The Licensing model has been updated from 2020v2 release for all WinForms controls.
CalendarView for WinForms
Bug fixes
[C1CalendarView] Fixed the issue where sometimes the CalendarType property was not set properly.
[C1CalendarView] Fixed the issue where month sometimes could not be changed after setting the MaxDate.
[C1CalendarView] Fixed the issue where calendar sometimes could not be navigated to the next or previous month for the first time.
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where the Value property did not sometimes get reflected in the drop-down calendar.
Chart for WinForms
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1Chart.4.5.2 assembly and C1.Win.C1Chart3D.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Other changes
[Core 3.1] [C1.Win.C1Chart.4.5.2] [C1.Win.C1Chart3D.4.5.2] ContextMenuStrip class replaces ContextMenu class, as latter is not supported by .Net Core 3.1 anymore.
Classic Ribbon for WinForms
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .NET Core 3.1. applications.
C1.Win.C1RibbonPreview.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .NET Core 3.1. applications.
Bug fixes
[C1RibbonForm] Fixed the issue where the resizing cursor did not appear on the inactive C1RibbonForm when the theme was applied.
Other changes
[C1.Win.C1RibbonPreview.4.5.2] Removed the ContextMenu property and ContextMenuChanged event not supported by .Net Core 3.1, in C1RibbonPreview class. The MainMenu class has been replaced by MenuStrip in C1RibbonPreviewDialog class.
DashboardLayout for WinForms
Added the C1DashboardLayout.ItemContainerAction event, and DashboardIte.IsMaximized and IsHidden properties.
DataFilter for WinForms
Breaking changes
Changed reference from the C1.Win.DataCollection to the C1.DataCollection.BindingList in the 1.0.20201.25 version.
Changed the behavior of the AutoApply property. This property only has an effect when changes are made from the user interface. If filters have been changed from code-behind, it is the application’s responsibility to apply them. The ValueChanged event argument has been changed to the ValueChangedEventArgs class.
Changed the behavior of the Checklist filter. The filter is not applied if there are no selected items. Override the ‘IsApplied’ property to return the old behavior.
Bug fixes
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where AggregateException had occurred while filtering with 'IsOneOf' filter operator in string type.
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where the control used the wrong license record.
Fixed the issue where the auto-generated labels were not properly localized in C1DataFilter.
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where the Delete button was not visible on filter operation while entering long text in the Filter Value text box.
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where all elements of c1FilterEditor were not refreshed immediately while applying C1Themes.
[FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where the Text in FilterEditor wasn't shown properly while changing the control parent.
Checklist Filter now uses FilterOperation.IsOneOf.
[FilterEditor] Added localized strings for drop lists.
[FilterEditor] Added icons for the drop-down list of operations.
[FilterEditor] Added support of custom editors. You should use the CustomEditorInitializing event and implement the IValueEditor interface.
Added the GetFilterExpression method. This method returns the current value of the filters that can be applied.
Implemented the GetPreferredSize method. This method retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted.
[FilterEditor] Added support for nested properties in the drop-down property list.
[FilterEditor] Added the ListingProperty event. This event occurs before a property is added to the drop-down property list.
Document Library for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where some Report sections were still displayed in exported .xlsx file although the height property was set to '0'.
Fixed the issue where the Report Sections with Height equal to 0 was displayed in non-paginated rtf or docx exported file.
Fixed the issue of spaced text when exporting FlexReport to HTML.
Fixed the issue where the Text was cutting when exporting FlexReport to HTML.
Fixed the issue where the Page Header was not displayed properly in non-paginated .rtf or .docx export.
Fixed the issue where a table in this document became corrupted when the error was thrown in exported non-paginated rtf/docx export when the FlexReport contained a table.
Fixed the issue where the Line style was not correctly rendered in HTML export if the pdf file was loaded with different line styles to C1PDFDocumentSource.
Fixed the issue where Checkboxes did not show correctly in the viewer page of Flex Report.
Fixed the issue where some of the contents were missing in exported document when SSRS report was exported as inverted 'HTML document'.
Fixed the issue where LineSpacing in the TextField or Paragraph field were not affected in exported RTF/Word/Excel files.
Fixed the issue where 'Border' style was changed to 'Line' style of 'Shape' fields in exported RTF and Word file.
Fixed the issue where the content was not continuously displayed in exported paginated rtf/docx format while exporting .flxr files that contain Text/Rtf/Paragraph Field with long content and AutoHeight.
Fixed the issue where Header text were cut off in exported Word/RTF file.
Fixed the exception that occured while rendering certain PDF files.
Fixed the issue where Expand/Collapse buttons were shown on all the rows in the SSRS report viewer.
Fixed the issue where some of the contents were missing in exported document when SSRS report was exported as inverted 'HTML document'.
Fixed the issue where the Page navigator did not work properly in exported HTML document when exported with specific output page range.
Fixed the issue where there was a performance issue in FlexReport as compared to C1Report when exporting to PDF.
Fixed the issue where the 'First Page' and 'Back' buttons were not disabled in html export although the report had one page.
Enabled the “Viewer Preference" button in PDF Export option form.
DynamicHelp for WinForms
Bug fixes
[Core3.1] Fixed the issue where the 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred while running the .Net core project with C1DynamicHelp.
Other changes
[Core 3.1] Added conditional compilation for not supporting Core 3.1 ToolBarButton class and added ToolStripButton class support in UIElementResolver class.
Editor for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentNull Exception was thrown while formatting web links in C1Editor.
Fixed the issue where the page with C1Editor did not receive focus.
Fixed the issue where the CRTL+C was not working in C1Editor Preview Mode while using C1EditorToolStripMain.
Excel for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the error 'We found a problem with ...' occurred in the result excel (.xlsx) file when loading .xls file containing Frequency() formula.
Fixed the issue where an error message occured in save .xlsx file when loading .xlsx file with blank cell after setting 'FitPagesDown/FitPagesAcross' value.
Fixed the issue where Italic/Bold font style could not be saved correctly in the saved .xlsx file by using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where the font properties of the number in the cell was not retained when reading the.xls file saving just as it is.
Fixed the issue where the horizontal text alignment was not retained when reading the .xlsx file saving as .xls file.
Fixed the issue where some image was not properly displayed in the background of the sheet in .xls file.
Fixed the issue where the C1Excel hung when some malformed RTF code was assigned to Cell value.
Fixed the issue where the .xlsm file lost the PaperKind value on loading and saving using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where a block sign was shown in save .xlsx file when hovering the mouse over the image if the first sheet was invisible.
Fixed the issue where the second sheet could be hidden in the saved .xlsx file if the first sheet was invisible.
Fixed the issue where C1Excel throws InvalidOutOfRange Exception when loading the Workbook referencing the external workbook's Cell in NamedRange.
Fixed the issue where the A4 setting could not be applied to the PaperKind setting. (TFS:434995)
Reduced memory consumption (5% for cells, rows and columns, about 15% at save to XLSX (Open XML format).
Used System.IO.ZipArchive instead C1ZipFile in C1Excel (for 4.5.2 version).
Added a feature to handle multiple named ranges with the same name in C1Excel.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue with exception in histogram plot.
Fixed an exception that was thrown while plotting negative values in Trendline with some FitTypes.
Fixed the issue where a series was considered as stackable when its ChartType was same as the parent chart's type.
Fixed the issue where the BoxWhisker chart worked incorrectly with DataTable.
Fixed the issue where the LinePattern was incorrectly applied to annotations.
Fixed the exception during animation after removing series with auxiliary axis.
Fixed the exception when using Series with Histogram chart.
Fixed the issue where ranged histogram was not displayed correctly.
Fixed the exception in pie chart with scrollable legend.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Improved performance at creating big trees.
Implemented the IFormattableView interface for interacting with the C1RulesManager.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the Cell background color did not correctly reflect when saved in .xlsx format.
Fixed the issue where reordering Columns threw NullReferenceException while hosting C1FlexGrid in WPF application.
Fixed the issue where the FlexGrid Boolean column showed small-sized CheckBoxes when the Form's Font unit was set in Millimeter.
Fixed the issue where the footer row was linked to the previous grid row when the tree style was Lines|Symbols|Leaf.
Fixed the issue where DataSourceChanged or DataBindingComplete events didn't occur in some cases.
Fixed the issue where the layout on C1FlexGridSearchPanel was incorrect at design time in high DPI environment.
Fixed the issue where the AutoSizeRow method did not adjust the row height as expected when the ExtendLastCol and the cell's WordWrap was true.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Other changes
Added the CreateWorkspace method to C1FlexPivotPanel class in order to avoid C1.DataEngine licensing when the C1FlexPivot is used as C1.DataEngine requires a special licensing when it is used separately.
Bug fixes
[.NetCore3.1] Fixed the issue where 'System.MIssingMethodException' occurred when clicking on the FlexPivotGrid.
C1FlexPivotGrid] Fixed the issue where SubtotalBackground and SubtotalForeground was not theme-able.
Fixed the issue where the NullReference exception occurred when the DataSource was changed at runtime.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where an error occurred while importing crystal report to FlexReport Designer.
Fixed the issue where the Base64 encoded Image was not rendered in FlexReport's SuperLabel field.
Fixed the issue where the width of table in HTML did not fit the page and did not show the correct preview in C1FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where ForcePageBreak specified for SubSection of SubReport was ignored.
Fixed the issue where Subreports containing groups with the setting ‘KeepTogether == WholeGroup’ could be rendered incorrectly in certain scenario.
Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException was thrown on setting un-named text field as 'Text' property through 'Expression Editor'.
Fixed the issue where double clicking on the Subreport property of a SubreportField gave the error: "Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted to type 'C1.Win.FlexReport.C1FlexReport'. "
Removed a full path from the Save As dialog.
Fixed the issue where KeyNotFoundException was thrown on editing properties after making changes in the Groups dialog.
Fixed the issue where the Designer raised OutOfMemory exception.
Fixed the issue where the FlexReportDesigner App did not open the .flxr file on double clicking the File Explorer.
Fixed the issue where the SuperLabel did not display an html correctly when its height was not determined and the AutoHeight was set to AutoSizeBehavior.GrowAndShrink.
Fixed the issue where the SubSections.Move method worked incorrectly.
Fixed the issue where the FlexReportDesigner did not create ForcePageBreaks.
C1.Win.FlexReportDesigner.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Improved rendering performance in scenario when report contains invisible subreport fields.
Other changes
FlexReportDesigner.4.5.2 project .NET Core 3.1: Replaced ToolBar class with ToolStrip class, Removed ContextMenu property and ContextMenuChanged event. Replaced public property Menu with MainMenuStrip property instead.
[Core 3.1] [C1.Win.FlexViewer] Removed ContextMenu property not supported by .Net Core 3.1, in C1FlexViewer class.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug fixes
[Core 3.1] Fixed the issue where the tooltip was displayed incorrectly in the 'Field Name' drop-down list of the 'Advance Filter' dialog box.
Fixed the issue where the Bar Height of a progress bar was not shown properly in 'Bar Styles' dialog after changing bar height through 'Layout' dialog.
Fixed the issue where the Tasks count was shown incorrectly when deleting all tasks after selecting all rows on loading MS project xml file with multiple tasks. (
Fixed an exception that occurred when sorting 'ByDuration' after loading MS project .xml file with multiple tasks.
Fixed the issue where setting 'Default' BarStyle did not display correctly in all tasks.
Fixed the issue where the 'RemoveSort()' method did not worked properly after deleting all tasks while sorting the tasks in GanttView.
[Core 3.1] Fixed the issue where the tooltip displayed incorrectly in the 'Field Name' drop-down list of the 'Advance Filter' dialog box.
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1GanttView.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Input for WinForms
Breaking changes
[Core 3.1][C1.Win.C1Input.4.5.2] The ContextMenu class is replaced with ContextMenuStrip class for Core3.1 compatibility.
[C1DbNavigator] The ButtonStyle property is now obsolete.
C1TextBox, C1CheckBox, C1Button, C1Label and C1SplitButton can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Bug fixes
[4.5.2][C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the C1TextBox.MaskInfo.RegexpMask was absent in 4.5.2 version but present in 4.0.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the background color was not updated sometimes in C1TextBox when the Enabled property was changed to False.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the C1TextBox threw the stackoverflow exception when setting a Text value from the Validated event.
InputPanel for WinForms
Breaking changes
The ContextMenuStrip property replaces the public property ContextMenu in InputComboBox, InputDataNavigator, InputDatePicker, InputMaskedTextBox, InputNumericBox, InputTextBox and InputTimePicker classes.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the AutoSize InputPanel property didn't work properly when adding items through code.
Fixed the issue where the AutoSize property was not localized to Japanese.
C1.Win.C1InputPanel.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
List for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the Header and footer rows were not displayed correctly if splits were added and Material theme was applied.
[.NetCore3.1] Fixed the issue where the System.MIssingMethod exception occured when running the .NET core project with C1List.
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1List.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Other changes
[Core 3.1] [C1List] Removed the ContextMenu class unsupported by .NET Core 3.1.
Removed unused code using "WHIDBEY" compilation symbols in C1ComboDesigner class.
Removed unused GridColumnEditorForm class.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug fixes
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the ForeColor property of the C1DockingTab was not affected on the C1DockingTabPage;
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where an application could freeze sometimes while restoring if the C1DockingTab was placed on it.
[.NetCore3.0] [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where "System.MIssingMethod” exception occurred when the C1DockingTabPage was changed to the floating state.
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1Command.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Other changes
[Core 3.1] The ContextMenu, ToolBar, DataGrid, and Menu classes, which are not supported by .Net Core 3.1, are placed by ContextMenuStrip, ToolStrip, DataGridView and ToolStripDropDown classes.
Moved C1Command strings to resources (StringsManager)
MultiSelect for WinForms
Other changes
[C1CheckList] SelectedItem and SelectedIndex are hidden from the PropertyGrid.
Added the CheckImageList property. This property gets the image list that is used to indicate the state of the C1CheckList items. (TFS:430978)
Bug Fixes
[C1CheckList] Fixed the issue where the C1CheckList horizontal scroll didn't work for long texts.
PDF for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the Underline and StrikeOut text line extends past the end of text if the text contain Japanese characters.
Fixed the issue where the Underline style does not get properly displayed in the exported PDF file.
Fixed the issue where the corners of the chart are not displayed correctly.
Report for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the System.NullReference exception was thrown when the C1.Win.C1ReportDesigner.C1ReportDesigner/ was disposed for the second time.
Ribbon for WinForms
Breaking changes
Removed the HotTransitionEffect and ToolTipMaxWidth properties from the C1Ribbon class. Use the ToolTipSettings.MaximumWidth property instead.
Removed the ToolTipMaxWidth property from the C1StatusBar class. Use the ToolTipSettings.MaximumWidth property instead.
Removed the AllowSelection property from the RibbonButton class. Use the SelectableInListItem property instead.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue of inconsistent behavior between run-time and design-time after removing all ribbon tabs from the design time.
Fixed the issue where the 'Key Tip' of QAT, Tab and Configuration Toolbar were shown in BackstageView while opening the BackstageView.
Fixed the issue where C1Ribbon was still showing full view when the loaded layout was simplified.
Fixed the issue where the FlipImageRtl property didn't work correctly when the Ribbon's RightToLeft property was set to Yes at runtime.
Fixed the issue where the form icon didn't show in the c1RibbonForm title bar when changing the custom form icon and setting FormBorderStyle 'None' to other enumerations.
Fixed the issue where the form icon didn't show on the c1RibbonForm title bar when the HideTabHeaderRow property was changed.
Fixed the issue where the C1Ribbon elements got distorted in simplified view when a gallery element was selected for the first time.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonMenu showed the text twice when switching from full view to simplified one.
Fixed the issue where the image wasn't shown in "Select Image" dialog box when reselecting the tab.
Fixed the issue where the resizing cursor did not appear on the inactive C1RibbonForm if the theme was applied.
Fixed the issue where Ribbon displayed small items when they had LargeImageOnly group size.
Fixed the issue where the ribbon items on the left side of the BackstageView had the wrong theme color.
Fixed the issue where the Ribbon threw an exception after changing many icons from design time.
Fixed the issue where the controls on the right side of the BackstageViewTab lost focus after pressing the up, down, right and enter keys.
Fixed the issue where the C1RibbonForm displayed the caption text with indentation when the icon was hidden or the form didn’t have icon.
Fixed the issue where the C1RibbonForm had an incorrect background color in the 'Material' and 'MaterialDark' themes.
[New Ribbon] Fixed the issue where an error message box was thrown when clicking on the ellipsis button of the source property in the "Select Image" dialog box.
Added the PerformClick method to the RibbonButton component. This method performs the RibbonButton.Click event. Added the PerformDoubleClick method to the RibbonButton component. This method performs the RibbonButton.DoubleClick event.
Added the PopupToolTip event. This event occurs before a tooltip is displayed and allows to change the position of the tooltip.
Added the PlacementMode property. This property gets or sets the placement of where a tooltip appears on the screen.
Added hDPI support for the icon designer.
Added support for the Home and End keys for the RibbonDatePicker.
RulesManager for WinForms
Initial release
A new control RulesManager for WinForms has been released this 2020v2. (C1.Win.RulesManager.4.5.2 assembly)
Scheduler for WinForms
[C1Schedule] Added ScheduleTheme.ShortMonthDayFormat property. This option can also be changed at design-time from the VisualStyle Smart designer.
[C1Schedule] Added BeforeAppointmentFormatEventArgs.ForeColor property. Change this property in the BeforeAppointmentFormat event handler to alter appointment foreground.
[C1Schedule] Added new ShowAppointmentStatus property.
[C1Schedule] Added new public properties ScrollPosition, ScrollSize, ScrollableRectangle.
WYSIWYG Printing sample has been updated to show how to use these properties for pagination.
Other changes
NotifyCollectionChangedAction, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs, NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler and INotifyCollectionChanged have been removed from the C1.C1Schedule namespace. Use corresponding members of the System.Collections.Specialized namespace instead.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the appointments were not visible in the Scheduler when the EndDayTime was set to 24:00 and the ShowWorkTimeOnly property was set to true.
C1.Win.C1SplitContainer.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .NET Core 3.1. applications.
Themes for WinForms
Other changes
The FlexGrid Highlight background color in Office2016Green theme has been changed to excel like.
[C1Theme.5] C1.C1Zip.4.5.2 project reference has been replaced by C1.Zip NuGet package.
Bug fixes
[C1ThemePicker] Fixed the issue where some hidden properties were shown in Visual Studio editor's IntelliSense.
[C1ThemePicker] Fixed the issue where the theme was not applied on setting the theme by SelectedText property.
[C1Themes Designer App] Fixed the foreground color of the drop-down items in Office2016 themes. [C1Themes Designer App] Fixed the issue where the Theme was still applied on DataGridView control on resetting the theme.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1TreeViewColumn.ExpressionInfo.Expressions property sometimes displayed an incorrect value.
Fixed the issue where the text of c1TreeView's DisplayFieldName dialog box was not localized with the Japanese text.
Fixed the issue where the TreeColumn ignored the ExtendLastColumn property when a value of AutoWidth was set to true.
Added the DropLineColor property. This property gets or sets the color of drop line.
Added the BoundItemChanged protected event. This event occurs when a bound item is changed.
Implemented the INotifyCollectionChanged interface for the C1TreeNodeCollection class.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Added the PrintCheckbox property. This property gets or sets a value indicating whether to print checkbox icons instead of Boolean values.
[Core 3.1] The C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Added the optional parameter detectFormats to the C1TrueDBGrid1.ExportToExcel method to avoid detecting data formats when exporting to Excel.
Added support for the BorderTypeEnum.None for the SaveExcel method.
Added HeadingHot style property.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the theme was not applied to the FilterBar dropdown button.
Fixed the issue where the theme was not applied to the ModifiedRow glyph.
Fixed the issue where the TrueDBGrid didn't support exporting GUID columns to Excel.
Fixed the issue where the TrueDBGridDropdown changed the selected row after opening the dropdown form, even when the mouse cursor did not move.
Fixed the issue where the Form with a C1TrueDBGrid shows edited even when it is not edited.
Fixed the issue where the scrollbars were not displayed immediately when the Material theme was applied to the entire form.
Other changes
[Core 3.1] The ToolStrip class replaces ToolBar class as latter is unsupported by .NET Core 3.1.
The ToolStripButton class replaces the ToolBarButton class, as latter is unsupported by .NET Core 3.1.
Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1Win7Pack.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .NET Core 3.1. applications.
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.C1Win7Pack.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Other changes
[Core 3.1] Removed ContextMenu class unsupported by .Net Core 3.1, in BaseCollectionEditor class.
ComponentOne WinForms Basic Library
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the Height of the TextBoxElement was incorrect when AutoHeight was set to true and AutoWidth was set to false.
[Core 3.1] C1.Win.4.5.2 assembly can now be used in .Net Core 3.1. applications.
Zip for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the request to provide information on a particular incorrect password partially decompressing the zip file.