Added support for the 'letter-spacing' style attribute for HtmlElement.
Added C1.Framework.TreePanel class. This class inherits from BasePanel and provides a tree panel with rows and columns.
Added the DropDownFormBase class. This class represents a base drop down form for the drop down control.
Improved the API for device dpi support.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the ScrollBarElementStyles applied the size to the ScrollBarElement without dpi scaling.
Fixed the issue where the rendering issue occurred on using SuperLabel with FlexGrid.
DataFilter for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the descriptions of some properties were not localized in Korean.
Fixed the issue where the CheckListFilter's text was cut off on setting the font style was as italic at both design time and run time.
Document for WinForms
Numbers can be displayed in Arabic format.
Added the Parameter.SelectAllValues method.
AutoFontSize functionality now available with WordWrap.
Option available now to set the TextFitMode of a TextField to AutoFontGrowOnly or AutoFontShrinkOnly.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the issue where some text in specific PDF file was displayed black when previewing with C1FlexViewer.
Fixed the issue where rendering report to PdfFilter threw InvalidOperationException when exporting WMF in FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where the Tab Indentation was not working as expected with FlexReport TextField.
Fixed the issue where the C1PdfDocumentSource was not exported correctly when the application was DPiAware and scaling was more than 100%.
Fixed the issue where the Paragraph Field was not rendered in non-paginated exported (*.docx) and (*.rtf) files of C1FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where the limited number of characters in TextField was greater than 32000.
Fixed the issue where the application hung on previewing C1FlexReport that had Text Field with long text and TextFitMode set to AutoFontSize.
Other changes
Request to provide an option to print a rotated report.
Editor for WinForms
[.NET Framework] Added RenderEngine property and IERenderEngine enum.
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where in 64 bit applications, an image could not be resized with the corner handles in C1Editor.
Excel for WinForms
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the exception thrown while using Library with C1Excel in a NETCore Razor Page App.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where exception occured while loading Excel with error cell.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the RGB value was incorrect when saving with gray background color set for the cell.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where PrintSettings.AlignWithMargins set to true was shown in exported xlsx format file.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where C1Excel cell value issue containing formulas were not working correctly.
FlexChart for WinForms
[NET6] Added Runtime toolbar (new assembly C1.Win.FlexChart.Toolbar.6.dll).
[NET6] Added design-time support for charting controls.
Improved data label layout for pie chart.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred on adding FlexChart's toolbar at design-time.
Fixed the issue where the Y-Axis.AxisLine property could not be set correctly at design-time.
Fixed the issue with FlexChartToolbar's items attached to overflow button.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred for SVG export with German regional settings.
Fixed the issue with form deactivation when using LineMarker.
Fixed the issue where the LinePattern did not apply correctly for line charts.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when using the time axis with minor grid.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Added Column Picker. This is a C1FlexGrid window, which provides an easy to use clean UI to search and selection columns of a FlexGrid.
Added IFlexDataGrid interface to support data integration with complex views such as C1FlexGridBandedView. C1FlexGrid now implements this interface.
Improved performance when setting AllowMerging to RestrictCols, RestrictRows or RestrictAll.
Improved performance for Node.AddNode method.
Bug Fixes
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where the FlexGrid control was displayed incorrectly when switching between different BandedViews.
Fixed the issue where the AutoSizeRow method could not resize with NewLine at the end.
Fixed the issue where the column and row headers were rendered with the wrong style when applying the theme if the ShowThemedHeaders property was set to Both.
Fixed the issue where the FlexGrid was rendered incorrectly in the MDI child Form when scrolling horizontally.
Fixed the issue where the column was not disposed when it was removed from Cols collection.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where grouping and Subtotals were not fully supported by C1FlexGridBandedView.
Fixed the exception that occurred when setting the tree node level.
Fixed the exception that occurred when adding the root node sibling.
Fixed the exception that occurred in the banded grid when reordering columns after grouping.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where the EditBands dialog was closed at design-time when the parent band was added after removing all bands.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where the parent band wasn't displayed immediately in EditBand form when it was added at design time.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where some property and event descriptions were not localized in Japanese.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when clicking on a frozen cell in the grid with one column.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when grouping unbound data with DBNull.
Fixed the issue where incorrect AutoSizeRows() resulted when AutoSizeFlags was SameSize.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the Font style did not apply in the FlexPivotSlicer's 'Caption' when the entire control's Font sets.
FlexReport for WinForms
Added C1FlexReportDesigner.MetricRulers property to define whether the FlexReportDesigner ruler will shown in metric units or in inches.
Implemented the Trendline feature in FlexChart field of FlexReport. The TrendLine class is added to the Series collection.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the field Split Behavior was different in FlexReport when the image fields were vertically intersected.
Fixed the issue where the ZOrder property was not working properly on setting the AutoHeight to CanGrow.
Fixed the issue where the Group pages count of top-level group was incorrect.
FlexViewer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the diagonal scroll wasn't working in FlexViewer on any touch device.
Fixed the issue where the 'Previous' button's image in the Search bar of FlexViewer was missing.
Input for WinForms
Breaking changes
Changed the namespace of the DropDownAlignment enumeration from C1.Win.Input to C1.Framework.
Added RegexpMaskType property for MaskInfo.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the dropdown was opened although focus was changed to another control when the AutoOpen was set to True.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the suggested items didn't display properly in the suggestion dropdown when the AutoCompleteMode was set to Suggest.
Fixed the issue where the descriptions of some properties and events were not localized into Korean.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the C1Combobox didn't show image using HtmlPattern.
Fixed the issue where the C1TextBox.Focused always returned false.
Fixed the issue where the C1Button, C1CheckBox, C1RadioButton, C1SplitButton ignored moving focus using the Left and Right keys.
Fixed the issue where the C1RadioButton TabStop property was set to false after dragging a control for a form from a toolbox at design time.
Fixed the issue where vertical alignment didn't work when setting the Multiline property to false.
Fixed the issue where it was not possible to change an item using the Up/Down key in a C1Combobox when DisplayText was set and a dropdown was open.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where the C1Fontpicker didn't rescale fonts on changing the DPI.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where the C1Fontpicker didn't receive input focus when it's TabIndex was set to 0.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where upon setting 'RightToLeft' to 'True', the DropDown of c1FontPicker was not applied as 'RightToLeft' layout.
Fixed the issue where the TextBox control ignored the value of the AcceptsReturn property.
[.NET Framework][DateEdit] Year of C1DateEdit wasn't updated when InitialSelection property is set to CaretAtEnd.
[.NET Framework]When MarkEmpty was True and Text was empty in the C1TextBox, the input value might be displayed in the wrong font after toggling the enabled state.
Added RegexpMaskType and RegexpMask based on MS Regex with support of custom keywords for Japanese and half-width/double-width symbol groups.
Added property IsRegexpPatternRecognized for MaskInfo which allows to check whether pattern for RegexpEditMask was recognized or not.
Hid the TabStop property and TabStopChanged event for C1Label.
Added support for displaying focus rectangle for C1Button, C1SplitButton, C1CheckBox and C1RadioButton.
[C1NumericEdit] Added the NegativeColor property to the NumericEditStyles class (C1NumericEdit.Styles.NegativeColor).This property Gets or sets the foreground color of the control which contains negative value.
[C1FontPicker] Added ItemFontSize property. It allows to set custom font size for DropDownForm fontitems.
[C1FontPicker] Added input prevalidation for C1FontPicker. Added ValidationBehavior property. This property determines Picker's behavior when validating user input.
Focused property always returned false.
[.NET Framework]Added the AllowPreload property to the C1ComboBox control. This property indicates whether C1ComboBox should preload items into the dropdown form after setting the data source.
[.NET Framework]Improved the performance of the C1ComboBox dropdown form.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the InputRadioButton reset was in its checked state after calling InputPanel.Focus twice and changing the InputRadioButton value at runtime.
Menu and Toolbars for WinForms
[C1NavBar] Added scaling support for bounds-related values including HighDpi support.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1BackstageView descriptions of some properties were not localized into Korean.
[C1DockingManager] Fixed the issue where the DragSizingMode property and Dragged event descriptions were not localized into Korean.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the application was hung sometimes in an infinite loop when resizing the C1DockingTab.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the application hung sometimes when the closing C1DockingTabPage was canceled during RestoreLayout.
PDF for WinForms
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework]Images in print document are not rendered in result file if exporting print document loaded from (*.rtf ) file (saved from FlexReportDesigner) to any format.
[.NET Framework]Issue in displaying particular RTF in the RtfField of FlexReport.
PrintDocument for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[RibbonPreview][PrintPreview] Fixed the issue where the related page was not moved after navigating to another page and clicking outline again.
[C1PrintPreviewControl] Fixed the issue where the "Find Text" panel was displayed incorrectly in PrintPreviewControl when the form font was large.
[C1RibbonPreview] Fixed the issue where the first page was navigated by clicking "Previous" button on the minimized ribbon.
Fixed the issue where the description of "Minimized" property and "UpdatingItemStyle" event of c1Ribbon were not localized to Japanese.
[C1RibbonPreview] Fixed the issue where the PrintPreview dialog was not translated into Russian.
[C1RibbonPreview] Fixed the issue where the "Zoom in/zoom out" command in context menu was not disabled when re-setting non max/min zoom.
[C1RibbonPreview] Fixed the issue where the "Copy Text" command was disabled on copying all content with "Ctrl+A".
Ribbon for WinForms
Breaking changes
RibbonStyle.UpdateInstance has been renamed to RibbonStyle.Update.
C1Ribbon, C1StatusBar and C1RibbonForm had one RibbonStyle instance for all of their instances. They now have single RibbonStyle instances.
Removed the static RibbonStyle.Instance property.
The RibbonStyle.UpdateInstance is non static now.
Added the UpdateChildStyles method. This method Switches the RibbonStyle and all styles of child controls to the specified Office 365 theme.
Improved DPI support.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where RibbonTab ignored the Stretch property of C1BitmapIcon.
Fixed the issue where the Ribbon control showed wrong specific fonts when theme was applied and application supported dpi awareness.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonControlHost didn't resize correctly when moving the form from one monitor to another with a different scaling.
Fixed the issue where some drop down buttons of ribbonItems were distorted when setting 150% DPI.
Fixed the issue where the text of a disabled RibbonButton didn't change when the button was placed in a C1BackstageView.
Fixed the issue where C1BackstageView didn't apply the LeftWidth property value.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonForm was closed when clicking on a custom submenu item in the system menu if the system menu was called from the form's icon.
Fixed the issue where InvalidOperationException was thrown when the RibbonForm created in different thread was moved from one monitor to another monitor of different scaling.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonForm was closed when clicking a custom submenu item in the system menu.
RulesManager for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where some property descriptions were not localized in Korean.
Scheduler for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an appointment could not be resized after importing from an XML file.
[NETFramework] Fixed the issue where the user was not able to set the TimeInterval of the C1Schedule to 12-hours.
Initial version.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug fixes
[.NETFramework][C1SizerLight] Fixed the issue where the location of the controls was spoiled when resizing the form after resizing any control manually at runtime.
[.NETFramework]Fixed the issue where the auto-hidden C1DockingTab pages were resized incorrectly using C1SizerLight after pinned/unpinned.
[.NETFramework][C1Sizer] Fixed the issue where the GridEditor wasn't displayed correctly on a monitor with a scale factor of more than 200%.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
Added UseCellTips property indicating whether the tooltip should display ToolTipText of Microsoft's ListView items or Microsoft's DataGridView cells.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1SuperToolTip was not disconnected from the control and its child when ToolTipText was empty and the control was not Microsoft's ListView or Microsoft's DataGridView.
Fixed the issue where the Cancel button and tooltip text of C1SuperLabel editor were not localized in Japanese.
Fixed the issue where the table width was cut off on previewing C1FlexReport with SuperLabel field that contained the table in html.
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[NET6][ThemeDesigner] Fixed the issue where the FlexPivot filter UI was not shown in the theme preview.
[NET6][ThemeDesigner] Fixed the issue where the Gauge, C1FlexPivotSlicer and C1DashboardLayout were not added into ThemeDesigner .NET 6.
TreeView for WinForms
Added DataMemberPath property to the C1TreeView.BindingInfo class, which gets a collection that identifies the names of a specific record set within the DataSource by tree levels.
Added CheckedMemberPath property to the C1TreeView.BindingInfo class, which gets a collection that identifies the data source fields that are used to bind to the C1TreeNode.Checked property.
Added DisabledMemberPath property to the C1TreeView.BindingInfo class, which gets a collection that identifies the data source fields that are used to bind to the C1TreeNode.Enabled property.
Added KeyMemberPath property to the C1TreeView.BindingInfo class, which gets a collection that identifies the key fields of the data source by tree levels.
Added DisplayMemberPath property to the C1TreeColumn class, which gets a collection that identifies the fields to be displayed in the column depending on the level of the node.
Improved behavior of DataMember, CheckedFieldName, DisabledFieldName, KeyField properties from the C1TreeView.BindingInfo class and the DisplayFieldName property from the C1TreeColumn class.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the nodes could not be edited after the first edit.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
[.NET Framework] Added optional parameter includeGridCaption for SaveExcel method. This method allows to point whether the TrueDBGrid caption should be included in the export.
[.NET Framework] Added Split.CollapseHierarchicalRow, Split.ExpandHierarchicalRow. Made public Split.CollapseGroupRow and Split.ExpandGroupRow to allow expand/collapse single rows only for part of splits of GroupBy or Hierarchical grid.
[.NET Framework] Added Split.ShowExpandIcons property to allow hide expand-collapse buttons for splits.
[.NET Framework] Added FilterBarMarqueeStyle and Style.MarqueeBorderColor properties.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where SelectedRows were not correct when last row deletion was cancelled.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the ConditionFilter handled floating point values incorrectly when the user's locale used "," as the decimal separator.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where printing the Grid did not continue the long cell data to the next page if DataView was GroupBy or Hierarchical.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where incorrect DLL name was shown in the error message.
Word for WinForms
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where some phonetic symbols were rendered as Japanese characters in exported (*.rtf) result file of C1FlexReport.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where numbering was rendered as square in result *.rtf file exported from word document that contained numbered list.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the Issue where PDF file was exported with PrintDocument when using DejaVu font.