Fixed the issue where CleanFilterButton did not work correctly in BoolFilter.
Fixed the issue where Value of FilterSummary was still displayed even after setting 'FilterSummary.AggregateType=None'.
Fixed the issue where the FilterValueChanged event is fired when clicking 'ClearFilterButtons' of CheckListFilter and CalendarFilter.
Fixed the issue where Error Message box occurred when setting 'CustomFormat' of DateRangeFilter to c1DataFilter.
Fixed the issue where CustomFilter's controls did not render correctly on scrolling the DataFilter.
Filters are removed when the DataFilter's DataSource is set to None.
Added support for updating CheckListFilter items when the data source is a DataTable and the data source is changed.
Added the ShowClearFilterButtons property to the C1DataFilter control. This property gets or sets a value indicating whether to show clear filter buttons in the filter headers or not.
Added the Reset method to the Filter class. This method resets the filter value to the default value.
Added support of navigation using keyboard and mouse by date editor of the DateRangeFilter.
Added support of summaries for ChecklistFilter items.
Added support of custom format for the DataRange filter.
Added support for themed scrollbars.
Added the AutoWidthMode property. This property gets or sets the mode by which the C1DataFilter automatically sets its own width.
Added the PredicateExpression class. This class represents the expression which takes a predicate as the filtering function. This class doesn't work with a DataTable.
Other Changes
CheckListFilter and DataFilter can't use the same data source when this data source supports data source change events (DataTable, BindingSource, etc.).
Document Library for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where a user-specific PDF was not printed properly when printing using C1PDFDocumentSource.
Added property float C1PrintOptions.ImagesScaleFactor { get; set; }. This property gets or sets the scale factor used to scale images before printing. Low resolution images that need to be sized up to fit the target physical bounds can be scaled either by the printer driver, or by C1DocumentSource. When this property is 1 (the default), all scaling is done by the printer. On some printers, this can lead to visible distortions. To avoid this, set this property to a value greater than 1 (e.g. 2, 3 or 4), which will cause C1DocumentSource to scale the image before sending it to the printer, and may help reduce the distortions. The specific value depends on the printer, and can be
selected by trial and error. Note that this does not affect the final printed size of the image, it only controls how the image is resized.
Fixed the issue where RtfField content shrinks on exporting FlexReport to PDF, for high DPI.
Excel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where exported excel file shows garbled font name when the sheet contains RTF text.
Fixed the issue where C1Excel objects, comments and lists related issues occurred while adding or deleting row.
Fixed the issue where it was requested to add options to make exporting process more responsive.
Fixed the issue where the column's default width changed after loading and saving back a JP Excel file using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where it was unable to open the exported Excel file saved using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where it was unable to open the exported Excel file saved using C1Excel.
Added feature that allows to make visualize loading and saving processes (*.xlsx, *.xls, *.csv).
ExpressionEditor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where SubCategory was not removed immediately.
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where the newly added Category Item's Position was not retained at run time when moving the position of this item.
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where the Theme.ImageButton.Hot.ForeColor was not applied to ImageButton.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the available chart types are consistent for FlexChart and Series in ChartDesigner.
Fixed issue with incorrect point selection when data had null values.
Fixed an exception when chart type was set to Histogram at design time.
Fixed the issue where the normal curve was rotated correctly in Histogram chart.
Fixed an issue with design time serialization of FlexPie in VB project.
Fixed possible exception in FlexPie's animation.
Fixed the issue where C1RangeSlider was cracked at design time, when Minimum value and Maximum value were the same
Fixed the issue where FinancialChart Alligator and IchimokuCloud implementations now correctly invalidate the chart with changes to Style properties.
Added support for runtime designer (new C1.Win.FlexChart.Designer.dll).
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where [4.5.2] the FlexGrid license popped-up when exporting to Excel using 4.5.2 version controls.
Fixed the issue where FlexGrid's constructor throws NullReferenceException in a .NET Core 3 application.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException was thrown when expanding the row detail and closing the form after grouping.
Fixed the issue where the count was different between column datatype DateTime and String in the footer of grid on deleting all rows.
Fixed the issue where the scroll bar did not display properly when changing the number of rows or columns.
Fixed the issue where when the first fixed column was merged, the condition (selection row position) for displaying the selector was different from the previous version.
[WinForms][FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where ApplySearch with Filter and OnlyVisibleColumns parameters did not filter when the last column in the grid was invisible.
Fixed the issue where the Expression Editor icon was not displayed at the correct position of C1FlexGrid after setting 'RightToLeft=Yes'.
Fixed the issue where the Grouped column was not displayed at the correct position on grouping many columns till the scroll bar appeared.
Fixed the issue where background image was not affected on C1FlexGridGroupPanel after setting.
Fixed the issue where data was not fixed with grid cell at run time when font was changed at design time.
Fixed the issue where font size of the fixed cells was getting smaller on changing from 'Marterial'/'MaterialDark' themes to 'ExpressionDark'/ 'ExpressionLight'
Fixed the issue where search data was not cleared in the C1FlexGrid when SearchDefinition set was to null.
Fixed the issue where StarWidth property did not work correctly on setting ExtendLastCol to true and calling the "AutoSizeRows" method.
Fixed the issue where the FlexGrid's Image missed the right border on setting RightToLeft property to Yes.
Fixed the issue where in the Japanese version, the button's caption was incorrect in the column's StyleEditor.
Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid was stuck when loading big data and adding MergedRanges.
Fixed the issue where CellChanged event fired many times on changing values in non-grouped columns.
Fixed the issue where DefaultSize property of Rows and Cols properties were not localized in Japanese text.
Added InitRowDetailProvider, RowDetailsVisibilityMode, AreRowDetailsFrozen properties and RowDetailsApplying event for C1FlexGridBase class. These members are used to setup showing of the detail control in the additional row below regular row with data. The detail control must implement IC1FlexGridRowDetail interface. There were also added RowWithDetail, DetailRow classes which inherited from Row class.
These classes can be used to control collapsing and expanding of detail row though its members.
[4.5.2] Added C1InputPanelRowDetail control. This control can be used for inline editing of C1FlexGrid data in bound mode.
[4.5.2] Added C1FlexGridRowDetail control. This control can be used to represent data with relations.
Added SearchDefinition property for C1FlexGrid to get or set an XML string containing the current search state.
Improved description of CellStyle.SearchBackColor property.
Added CellLabelDelay property for C1FlexGrid to get or set the period of time in milliseconds, when the mouse pointer remains over a cell, whose contents are partially hidden, before the tooltip label is displayed.
Added ShowFilterIcon property indicating whether the column filter icon is displayed or not.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the foreground color of the subtotal rows did not change on setting the SubtotalForeground property at runtime until recalculating the subtotals.
[FlexPivotPage] Fixed the issue where 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException' was thrown on previewing and setting 'Extend last column=true' through 'Document Options' dialog.
[FlexPivotPage] Fixed the issue where print preview of FlexPivotChart was not rendered correctly on setting some dark theme.
[C1FlexPivotSlicer] Added accessibility support.
[C1FlexPivotChart] Added support for end-user Copy action. On pressing Ctrl+C chart image in png format is copied to clipboard.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the image fields containing metafile were rendered incorrectly when the system resolution was not 96.
Fixed the issue where the designer crashed if a field insert button was pressed, and a sub-section was added and the mouse was clicked in the sub-section.
Fixed the issue where the property SubSection.ForcePageBreak was not serialized.
Fixed the issue where the designer was not working correctly on a high DPI screen.
FlexViewer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the zoom dialog was too small for long localization strings.
Fixed the issue where the missing localization string was not added for the LimitSearchToCurrentPage property description.
Fixed the issue where the C1FlexViewer.SetPageIndex() method did not work when the document layout was not updated.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where editing a task on sorting and grouping the grid, was causing selection of the last task.
Fixed the issue where 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred on editing filter tasks based on custom column, after loading filter containing xml.
Fixed the issue where Task of C1GanttView was not properly displayed in chart view by creating code.
Fixed the description for ShowNonworkingTime property.
Fixed the issue where 'System.ArgumentException' occurred sometimes after changing FieldStyles.Font through 'Field Styles Collection Editor'.
Fixed the issue where the Tooltips of tasks reflected on the summary bar did not contain task information.
Fixed the issue where Value of 'Inactive=true' was not able to be retained after cancelling the edited property of task through 'C1GanttView.Tasks Collection Editor' dialogs at design time.
Fixed the issue where 'Duration Only (MileStone)' task reflect bar was shown outside of Summary Task bar.
Fixed the issue where Expand button of 'Project Summary Task' was displayed when calling the undo after adding sub-tasks.
Fixed the issue where the expand/collapse button of manual task that became summary task after applying indent task did not persist in .xml file.
Fixed the issue where some controls overlapped each other in "Style Settings" dialog of C1GantView.
Fixed the issue where link lines between two summary tasks were lost while calling undo after deleting the successor task.
Fixed the issue where on using data binding, the value of Task.Duration was not saved correctly.
Fixed the issue where task Name was clipped if it contained "&" character and was shown in the Chart Area.
Fixed the issue where the current view of Chart View was lost when setting bar text as 'Center/Top/Bottom' after calling ScrollToTask().
Fixed the issue where task of C1GanttView was not properly displayed when calling undo function after moving task to down through 'Move Task Down' toolstrip.
Fixed the issue where 'SelectedTaskIndex' was shown as two values when moving the last task in C1GanttView to down through 'Move Task Down' toolstrip.
Fixed the issue where the project Summary task bar was not properly displayed on splitting the task after changing to 'Manual' task mode.
Added the roundToDurationUnit parameter to the C1GanttView.ImportFromMsProjectXml method. It indicates whether the Start and Finish will be rounded according to the DurationUnits property.
Added C1GanttView.Options.OutlineColumn property.
Gauges for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1BulletGraph] Fixed the issue where the value border of BulletGraph was not shown properly when closing and re-opening the form at design time after setting 'ShowValue=True'.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1Button and C1SplitButton had wrong horizontal text alignment on setting VisualStyle to Officexxx styles and RTL to true.
[C1Button] Fixed the issue where full text was not shown on hovering the mouse although 'AutoEllipsis=true' after applying the theme.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the dropDown item background was displayed incorrectly sometimes when changing the theme.
Fixed the issue where Japanese language processing related classes were not included in 4.5.2 assembly.
Fixed the issue where the current selected item was not shown in visible screen while many items were added in C1SplitButton and the selection was performed by keyboard navigation.
Fixed the issue where drop-down form of C1ComboBox was maximized by pressing "Windows + Up" key.
Fixed the issue where some C1Input controls were not working properly on pressing "Window + Up/Down" keys after opening the drop-down.
[C1DateEdit] DropDown calendar now shifts by two months when double-clicking the next/previous arrow.
[C1SplitButton] Added up/down arrow buttons in the drop-down list. Arrows appear when not all items fit on the screen.
The Value property is now displayed at design time instead of Name, so do the updated MS controls.
[C1Label] C1Label displays underline for shortcut character when the theme was applied.
[C1SplitButton] Nested SubMenus now work correctly in a separate thread or in a multithreaded application.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the horizontal scroll bar of c1InputPanel was not properly shown when applying 'ForceScrollBars' after setting 'ScrollBars=Both'.
Fixed the issue where the ArgumentOutOfRangeException was thrown when InputDatePicker with Persian culture was used.
Added the ToolTipMember property to the InputComboBox class. This property gets or sets the property to tooltip for items of InputComboBox.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the caption was not loaded properly when the saved layout was loaded in C1List.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where the default value of the RowDivider.Style property was incorrect at design time.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where SelectionChanged event was fired when adding items if SelectionMode was set to 'Checkbox'.
[C1List] Fixed the issue where ShowHeaderCheckBox and ItemHeight properties could not be reset.
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where some properties could not be reset.
Fixed the issue where the application loses focus when the first CellTip was displayed.
Fixed the issue where C1Combo was not showing all the items when using it through User Control.
[JP] Fixed the issue where some property descriptions were not translated to Japanese.
[C1List] Added HotRowChanged event.
[C1List] Hovered row is now highlighted using the HighLightRowStyle.
Other changes
[C1List] Removed RowTracking obsolete property.
Added HotTracking property.
Menu and Toolbar for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1CommandDock][C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where C1CommandDock did not rearrange C1ToolBar controls automatically when changing their sizes at runtime.
Fixed the issue where [C1DockingTab] label position was moved on double-clicking the header of the floating page to re-dock after applying the themes.
Fixed the issue where C1ToolBar was fired from activate event when clicking on C1ToolBar menu item.
Fixed the issue where the 'ReflectionTypeLoadException' exception occurred during initialization.
Fixed the issue where some C1DockingTabPage child controls disappeared on redrawing.
Fixed the issue tab corners were not equally rounded for active tab and hovered tab when 'TabStyle=Office2010/Office2007' and 'Alignment=left/right'.
[C1CommandLink] Added Padding property for C1CommandLink class.
MultiSelect for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where PlaceHolder text was shown even after the tags were added using 'AddRange' method in tageditor control.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where PlaceHolder text was shown even though TagsDataSource was bound.
[C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where PlaceHolder text was shown when list was bound to DataSource of C1TagEditor.
[C1MultiSelect] [C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where PlaceHolderText was not displayed when text in the header part was deleted when the DisplayMode was set to 'Text' after adding the tag.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where PlaceHolder text was shown when the edit mode escaped by double clicking in the header part.
Fixed the issue where C1TagEditor/C1MultiSelect placeholder text was removed when DisplayMode was set to Text.
[C1TagEditor][C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where TextChanged event was fired twice after changing the Text property.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where the Rectangle box was shown in display area after applying Theme to c1multiselect.
Fixed the issue where incorrect text was shown in header part when DisplayMode is 'Text' and AutoCompleteMode is 'Suggest' or 'SuggestAppend'.
Fixed the issue where an extra duplicate character appeared in header area when the DisplayMode was set to 'Text', TagWrap to 'True' and AutoCompleteMode to 'Suggest'/'SuggestAppend'.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where both the typed text and dropdown item were shown in header area on opening the dropdown when the DisplayMode was set to Text.
Fixed the issue where an empty string item was not checked if DisplayMode was changed at runtime.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where the focus rectangle of C1MultiSelect item was not shown.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where more than one item could be typed in header area even though SelectionMode was 'Radio'.
[C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where the ForeColor was not applied to Dropdown button when it was set at design time.
Added separate placeholder element in C1TagEditor/C1MultiSelect.
[C1CheckList] Added accessibility support.
PDF for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the character spacing of the string output by the DrawStringHtml method may be incorrect.
Fixed the issue where the UserPassword prompt did not appear in Edge browser, for password protected PDF.
Fixed the issue where DrawStringRtf threw Win32Exception in .NET 4.7+.
Fixed the issue where using DrawStringHtml threw ArgumentException when specified Font was inconsistent.
Fixed the issue where vertical alignment was different for Edit and Read mode for TextBox with MultiLine.
Fixed the issue where a request was made to provide information on FlexReport performance issue.
Reports for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the RTF text was rendered incorrectly in certain reports.
Ribbon for WinForms
Added new designer for the IconSet property.
Added new icons to default icon presets.
Added smart tags to the C1BackstageView.
Added the PreferredItemSize property to RibbonMenu and RibbonSplitButton components. This property specifies the size of the drop-down items.
Added support for scrolling the content of the selected tab.
The ProgressBar value can now be set via Accessibility.
Added accessibility support for the DatePicker drop down.
Added the GetColorIndex method to the RibbonColorPickerItem class. This method returns the color index from the palette.
Added the GalleryItemTextImageRelation property to the RibbonGalleryItem class. This property specifies the position of text and image relative to each other.
Added the LargeImage, Image, SmallImage properties to components of ribbon. These properties have been added for ease of migration from the classic version of the Ribbon.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the RibbonMenuItem's icon size wasn't refreshed when the 'PreferredItemSize = Large'.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonGroup icon didn't display correctly in dark themes.
Fixed the issue where the Bitmap icons didn't show correctly in the dark themes.
Fixed the issue where the QAT bar appeared above the ribbon at Simplified view.
Fixed the issue where the Transparent color is shown in automatic color box even after setting 'Automatic Color'.
Fixed the issue where the Current Selected Color wasn't shown on Icon after changing ButtonEnable from 'False' to 'True'.
Fixed the issue where the Ribbon Group size hanged in QAT bar. Fixed the issue where the RibbonColorPicker didn't show the selected color when it was placed in QAT.
Fixed the issue where the control remained visible on the form after it was set as the value of the BackstageView tab Control property.
Fixed the issue where the tabs scrolling didn't work correctly with contextual tab groups.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonGroup image was shown incorrectly in the collapsed state.
Fixed the issue where the Groups shown in QAT were incorrect.
Fixed the issue where the Groups had the wrong layout when a group was placed in the QAT, in simplified view.
Fixed the issue where flickering was observed on re-sizing C1RibbonForm when AutoSize property was set to true.
Fixed the issue where the day name was not shown properly in ribbonDatePicker after applying 'Material/MaterialDark' themes.
Breaking Changes
Default icon of the RibbonColorPicker was changed. The old icon will not update its color.
Removed the VerticalLayout property from the RibbonGalleryItem class.
Other Changes
Removed beta licensing.
Ribbon (Classic) for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the MDI child form worked incorrectly with navigation keys in maximized state.
Fixed the issue where the name of the day was not shown properly in ribbonDatePicker after applying 'Material/MaterialDark' themes.
Fixed the issue where Flickering was observed on re-sizing C1RibbonForm on setting the AutoSize property to true.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when the parent of the C1StatusBar changed.
Fixed the issue where some controls were cut off in 'Tex Search Panel' of C1RibbonPreview when Material/MaterialDark themes were applied.
Scheduler for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the category name was not displayed correctly when clicking on a category name after grouping by 'Category'.
Fixed the issue where C1Schedule's scroll position changed on maximizing while applying C1Theme.
Fixed the issue where the file Version and description of C1Shedule.Extended.4.5.2.dll was missing and incorrect.
Fixed the issue where the GoToDate method works incorrectly in month view after applying some themes.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where 'C1Sizer Gradient Editor' dialog box was not closed after opening the 'BackColor:' transparent property.
SpellChecker for WinForms
[DictionaryEditor] Added option to load word list from an ActiveX C1Spell .dct file. To activate this option use "/ax" command line argument. "C1DictionaryEditor.4.5.2.exe /ax"
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the theme was not applied properly on some controls while changing ApplicationTheme from Material to MaterialDark.
Fixed the issue where all buttons of C1Input controls were not visible in 'Disabled' state in Office2013DarkGray and Office2013LightGray themes.
Fixed the issue where the text on MS Button was unreadable when 'Office2016Black' theme was applied.
Fixed the issue where 'Filter' icon was hardly to be seen in C1FlexPivot panel in 'ShinyBlue' theme.
Fixed the issue where Material, MaterialDark, Office2016Green themes were not in alphabetical order in the theme combo box dropdown when setting up a theme using C1ThemeController in design time.
Fixed the issue where C1ThemePicker was not displayed in the Toolbox icon.
Fixed the issue where "Theme not found" Exception was thrown sometimes on opening the form at design time while applying the custom ApplicationTheme.
Fixed the issue where the ApplicationTheme was sometimes overwritten after switching between forms at design time.
Fixed the issue where ApplicationTheme was not applied when the application was started from another startup project.
Fixed the issue where the text of 'show caption' checkbox was not shown completely in the C1BulletGraph preview.
Fixed the issue where some text was not displayed completely in the RibbonBaseForm after applying the material theme.
Fixed the issue where calendar was not shown in the left NavBar panel when the RibbonForm is opened.
Fixed the issue where the navigation button of the calendar was not shown properly after applying the material theme in ThemeDesigner.
Fixed C1FlexGrid Footer style in standard build-in theme.
Added IC1Themeable interface which helps to control the applying of a theme.
An additional parameter has been added to the C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree method, which allows to apply the theme to the children controls regardless of whether the theme has been applied to the parent control.
Added IC1Themeable interface which helps to control the applying of a theme.
An additional parameter added to the C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree method, which allows to apply the theme to the children controls regardless of whether the theme has been applied to the parent control.
TouchToolKit for winForms
Fixed the issue where the Control Designers did not attach in 4.5.2 version.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException was thrown on calling the Dispose() method in FormClosed event after entering edit mode in TreeView.
Added the ColumnHeaderMouseClick event to the C1TreeView control. This event occurs when the user clicks a column header.
Added support of gradients for CustomContentPresenter from themes.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the OK and Cancel buttons were overlapping in C1TrueDBGrid Designer dialog box in 150% (Recommended) DPI.
Fixed the issue where TrueDBGrid's filter bar dropdown had incorrect height when opened for the first time.
Fixed the issue where the overflow button in the column filter dropdown did not disappear in some cases when the form was closed.
Fixed the issue where the CaptionHeight, BorderColor, width and height of Scrollbar could not be reset after setting specific value from design time.
Fixed the issue where when RightToLeft was applied, the split borders did not appear, and the individual split could not be resized.
Fixed the issue where filter result was not properly shown when filtering multiple column with TimeSpan column using FilterDefinition.
Fixed the issue where AfterColUpdate event fired for column with built-in combo when value didn't change.
Fixed the issue where "Input string was not in a correct format" error was shown when focus was changed, while opening TrueDBDropDown.
Fixed the issue where Filter applied mark was not shown for TimeSpan column when re-opening the dropdown again after opening dropdown of another column.
Fixed the issue where BackgroundImage and ForegroundImage are not shown when setting the image at design time.
Fixed the issue where the column value that ends with space was not filtered properly while setting FilterBar to True and FilterMultiSelect to False.
Fixed the issue where incorrect filtering was observed with a column containing square brackets.
Fixed the issue where incorrect filter result was shown when filter translated 'integer' column with original data value from 'FilterBar'.
Fixed the issue where the ambiguous error was observed when the C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.4.dll was added in the application with C1Zip.
Fixed the issue where filtering from filter bar shows no result when setting data type of TrueDBGrid's column to 'DateTime' and its NumberFormat to 'Long Time'.
Fixed the issue where the right Scroll Bar was not moving up when using TrueDBGrid in Inverted DataView.
Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException was observed when filtering with MaintainRowCurrency and setting it to True.
Fixed the issue where the Expand/Collapse icon overlapped the first character of the grouped row when C1TrueDBGrid was exported to Excel.
Zip for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the zip entry name was garbled on Windows Explorer when using UTF8 encoding.
Other Controls
Other Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where System.MissingMethodException was thrown while adding UserDictonary, LineMarker, AxisScrollbar, ChartToolTip to form at design time.
Other Improvements
[C1Icon] Added the C1CompositeIcon class. This class represents an icon created from multiple icons.
[C1Icon] Improved parsing of svg strings, honor double precision numbers.