Improved Image property behavior when barcode is not on the form, but just in memory.
Bitmap for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException was thrown when the JXR file is rotated by using TransformOptions.
Other Changes
The first public build of C1Bitmap.
Excel for .NET
Bug Fixes
Fixed multiple issues observed when loading .xlsx file containing cells with thousand separators and 11 decimal values.
Fixed the issue where I' cursor was not shown in c1FlexGrid edit mode when loading .xlsx excel file to c1FlexGrid by using LoadExcel() method.
Fixed the issue where height of an image was reduced when image was added and saved to excel file using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where the error 'Invalid Excel OpenXml file' occurred on opening an excel file that contained TabColor and formula after saving as another one.
Fixed the issue where the first sheet was always selected when setting 'SelectedIndex' value less than 'FirstIndex' value.
Fixed the issue where one of the columns in the second sheet became invisible after saving in the different path and opening it.
Fixed the issue where Japanese characters, font styles, watermarks, and shapes were not rendered in the output .xlsx file.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where description and remarks of the properties of Funnel Chart's Options were incorrect.
Fixed the issue where LineMarker disappeared after changing chart's ancestors.
Fixed the issue where legend was not displayed when binding data with series in Funnel chart.
Fixed the issue where LineMarker was still visible by changing another tab page when adding C1FlexChart to TabControl.
Fixed the issue where designer issues resulted in exceptions and design time property sheet issues.
Fixed the issue where SymbolRendered event fired when appropriate.
Fixed the issue where LineMarker exception occurred when top form's size changed.
Fixed the issue where moving/dragging the LineMarker did not change its Content when using "Bar" ChartType.
Added LineMarker improvements.
Added AxisScrollbar behavior improvements
Moved design time code to separate assemblies to permit FlexChart and FinancialChart to operate in ClientProfile.
Added funnel chart.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where AutoSizeCols method threw exception when Rows.Count was set to 0 in C1FlexGrid.
Fixed the issue where I' cursor was not shown in c1FlexGrid edit mode when loading .xlsx excel file to c1FlexGrid by using LoadExcel() method.
Fixed the issue where scrolling / resizing of the C1FlexGrid with many rows took a long time
Fixed the issue where exception was thrown in C1FlexGrid designer.
Fixed the issue where opening in-built designer of C1FlexGrid having C1SplitContainerPanel as parent crashed Visual Studio.
Fixed the issue where RowValidating event e.Cancel did not work.
Fixed the issue where C1FlexGridSearchPanel's cursor was moved to the start position when space symbol was typed in SearchPanel.
Fixed the issue where bottom border for column headers and the right border for row headers were missing.
Fixed the issue where Arabic words did not display correctly in C1FlexGrid.
Fixed the issue where cell labels were shown even when the complete text was visible in the cell.
Fixed the issue where AutoSizeCols took more time in adjusting the width of all columns in the grid.
Fixed the issue where text margins inside a cell were reduced from previous build.
Fixed the issue where a black block was displayed on the screen on higher resolutions when a table column was moved
Fixed the issue where search results in the grid were incorrect when setting 'FilterSearchResults' after searching using FlexGridSearchPanel.
Fixed the issue where percentage (%) cell value disappeared in edit mode when loading excel file containing percentage values.
Fixed the issue where flickering was observed in column header by double-clicking/opening dropdown of editor when setting some c1Input controls as Custom Editor.
Added HandleInvisibleChildren property in GridTree class to display or not collapse/expand button in case of invisible children nodes.
Breaking Changes
Improved the EditMask behavior for numeric fields in FlexGrid.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the cells didn't merge together even if the values of upper and lower cells were same.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where vector images were garbled
Fixed the issue where C1FlexReport.EndPage event was not fired for last page of the report.
Fixed the issue where BarCodeField rendered incorrectly in some rare cases if it was within GroupHeader.
Fixed the issue where calculated report field rendered incorrectly if it was in the ReportFooter and linked with report's Main DataSource, it showed no data.
Fixed the issue where an error occurred during rendering if name of field of DataSource was VBScript keyword like "To", "While" etc.
Fixed the issue where report rendered incorrectly in Turkish locale if any identifiers in the report (such as report or data field names) contained the character "i".
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where InvalidOperationException occurred by clicking the Next or Previous button on the search bar of C1FlexViewer while search was in progress.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where it was impossible to switch from Custom paper size to a standard paper size in the Page Setup dialog.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where the Page Setup and Portrait/Landscape buttons were disabled for PDF documents.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where a form containing C1FlexViewer was inherited from another Form, and the page count label in C1FlexViewer always displayed zero (0).
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where an error occurred when the type of report parameter default value did not match the type of allowed values.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where keyboard support was broken for the Thumbnails view in RightToLeft mode.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where backward/forward navigation was broken in RightToLeft mode.
Added two more variants to define hyperlink in the report.
Added ReportLinkTargetScript that is executed when user performs navigation.
Added ReportLinkTargetBookmark.
Added properties Report and ParameterValues properties which allow to create a link to another report or to same report with different parameters.
Added new FlexChartField report field, supporting the following chart types: Column, Bar, Line, Scatter, LineSymbols, Area, Spline, SplineSymbols, SplineArea, Bubble, Candlestick, HighLowOpenClose, and Funnel.
Added Now ForcePageBreak specified for FieldBase, Section or SubSection assigned to the RenderObject.LayoutBreak to improve exporters.
[FlexViewer] Added the ThumbScrollDirection property specifying the direction of scrolling for the Thumbnails view.
[FlexViewer] Changed scrolling animation.
Breaking Changes
Renamed SubreportParameterValue to ReportParameterValue.
[FlexReport Designer App] Added "Add FlexChart" button on the INSERT tab.
Other Changes
[FlexViewer] Added reference to C1.Win.FlexChart.4.dll.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where some menu items from context menu of c1GanttView's chart pane were in active state despite deleting all rows.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException was thrown when reopening the dropdown after pressing delete key and setting EmptyAsNull property to true.
[C1SplitButton] Fixed the issue where the item added to dynamically create DropDownItem object did not show at RunTime.
[C1SplitButton] Fixed the issue where DropDownItemClicked event was fired only after the dropdown was closed.
Fixed the issue where C1TextBox validation went wrong in the case of exit (lose focus) twice.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox did not change a value when it used ItemsImageList.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox was not provided circular selection on pressing key when DropDownStyle = DropDownList.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where Key was duplicated if pressed before DropDownForm was not opened while DropDownStyle was set to DropDownList.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where DropDown of C1ComboBox was opened while DropDownStyle=DropDownList even if character that did not match the items from dropdown list was pressed.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where height of the blank row was less than the other rows when font size of C1ComboBox was increased.
[C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where the focused item and the selected item didn't match when the selected item was dragged down of dropdown portion.
Fixed the issue where C1NumericEdit threw "OverflowException" exception on setting its value to "double.PositiveInfinity"
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where C1DateEdit's DropDown Calendar opened behind the Form if the Form was shown as a modal dialog.
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where DateValueSelected event did get fired by using Keyboard.
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where ValueChanged event of C1DateEdit did not get fired when pressing UpDown arrow key or clicking UpDown button of control.
[C1CheckBox] Fixed the issue where 'Flat' and 'Pop up' FlatStyle was not displayed correctly when VisualStyle or Theme was set.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where White strip (or artifacts) appeared in BackColor near the border.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox did not apply the Multiline property when the Enabled was set to false.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox's Text was selected when the focus was shifted to it and Escape key was pressed for the first time.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where ForeColor property value was changed to SystemColors.WindowText when Enabled property was set to False.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where letters in C1TextBox could not be deleted forward by pressing Delete key when EditMask was set.
Fixed the issue where C1DateEdit and C1NumericEdit were not refreshed after the theme was changed.
Fixed the issue Exceptions were thrown when the Value property was set DBNull.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where the dropdown list of C1FontPicker was still opened when the dropdown form of C1DropDownControl was parent of C1FontPicker and the C1DropDownControl was closed.
[C1RangeSlider] Fixed the issue where RightToLeft property did not work.
[C1Button] Fixed the issue where VisualStyle of C1Button was not changed to Custom on applying BackColor after VisualStyle was set.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where white space appeared at the end of ListBox in the dropdown and selected font was not shown in the text area when the font was selected by using arrow key.
[C1DBNavigator] Fixed the issue where BackColor remained in some part of C1DBNavigator even after the resetting.
[C1Label] Fixed the issue where the C1Label border was sometimes drawn incorrectly or not drawn at all when BorderColor property was changed.
[C1NumericEdit] Fixed the issue where the Calculator.ButtonFlatSyle property value was changed before the Calculator form was opened.
Removed "C1Input" from validation and data conversion error dialogs' captions.
[C1ColorPicker] Increased the C1ColorPicker default size.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where items were not completely visible in the drop down list when the list was opened for the first time in the case MaxDropDownItems property had increased.
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where extended part of dropdown was not populated with columns if DropDownWidth greater than C1Combo.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where "NullReferenceException" was thrown when restoring the layout after docking and autoHiding.
Fixed the issue where there was no splitter between the two tabs when docking side by side.
Fixed the issue where docking tab page did not refresh to the dock position when re-docking the floating tab page.
Fixed the issue where if toolbar contained invisible items, layout was changed on first form load in the Designer.
Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab's right scroll button not rendered properly with some of the Visual style options.
Fixed the issue where on double click, C1DockingTabPage did not return to its original position when in float state.
Fixed the issue where an error message box was shown by pressing 'Ctrl+Z' after dragging and dropping C1CommandDock on the form.
Fixed the issue where the Docking tab page was not retained to the drop position when the form was maximized after docking and floating tab page.
Fixed the issue where BackgroundColor and BorderColor properties of NormalPage style were not serialized at design time.
Fixed the issue where C1NavBar panel was not refreshed after VisualStyle was changed.
Fixed the issue where C1NavBar VisualStyle (2003Olive) was not applied when set in design time.
[C1TopicBar] Fixed the issue where some properties of the C1TopicBar.PageStyle were not applied.
[C1DockingManager] Added Dragging event.
PDF for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the attached Pdf document was not opened when adding attachment to pdf document by using C1PdfDocument.AddAttachment() method.
Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException occurred in C1.UWP.Pdf.dll when creating lines in PdfDocument using PdfDocument.DrawLines() method.
Get font data using DX library.
Reports for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Added a few missing Japanese localization strings
Fixed the issue where the about link in C1Report and related components' design time action lists were not localized for Chinese and Korean locales.
Fixed the issue where printing progress in Print progress dialog was not updated when C1PrintDocument was printed from code via C1PrintDocument.Print(...) method.
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1Ribbon dropdown/popup windows worked after pressing the Windows+Down/Windows+Up keys.
Added the AllowExtendedSubmenuHeight property to RibbonApplicationMenu to allow the submenu options to extend outside the application menu.
Added the AllowExtendedSubmenuHeight property to RibbonApplicationMenu to allow the submenu options to extend outside the application menu.
SpellChecker for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where description of "BadWordFound" event was not localized in Japanese.
Fixed the issue where no description was shown for the "BadWordAdded" event handler in the Properties Grid.
[Themes Designer App] Enabled maximize button in regular and ribbon-based preview forms.
[Themes Designer App] Fixed calendar icon in theme preview.
Theme Office2007Blue was changed for C1TextBox.
[Themes Designer App] Reduced clutter in "Find" and "Filter" combos' dropdowns.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where InvalidOperationExcepiton was occurred at design time after 'Ctrl+Z' where pressed.
Fixed the issue where the SelectedNodes property had the EditorBrowsableState.Never attribute and the IntelliSense did not see it.
Fixed the issue where text of nodes was cut off when a node was collapsed or expanded and the RightToLeft was the Yes value.
Fixed the issue where exception occurred after cell was edited and DataColumn was read only.
Fixed the issue where vertical alignment 'Top' was shown as 'Bottom'.
Fixed the issue where 'Remove' and 'Add child' buttons were not localized in TreeNodes Editor.
Fixed the issue where the ImageList control was removed after the c1TreeView was removed at design time.
Fixed the issue where vertical scrollbar of c1TreeView did not scroll while dragging any node to bottom most or top most nodes.
Fixed the issue where redo/undo function did not work correctly in c1TreeView at Design Time.
Fixed the issue where Expand/Collapse icon was changed without changing expand state of node when e.Cancel was set to true in both of Collapsing and Expanding events.
Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException' occurred while pressing 'Shift' key and selecting the node by mouse at the same time.
Fixed the issue where a node was not expanded when mouse over on it and other node was dragged.
Fixed the issue where 'NullReferenceException' occurred after editing node when data source was self-referencing.
Added the C1TreeNode.IsReadOnly method to get a value indicating whether the contents of the nodes cell can be changed.
Added the LinesStyle property of style to get or set the style of dashed lines.
Added C1TreeColumn.DataMap to get or set an IDictionary used to associate cell values with display values in the ComboBox editor.
Added new default editors: DatePicker, NumericEdit, ColorPicker.
Added the support of themes for default editors.
Added the ContextMenu property into the C1TreeNode.
Added the focus rectangle that equals the cell size
Other Changes
Applied styles of nodes to the contents of the node but not the row.
TreeView now shows the combobox editor only for a hot node cell.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where ArguementOutOfRange was occurred when the grid didn't contain a filter value and the grid contained empty rows.
Fixed the issue where editor of first row was still visible when the condition filter was applied.
Fixed the issue where the text from FilterBar disappeared when user typed second "/" in DateTime column.
Fixed the issue where the application hung when C1TrueDbGrid's MarqueeStyle was set to FloatingEditor and C1TrueDbGrid was added to nested SplitContainer.
Fixed the issue where borders style setting in HeadingStyle did not apply to grid.
Fixed the issue where AfterColEdit event was raised after the TrueDBGrid Filterbar lost focus.
Fixed the issue where AfterFilter event was raised twice after a checkbox column was filtered.
Fixed the issue where ConditionFilter worked incorrectly with conditional operators.
Fixed the issue where HeadingStyle font did not reset after PrintPreview was shown.
Fixed the issue where unwanted blank row space was observed when EmptyRows was set to true and the last row visibility was set to false.
Fixed the issue where the Print method didn't use PrinterSettings of TrueDBGrid.
Fixed the issue where a drop down list was shown to the upper left square of the grid, after double-clicking on the combobox type cell when the AutoDropDown was set to true.
Fixed the issue where EvenRowStyle/OddRowStyle did not apply for buttons.
Fixed the issue where C1TrueDbGrid filter did not change when the FilterText was set from event handler for the ribbon button Click event.
Fixed the issue where application did not close when ShutDownMode was set to "When last form closes" and TrueDBGrid's combobox was opened.
Fixed the issue where Checkbox wasn't checked in the filter dropdown although all data was shown in the grid.
Word for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where 'System.InvalidCastException' was thrown when the rft file was loaded containing image to C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where the image in the MS Word file was not retained when loaded to C1WordDocument and saved in Docx format.
Fixed the issue where RTFString was not shown in output when the C1WordDocument was saved in RTF format.
Fixed the issue where the text in the table was not shown when the C1WordDocument was saved in RTF format.
Fixed the issue where Forecolor of RTF paragraph was not affected when the C1WordDocument was saved in RTF format.
Fixed the issue where "\n" in the paragraph was replaced by underscore when the C1WordDocument was saved in RTF format.
Changed from internal to public some properties of the Word/RTF drawing canvas.
Changed DOCX format reader for support merged cells of the table.
Added ForeColor for Word/RTF paragraph object.
Other Bug Fixes
[C1Document] Fixed the issue where setting of font-bold / italic sometimes became incorrect for printing or exporting when there were more than one fields.
[C1Document] Fix double bold and italic settings.
[C1Document] Fixed the issue where an exception occurred in rare cases if document contained the large blocks of text.
[C1Document] Fixed the issue where selection worked incorrectly in some scenarios.
[C1IntelliSpell] Fixed the issue where unlike VS2010 , context menu of Task List was missing in VS 2015 and VS15 preview.
[C1IntelliSpell] Fixed the issue where unlike VS2010 , 'Next' and 'Previous' navigation buttons in ComponentOne IntelliSpell Dialog box were not working correctly in VS2015 and VS15 Preview 4.
[C1IntelliSpell] Fixed the issue where the c1IntelliSpell sporadical VS2015 was hanging when it made Undo pending changes and closed file in editor simultaneously.
Other Improvements
[C1DX] Small improvements to the common structures like Matrix3x2 and others.