatusBar were not display correctly for some themes.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where a Pop-up MessageBox gets displayed every time project is run when a BindingSource is set as DataSource of TrueDBGrid and there is a change on the form.
Fixed the issue where horizontal scrollbar gets hidden when a vertical split is added and "SplitDividerSize" property is set.
Fixed the issue where group aggregate values are not shown when grouped column is different from the aggregate column.
Fixed the issue where InvalidCast error is thrown when Column with TimeSpan DataType and ShortTime NumberFormat is edited.
Fixed the issue where records in a column disappear on rebinding TrueDBGrid using BindingSource.DataSource at runtime.
Fixed the issue where Aggregate property does not work.
Fixed the issue where value assigned to the 'DefaultValue' property of a Column is displayed in the AddNew row.
Fixed the issue where Item from c1TrueDBDropdown is correctly selected by keyboard.
Fixed the issue where "No printers are installed" error is thrown when C1TrueDBGrid is exported to any format on a machine without any printer installed.
Other Bug Fixes
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where application crashes on resizing the form when the last TabPage of C1DockingTab is selected.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab does not scale child controls correctly.
[C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where OptionMenu of C1NavBar works incorrectly in a multithreaded mode.
[C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where text of C1Command overlaps the image when RightToLeft property of C1Toolbar is set to True.
[C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where ToolBar incorrectly draws wrapped CommandLinks when property RightToLeft of C1CommandDock is set to 'Yes'.
[C1TopicBar] Fixed the issue where TopicLink's of C1TopicBar sticks out of a topic page.
[C1TopicBar] Fixed the issue where links goes out of the page boundary when there are fifteen or more links present in a single page of C1TopicBar.
Other Improvements
[C1ToolBar] 'More..' button was not visible if AutoSize was False. Now it will be visible if the all buttons can not fit in the toolbar's size and Dock is not None.
Other New features
[C1DockingTab] Added keyboard support to rename tab by pressing F2 key on selected tab.