Fixed the issue of "Invalid Barcode data" error when showing JapanesePostal barcode in JP FlexReportDesigner.
Chart for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the rendering issue in C1Chart3D.
Calendar for WinForms
Improved the performance support.
Excel for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where 'File error' message occurs when saving in xls format.
Fixed the issue where the numeric value in the cells were not shown correctly in the exported excel file when loading specific 'xls' file and saving just as it is.
Fixed the issue where C1Excell SetValue throws exception when the value passed was null.
Fixed the issue where 'ViewLayout' was not shown properly in the saved excel file when loading specific '.xlsx' file with 'Normal' view.
Fixed the issue where 'Print quality:' was not retained when an excel file was loaded and saved with C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where the property value of AlignWithMargins was inconsistent with the exported excel.
Fixed the issue where the property value of ScaleNormal was inconsistent with the exported excel.
Fixed the issue where the decimal point was added when saving to Excel file after conversion with FormatDotNetToXL method.
Fixed the issue where the date was saved in wrong format when exporting FlexGrid with FileFlag.VisibleOnly.
Fixed the issue where some font color did not retain when loading '.xls' file and saving as 'Biff8/OpenXML' format.
Fixed the issue where the property value of ScaleWithDocument was inconsistent with the exported excel.
Fixed the issue where some font color did not retain when loading '.xls' file and saving as 'Biff8/OpenXML' format.
Fixed the issue where a leading quote gets initially displayed in Excel.
Fixed the issue where an incorrect index of print title is shown when loading '.xlsx' file and saving by using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where RTF text showed the Font Name as Prefix when the Value property was used and showed no ";" semicolon when the Text property was used.
Fixed the issue where the cell formula changed when loading an existing xlsx file and saved it.
DataFilter for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the text wasn't cleared in the checklist filter search box when setting the ShowSearchBox was on/off.
[C1FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where the Filter value did not show in comboBox when choosing the date from date dropdown.
Fixed the issue where the DateRangeFilter did not apply any custom format.
[FilterEditor] Added support of the IDataCollection data source.
Updated the DataCollection.BindingList to the 1.0.20212.59 version.
Updated the DataCollection.BindingList to the 1.0.20212.58 version.
Document for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the error icon was shown and the sample data was not rendered when adding FlexChart Field to FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where there was only one page rendered and contents were distorted in the paginated (*.docx) file exported from PDF file that contained more than one page.
Fixed the issue where some content and text in the figure were distorted in the exported html file when loading the specific pdf file to FlexViewer and exporting it.
Fixed the issue where certain font style and bullet style could not be retained in the exported html file.
Fixed the issue where the rollback changes for 'Find Results:' could not be rendered correctly when finding the text in the SearchText sample.
Fixed the issue where the landscape orientation could not be retained in compatible/not-compatible DOCX export file when loading the pdf file with 'Landscape' orientation and exporting it.
Fixed the issue where the Rightmost footer was lost in compatible/not-compatible DOCX export file when loading the PDF file and exporting it.
Fixed the issue where the Japanese text could not be rendered properly in the exported html file.
Fixed the issue where the 'Near Text' was not shown properly in the 'Search Results:' when finding the text '(eg.City)'.
Fixed the issue where the text was distorted in the paginated *.docx export through 'Export' toolstrip of C1FlexViewer.
Fixed the issue where all pages were not shown in exported DOCX format through 'Export' toolstrip of C1FlexViewer.
Fixed the issue where there occurred the System.FormatException when exporting FlexReport to Excel and when a field contained null value.
Fixed the issue where the PDF file exported to Docx had an extra blank page after each page.
[Sample] Fixed the issue where the 'Could not load document:...' error message showed up when exporting the excel(.xlsx/.xls) file for 'Daily' style in the 'PrintDocTemplates\PrintDocTemplates.Core' product sample.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the Nullable types were now visible in FlexChart's runtime designer.
Fixed the issue where the chart used the background color of parent control when exporting to JPG image.
Fixed the null exception when exporting a chart to image via the toolbar menu.
Fixed the issue where the FlexChart toolbar options were in sync with chart properties.
Fixed the exception in runtime designer on data binding page.
Fixed the issue where FlexChart.SmoothingMode property controlled anti-aliasing in DirectX rendering mode.
Fixed exceptions when using runtime designer with custom palettes.
Fixed typo in runtime designer for FlexPie.
Fixed exceptions with chart rendering when axis range was very small.
Fixed the issue where the long titles were truncated to avoid overlapping for FlexPie with multiple pies.
[NET452] Added the Runtime toolbar.
Added the new color schemes from ColorBrewer: Qualitative, Diverging, SequentialSingle, SequentialMilti.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug fixes
[NET452] Fixed the issue where the C1FlexGridGroupPanel control could not be added to toolbox.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where the Banded column disappeared on clicking the expand/collapse button when the band was hidden and displayed again.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the ShowThemedHeaders property had no effect on applying the theme.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where incorrect summary was shown in Subtotal rows.
Fixed the issue where the formula reference error occurred when overwriting and saving by specifying the sheet name.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the unnecessary BeforeSort and AfterSort events were fired although the AllowSorting property was set to None.
[SearchPanel] Fixed the issue where the dropdown list text was cut off after changing the font style.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue of incorrect export to Excel of image in merged cells.
Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid group level numbers didn't render properly on the column header.
Fixed the issue where the execution stopped when multi-column sort was performed and message box was displayed.
Fixed the issue where the C1FlexGrid[row,col] Indexer or SetData() did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when invalid index was provided.
Fixed the issue where the OutOfMemoryException was thrown after setting the BackgroundImageLayout enumeration to Tile in footer after loading some image files.
Fixed the issue where the language change was not applied using the "Language" property.
Fixed the issue where the error message box was shown on running the project after setting backgroundImage of footer.
Fixed the issue where the font name and size of fixed rows were not changed in the column editor.
[FlexGrid] Improved performance of the API Subtotal.
Added new C1FlexGridBandedView component. This is a C1FlexGrid extension component, which represents a C1FlexGrid external view with ability to create and customize column bands at runtime and design time.
Improved the scrolling performance.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the 'FlexPivotGrid' did not display any content when clearing the filtering after adding 'Rows/Columns/Values' fields at run time.
Fixed the issue where the "Grid" FlexPivotPage tab header was not translated to Portuguese.
Fixed the issue where certain text was not translated into Portuguese.
Fixed the issue where the Pie chart in FlexPivotChart works correctly when column's name contained commas.
Fixed the exception in FlexPivotChart's pie chart when there were custom columns.
Fixed the issue where incorrect aggregate count was shown when a 'String' column had "" and DbNull.Value values.
Fixed the issue where the aggregation result was invalid on binding the data imported into C1DataEngine.
Fixed the issue where each value will be different from Excel on specifying "Ratio to total" after grouping.
Fixed the issue where the FlexPivotPanel could not be edited after grouping.
Fixed the issue where incorrect value was shown in FlexPivotGrid when applying the 'Variance/Standard Deviation/Variance Population/Standard Deviation Population' Subtotals in 'Field Settings..' after binding the FlexPivot with C1DataEngine.
Fixed the issue where the fields were lost when sorting within the area multiple same fields.
Fixed the exception when binding to TimeSpan type using C1FlexPivot in combination with C1DataEngine.
Fixed the exception where the Columns' GrandTotals were incorrect.
Added the FlexPivotChart.LegendGroups property to enable grouping in chart's legend.
Added the FlexPivotChart.CustomPalette property for setting custom color schemes.
Added the FlexPivotChart context menu with common options and actions.
FlexReport for WinForms
Added conversion of images from Base64 encoding.
FlexViewer for WinForms
Bug fixes
[Flexviewer] Fixed the issue where the ribbon images were lost when subclassing C1FlexViewer.
[Flexviewer] Fixed the issue where the ribbon items didn't resize to intermediate states in Ribbon of Flexviewer.
Input for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the ImeResultString event did not get fired.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the C1TextBox height was changed in rare cases when Enabled was changed.
[C1DbNavigator] Fixed the issue where the C1DbNavigator BackColor property was not applied on the button.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the Double-byte characters could be pasted even when the MaxLength didn't allow 2 more bytes in the C1TextBox.
[C1Button] Fixed the issue where the C1Button border was not shown when BackColor is changed in LostFocus/GotFocus event while theme was applied.
Added FontPicker control.
[C1FontPicker] Added custom RenderContent for dropdown form's text elements to avoid incorrect demonstration font with large InternalLeading.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed OnUpDownButtonClick (used inverse elements order).
[C1FontPicker] Added vector icons of font types.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the InputPanel didn't load columns and rows for the InputGridPanel from the xml file.
Fixed the issue where the InputCombobox didn't show value for the first data item.
Fixed the issue where the 'Adding InputControlHost' dialog box was not shown when InputControlHost was added from toolbar window.
Fixed the issue where the "Error invoking .." message box was shown when opening 'Edit items' link of c1InputPanel from VisualStudio 2022.
Fixed the issue where the items didn't show BoundValue when the items were added and bounded in run time.
Improved the support of High DPI.
List for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1List.SelectionMode when set to "MultiExtended" items selection with Shift + Up/Down or PgUp/PgDown worked incorrectly on changing the select direction.
Fixed the issue where the displayed text of the column was wrong when the NumberFormat of C1List column was set to "Medium Time".
Fixed the issue where the ColumnFooters were lost in C1List when the layout was saved and loaded again.
Added VerticalAlign property for text in the Editor area of C1Combo.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug fixes
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab sizes could change sometimes when saving and restoring layout multiple times when the monitor scaling factor was more than 100%.
Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException occured erratically when closing the form.
[C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where the C1CommandDock.FloatHide property had no effect on the floating C1ToolBar.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the C1DockingTab SaveLayout and RestoreLayout methods did not take scaling into account.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the form remained in the dragging state when the Window key was pressed while dragging C1DockingTabPage.
Fixed the issue where the C1DockingTabPage controls were disappearing when the page was removed.
Other changes
Removed the EditorBrowsableState.Never attribute from C1InputPanelBase class.
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the MdiChild C1RibbonForm buttons didn't work in the maximized state.
Fixed the issue where the MdiChild C1RibbonForm didn't show buttons icons.
Fixed the issue where the C1RibbonForm didn't scale properly controls when SupportDpiAwareness was set to true.
Fixed the issue where the Visual Studio hung and closed when the ShowAsMonochrome property was changed of Ribbonitem imported from an xml file.
Fixed the issue where the AxWindowMediaPlayer flickered on mouseover in C1RibbonForm.
Fixed the issue where the C1RibbonForm triggered the WM_STYLECHANGING and WM_STYLECHANGED messages while processing the WM_SETCURSOR message.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonGroup wasn't shown after setting Minimized to True/False from design time.
Fixed the issue where the ForeColor was unchanged from the UpdatingItemStyle event handler for ColorPicker, Gallery, and SplitButton.
Fixed the issue where the Localize dialog box did not appear when opening 'Localize...' link form smart tag in the VS 2022.
Fixed the issue where the image set to RibbonIconItem using the SmallImage property was always shown as monochrome.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonForm returned incorrect title bar info from the WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX message.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonGalleryItem's icon wasn't rendered in grayscale even though ShowAsMonochrome was set to Always.
Fixed the issue where the Ribbon Button remained highlighted after clicking the button using Touch.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonButton had an incorrect image color in dark themes.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonForm disposed the value of Font property when the form was moved from one monitor to another with different scaling when DpiAwareness was enabled.
Fixed the issue where the C1Ribbon.MoreButton.ToolTip property had a wrong default value.
Fixed the issue where multiple title bars were displayed for a child MDI when the parent of the MDI is C1RibbonForm, which has a menustrip.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonButton had an incorrect image color in dark themes.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonForm disposed the value of Font property when the form was moved from one monitor to another with different scaling when DpiAwareness was enabled.
Fixed the issue where the C1Ribbon.MoreButton.ToolTip property had a wrong default value.
Fixed the issue where the Multiple title bars were displayed for a child MDI when the parent of the MDI is C1RibbonForm, which has a menustrip.
C1Ribbon shows custom bitmap icons as monochrome for dark themes.
Bitmap icons are displayed in "dark theme" mode on the left pane of C1BackstageView, custom images with ShowAsMonochrome is Auto will be shown as monochrome.
Changed RibbonForm glyphs from bitmaps to vectors.
Added the MdiChildBorder property to the C1RibbonForm class. This property gets or sets the size of the border, if this form is a mdi child form.
Added the GetItemImage method to the C1Ribbon class. This method gets an image rendered from the actual icon of the ribbon component.
Added support of ribbon minimized state as initial state from design-time.
Added the UpdatingItemStyle event to C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls. This event supports a custom ForeColor for ribbon or status bar items.
Added support for displaying a RibbonHostControl in the dropdown of Simplified Ribbon.
Changed the background of the labels hosted on the dropdown form to the parent background and added a top border for the default themes and Office 365 themes.
Added the OwnerDraw property and DrawItem event to RibbonGallery component. This API allows to override the drawing of ribbon gallery items.
Fixed the issue where the All-day appointment was not properly displayed in the print preview of 'Daily Style'.
Fixed "Forms.ScheduleBehaviorForm._chkDrag.Text" string resources in *.C1.Win.C1Schedule.Localization.DesignStrings.resx files.
Fixed the issue where 'Recurrence:' text was not shown on previewing the Recurring Appointment by 'Memo Style'.
Fixed the issue where Context-menu of AgendaView was not properly displayed when setting the 'EditOptions' properties.
Fixed the issue where document of C1Schedule was not shown properly in Print Preview on setting more than 3 days in Daily Style.
[C1Schedule] Changed the Default value of the BorderStyle property to BorderStyle.FixedSingle.
Updated the default appearance to support Windows system themes including HighContrast settings.
[C1Schedule] Improved the keyboard navigation support.
Added EditOptions.AllowKeyboardDrag flag. When this flag is checked, arrow keys drag appointment to different time. Otherwise, arrow keys move selection from the appointment to the underlying time slots. The default value for the C1Schedule.EditOptions property is EditOptions.All. In the default mode, pressing Tab key on the last visible appointment moves selection to the underlying time slot, so that end-user can continue navigating views with keyboard.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the image is not rendered in FlexReport with SuperLabel Field that contains Base64 encoded Image.
Fixed the issue where the C1.Win.FlexReport.CustomFields.SuperLabel Text was distorted in Virtual Machine Environment (ScalingFactorWithDPI).
Fixed the issue where the C1.Win.FlexReport.CustomFields.SuperLabel Text was distorted in the Virtual Machine Environment (DPI part).
Fixed the issue where the C1.Win.FlexReport.CustomFields.SuperLabel Text was distorted in the Virtual Machine Environment.
TouchToolKit for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1Combo with expanded dropdown items list was not zoomed correctly when using it with C1Zoom.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug fixes
[NET452] Fixed the issue where the C1CheckList control could not be added to the toolbox.
Fixed the issue where it was not possible to apply theme to custom editor using C1TreeView.
Fixed the issue where C1TreeView didn't support sort and filter for BindingSource.
[C1CheckList] Fixed the issue where 'UnselectAll’ text was not changed although CheckList items were selected when binding the data with List/DataTable.
[C1CheckList] Fixed the issue where the long header text of c1CheckList wasn't wrapped when setting WordWrap to True.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Breaking changes
Removed the obsolete Split.GroupColumns property. Now, users can use the c1TrueDBGrid.GroupedColumns instead.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where TrueDBDropdown had the top position equal to the bottom of the button when displayed in a grid.
Fixed the issue where AutoHeightCaption was not working after reducing the size of the string in the header.
Fixed the issue where the AfterFilter event was fired without grid filtering when setting the FilterMultiSelect and FilterDropDown to True.
Fixed the issue where the filtering did not work properly for column whose values contain FilterSeparator values on setting the FilterMultiSelect to True.
Fixed the issue where the Footer was lost in C1TrueDBGrid when saving and reloading the layout with footer.
Fixed the issue where AutoHeightCaption did not work after reducing the size of the string in the header.
DropDown button height is now equal to the row height.
Word for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the square character was shown instead of "Apostrophe" in Docx from RichTextBox.
Fixed the issue where the quotes were not shown in Docx/RTF file after exporting the RichTextBox content to C1Word.
Fixed the issue where some of space and horizontal rules were not exported in Docx/RTF file after exporting the RichTextBox content to C1Word (space part).
Fixed the issue where the list level of List added using AddListTexts of C1Word was one level greater.
Fixed the issue where the numbering was rendered as square in result *.rtf file exported from word document that contained numbered list.
Fixed the issue where the list types (starting from second item) were rendered as '1' on adding the list using AddListTexts.
Fixed the issue where the Bullet symbols were rendered as numbering in result *.docx file exported from *.docx file that contained bulleted list.
Added support for adding list in C1WordDocument.
Added support for exporting the context of C1RichTextBox to MS Word document as this feature is now supported.
ComponentOne WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the image was not shown correctly in the saved PDF when rendering HTML to PDF using DrawStringHtml.
Fixed the issue where the Ribbon Button remains highlighted after clicking the button using Touch.
Fixed the issue where image was not shown correctly in the saved PDF when rendering HTML to PDF using DrawStringHtml.
Fixed the exception of HTML with specified font exception that occurred when where the PDF output using.
Fixed the issue where the ruled line thickness of MS-Word document was different.
Fixed the issue where the spaces were removed at the beginning of words and between words when rendering HTML to PDF using DrawStringHtml.
Added BitmapIconRenderer, FontIconRenderer, PolygonIconRenderer, PathIconRenderer and CompositeIconRenderer classes. These classes provide functions for rendering C1Icon.
Added the BackColor property to the FontIconRenderer class.
Initial .NET 6 release of WinForm controls.
Other changes
Removed EditorBrowsableState.Never attribute from ScrollableControl, XView, XViewHost, XViewLight, XViewPopup classes.