C1.Win.Barcode assembly replaces the old C1BarCode and C1QRCode controls with a single C1BarCode control that uses a different codebase. It implements more barcode types than the old version.
Command for WinForms
No Changes.
Chart for WinForms
No Changes.
3D Chart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Improved rounding of automatic axis limits by reducing the significant digits requested within floating point round off error limits.
ADO.NET Data Extender
No Changes.
DataObjects for WinForms
No Changes.
DynamicHelp for WinForms
No Changes.
Editor for WinForms
No Changes.
Excel for .NET
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where position of Custom Header image is changed when saving an excel file using C1Excel.
Added a new constructor with license key (C1XLBook class).
Flash for .NET
No Changes.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where exception error 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException' is thrown in some cases when frozen region boundary is clicked.
Fixed the issue where multi-selection with Ctrl key does not work correctly when filter is applied on C1FlexGrid.
Fixed the issue where RowColChange event is fired twice when selection range is changed during the event.
Fixed the issue where ValidateEdit event of C1FlexGrid is raised on clicking a button with CausesValidation property set to false.
Added EscPassThrough property for controlling of firing KeyPressEdit and KeyPressUp events if Esc key was pressed.
Added IC1MultiColumnDictionary2 interface with GetColumnValue method for retrieving data from any column of MultiColumnDictionary.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where unhandled exception is thrown when the ‘Task Information’ dialog for the empty C1Ganttview is canceled.
Fixed the issue where task information tooltip text gets trimmed on zooming C1GanttView and then selecting a bar.
Fixed the issue where a bar's long text gets trimmed on zooming C1GanttView.
Made Task.IsCollapsed and Task.Summary properties public in order to expand or collapse summary tasks.
Added data binding feature. The new C1GanttViewStorage component handles all data operations for the C1GanttView control and contains specific data storages for tasks, resources, calendars, and properties for binding corresponding collections to the data. After you set up required mappings, C1GanttView is able to synchronize data in both directions without any additional code.
Breaking Changes
Now it is necessary to reference C1.Win.C1FlexGrid assembly.
Now it is necessary to reference C1.Win.C1Schedule assembly.
Changed inheritance for classes TaskCollection, CustomCalendarCollection, ResourceCollection from BindingList to C1.C1Schedule.BaseCollection.
Gauge for WinForms
No Changes.
Input for WinForms
Breaking Changes
Added new C1ColorPicker and C1FontPicker controls. These controls support VisualStyles and Theming.
Reference to C1.Win.C1Command is now necessary.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where TabStop property of C1RangeSlider does not work.
Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException is thrown on restoring form and on pressing Window+D in which some InputControls use RibbonControlHost
Fixed the issue where Upper/Lower thumb button of C1RangeSlider does not move on clicking the right/left side of the slider track.
Fixed the issue where Thumb is not shown completely by setting CornerRadius property of C1RangeSlider.
Fixed the issue where Theme does not get rendered when custom Theme is created for C1TextBox ReadOnly property is applied.
Japanese era is now editable.
New eras can be now added using static C1DateEdit.AddJapaneseEra method.
Added ability to set different calendars for Edit and Display mode.
New Features
Property C1TextBox.MaskInfo.RegexpMask added to set edit mask in regular expression style. IME output supported are:
InputPanel for WinForms
Added the CueBanner property to InputTextBox and other similar elements. It gets or sets the textual cue, or tip, to prompt the user for information.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where position of Scrollbars of C1List is changed when resized using C1SizerLight.
Fixed the issue where C1List throws error on exporting it to excel.
Fixed the issue where checkbox in C1List can’t be checked or unchecked when Right to Left and vertical scroll bars are displayed.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
No Changes.
PDF for .NET
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where a field with font 'Arial, Bold' is not embedded correctly if any other field with font 'Arial, Regular' is rendered before it in C1Report.
Fixed the issue where FillPath method does not draw rounded corners properly.
Added support for translucency using graphics state.
Added UniqueFontsPerPage flag for pages with various fonts.
Reports for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where exception occurs on exporting report containing barcode fields with zero height or width.
Fixed the issue where margins of the fields are incorrectly drawn in the design-time if C1Report.CreationDevice is set as Printer and in C1ReportDesigner, ‘Use C1Report.CreationGraphics as reference graphics to render fields’ option is checked.
Fixed the issue where only SubReport data (and not parent report's data) is exported on exporting C1Report containing 'SubReport' to 'Text' using 'RenderToFile method'.
Fixed the issue where RTF fields break between pages incorrectly.
Fixed the issue where 'NullReferenceException' is thrown when a C1Report containing 'Null' value field with any 'Format' is exported using 'RenderToFile' method.
Fixed the issue where exception is thrown when a Form with C1PrintPreviewControl or C1PreviewPane displaying RPL content is minimized.
[C1ReportDesigner app] Added alphabetical sort for BarCode types in report designer application.
Breaking Changes
Projects using C1.C1Report.CustomFields now must also have references to C1.Win.4 and C1.Win.BarCode.4 assemblies (applies to .NET 4.0 version only).
Projects using C1Report now must also have references to C1.Win.4 and C1.Win.BarCode.4 assemblies (applies to .NET 4.0 version only).
Added the ability to reference paths to special folders specified by the Environment.SpecialFolder enum, in ConnectionString elements in the report definition XML files. For example, the following ConnectionString may be used to connect to C1NWind.mdb installed by the C1Studio installer: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=?(SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)ComponentOne Samples\common\c1nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False".
Added Step, Histogram, Radar, and Polar chart types to the Chart Field in C1Report.
[C1ReportDesigner app] Added KeyTips to the script editor window.
[C1ReportDesigner app] Added IntelliSense to the script editor.
[C1ReportDesigner app] Added split window mode to the script editor.
[C1ReportDesigner app] New shortcut keys added: F7 – to show script editor and Shift+F5 – to switch to design mode.
[C1ReportDesigner app] Default custom fields get automatically loaded.
[C1ReportDesigner app] Removed the word "Field" from custom fields's names in the UI of report designer.
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where ObjectDisposedException is thrown when MessageBox is displayed in the LostFocus event of TextBox and RibbonApplicationMenu is clicked.
Fixed the issue where 'Cross-thread operation not valid' exception is thrown when a drop-down in a multi-threaded application is opened.
Fixed the issue where if the user adds both the ribbon menu and one of the items from the menu dropdown to the QAT, then on removing RibbonMenu from the QAT, other items are also removed.
Fixed a small misalignment issue in Ribbon Form caption for high DPI modes.
Fixed the issue where shortcut keys do not work for items of the Ribbon Context Menu.
Fixed the issue where Pressing the key of a KeyTip character immediately after pressing the Alt key broke KeyTips consisting of multiple characters.
Fixed the issue where unlike MS Office, KeyTips of RibbonItems disappeared on holding down the Alt key, pressing KeyTip key, and then releasing the Alt key.
Added the HasBorder property to RibbonToolBar indicating whether the toolbar buttons should have borders for Office2007/Windows7 styles.
Added the MinusClick and PlusClick events to RibbonTrackBar. They are fired when the user clicks the Minus or Plus buttons.
Added the CueBanner property to RibbonTextBox and other like elements. It gets or sets the textual cue, or tip, to prompt the user for information.
Added the TopToolBar property to C1Ribbon. It represents a toolbar beside the window system buttons.
Added the BottomToolBar property to C1Ribbon. It represents a toolbar that appears below the Ribbon.
Added the ContextMenuItems property to C1Ribbon. The new ShowContextMenu method displays the items at the specified screen position.
The Application Menu can be displayed at the top left corner of C1RibbonForm when C1Ribbon.HideTabHeaderRow is set to True.
Fixed the issue where font size changes to hot styles on changing Theme.BaseFont property are not correctly propagated.
Fixed the issue where C1Calendar and C1Schedule controls Control.Font property restores back to the original value.
Other Changes
WinXP Visual Styles and styles related to Office 2003 representation have been marked as obsolete. It will be removed in the some future release. This includes Office 2003 palettes, showing day statuses in the DayView mode as colored bars, and appointment borders colored with busy status brush. This doesn't include Office 2003 WeekView style.
SSRSDocumentSource for WinForms
No Changes.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1SizerLight does not resize the Font of the controls when 'ResizeFont' property is set to True.
SpellChecker for WinForms
No Changes.
SplitContainer for WinForms
Added the ShowCloseButton property and CloseButtonClick event to C1SplitterPanel. The user can hide the panel when the Close button is clicked.
Added better support for DPI-aware applications.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
Added new GetToolTip(ToolStripItem item) overload.
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Error message will now be displayed if standard built-in themes cannot be loaded for some reason. This occurs because application does not reference C1.C1Zip.X.dll.
TileControl for WinForms
No Changes.
TouchToolKit for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where AutoShowControl property does not behave correctly for composite controls.
Removed ZoomFont method from the C1ScheduleZoomPolicy and C1CalendarZoomPolicy policies. This functionality is already implemented in the C1Schedule and C1Calendar controls.
True DBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where IC1EmbeddedEditor.GetValue method is not called while using a custom editor.
Fixed the issue where RTL Column Headers revert to LTR when sorted.
Fixed the issue where error message is displayed on filtering a Column with 'Float' DataType using the FilterDropDown.
Fixed the issue where FilterDropDown menu of C1TrueDBGrid does not display all the items of the column when DataView property is set to Hierarchical and nodes are expanded.
Fixed the issue where C1TrueDBGrid can not be properly inputted when MarqueeStyle is FloatingEditor and EditMask is set.
Fixed these issues with 'Hierarchical' DataView of C1TrueDBGrid: Collapse method now does not throw exception while expanding and collapsing, the grid now displays the data correctly in the rows, and now rows are correctly expanded when the grid is expanded using the 'ExpandBand' method of the C1TrueDBGrid.
Fixed the issue where aggregate values can be displayed in subgroups.
Fixed the issue where ‘BeforeRowColChange’ event is fired incorrectly in C1TrueDBGrid.
Added ‘Footer’ value for C1DataColumn.GroupInfo.Position, which displays the grouped text only in the Footer Row of the group.
Added AggregatesText property for C1DataColumn.GroupInfo, which allows users to set the text data for the aggregates values in groups (like Totals, Average, etc.).