[.NET6] [DateEdit] Fixed the issue where CultureInfo was always "en-US" at design-time.
[.NET6] [DateEdit] Fixed the issue where date was not selected in the dropdown calendar of C1DateEdit when the Value property was set.
[.NET6] [DateEdit] Fixed the issue where previously selected date was shown sometimes when selecting a date in the dropdown Calendar.
Document for WinForms
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the issue where a checkbox was not shown properly in the exported .xlsx file when exporting the check-box containing report in FlexViewer.
Fixed the issue where the PDF file got exported with incorrect logo from FlexReport when the logo was displayed using the Binary data.
Fixed the issue where the tab indentation was not working as expected with FlexReport TextField.
Fixed the issue where a blank page was shown in the exported html file on loading the specific PDF file to FlexViewer and exporting it.
Fixed the issue where the Clipboard data was copied from the preview pane of FlexReportDesigner App/FlexViewer in which the loaded reports were inconsistent.
Fixed the issue where the size of PDF file was not getting reduced on exporting from FlexReport with image.
Fixed the issue where the PrinterSettings were ignored when printing via C1PrintOptions overload method of FlexReport.
Editor for WinForms
[.NET Framework] Improved drag and drop behavior when moving images.
FlexChart for WinForms
Improved synchronization for FlexChart ribbon components.
Improved text layout for SVG export.
Added support of italic text for SVG export.
Added support for nullable DateTime fields in the runtime FlexChartDesigner.
Added new properties of Line annotations (StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY) which allows to specify line coordinates with double precision.
Added Legend.BorderStyle property that allows to set background (BorderStyle.Fill) and border (BorderStyle.Stroke) of the chart legend.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred while adding AxesRibbonGroup for an empty chart.
Fixed the issue where the topmost area of FlexChart was distorted on switching the view mode of ChartRibbon.
Fixed the legend layout issue when title was specified for scrollable legend.
Fixed the exception when adding items to C1DataCollectionBindingList which is a data source for chart.
Fixed the exception in SVG export when the FlexChartDesigner window was open.
Fixed data binding synchronization issues in runtime FlexChartDesigner.
Fixed the issue where scatter chart did not show correct legend items when changing SymbolMarker.
Fixed the obfuscation issue with TreeMap control.
Fixed the issue related to setting colors of the rotated data label.
Fixed the issue related to series-specific font of data label.
Fixed the exception when setting series Style.Fill in DirectX render mode.
Fixed the problem with FlexChartDesigner Data tab when setting the DataTable as a datasource.
Fixed the issue where binding with nullable DateTime did not work correctly.
Fixed the issue where the rotated string was incorrectly exported to SVG.
Fixed the issue where the FlexChartToolbar.GripStyle could not be set correctly at design-time.
Fixed the issue where 'C1.Win.FlexChart.Toolbar.dll' was not automatically added on adding toolbar to the FlexChart control.
Fixed the issue related to legend positioning in print preview dialog.
Fixed issue with design-time serialization of FlexChartToolbar.
Fixed obfuscation issue in the runtime designer.
Fixed the issue where SVG was not getting imported correctly.
Fixed the problem related to incorrect marker position after moving the mouse outside plot area.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Breaking Changes
DetailRow and Nodes are now counted as separate items for conditional formatting.
[BandedView] Added localization.
[BandedView][NET6] Improved Band collection editor.
[FlexGrid] Added MultiRange selection mode. Allows to select multiple ranges of cells.
Added new API: SelectionModeEnum.MultiRange, FlexGrid.SelectionRanges, FlexGrid.Select(IList<CellRange> ranges) for FlexGrid multi-selection feature.
Bug Fixes
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where moving a tree node by Node.Level moved its child elements along with it.
Fixed the issue where the FlexGrid Styles didn't persist while exporting using WriteXml method.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the merged column header cells were rendered incorrectly when scrolling horizontally.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where there was an incorrect node position when inserting the node into the middle of the tree.
Fixed the issue where the data of some nodes of C1FlexGrid tree view was not displayed.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the added node was in an incorrect position in the tree.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where FlexGrid had incorrect conditional formatting using C1RulesManager after applying the grouping feature.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the ScrollByRowColumn scrolling behavior was incorrect when setting RightToLeft to 'Yes'.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where an incorrect column style was applied to the data cell in the advanced banded view.
Fixed the issue where System.InvalidOperationException was thrown when some tree nodes were deleted.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where AutoSizeRows exception occurred when sizing without the SameSize flag.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when sorting a root node at level one.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when adding a node to the middle of tree.
Fixed the issue in automation testing with FlexGrid when upgrading from 2018 version.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the cursor was not visible in Column picker search panel with Material theme.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when sorting an inserted tree node.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown by the Tree.Sort method.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when moving the root subtotal node.
Fixed the issue where sorting a column threw exception when removing a sorted column.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when working with advanced column bands if the FlexGrid was grouped by any column.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where FlexPivotChart series with empty names were visible in the legend.
Fixed the issue related to the chart's grid lines after printing report.
Fixed the issue where FlexPivotSlicer didn't show the filter correctly in the loaded olapx file.
Fixed the issue where FlexPivotPage did not show Pie chart. (Jira:C1WIN-26083)
Fixed the issue where 'The string was not recognized...' error message box occurred when loading specific '.olapx' file while setting the focus in 'Chart' tab.
Fixed the issue where some text in the FlexPivot were not localized in German.
FlexReport for WinForms
Added the Polygon shape, properties Angle, FlipVertical, FlipHorizontal for Triangle and Polygon shapes, property Points and EditMode for Polygon shape.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where setting SplitVertBehavior of Picture Fields in the subreport to 'Never' caused image Overlap.
Fixed the issue where an ArgumentException with message "Parameter is not Valid" was thrown.
Fixed the issue where report could not be loaded with multi parameters using SQLite DB.
Fixed the issue where the Trendline type was changed to Series type on clicking 'Cancel' in 'Series Collection Editor' dialog.
FlexViewer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the FlexViewer threw an exception on search.
Fixed the issue where default Copies could not be changed in C1FlexViewer from code.
Fixed the issue where the Export dialog box did not provide the option for CSV files, although an export provider for CSV was available.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where setting the ScrollPosition property in the Form.Load event to set the initial scrolling of the GanttView did not take effect.
Fixed the issue where the tooltips were not shown when ReadOnly was set to true.
Added BaseTask.GetCompleteThroughDate(double percentComplete) method that returns the date of the completed part of the task.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where FormatException was thrown when using the MaxLength property with EditMask.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the DropDown form didn't close after pressing the Escape key in autosuggest mode.
Fixed the issue where the size of c1Label was shown as (0,0) at design time when label added to form.
Fixed the issue where the C1TextBox didn't focus on Form Startup when setting the text alignment to center/right.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the suggested items were not shown in ascending order when the AutoCompleteMode was set to 'Suggest'.
Fixed the issue where the height of textbox-based controls could be set at design time when setting the autosize to true.
Fixed the issue where the C1Button had wrong width when setting AutoSize to true.
Fixed the issue where the C1Input text editors had the wrong width when the AutoSize property was set to true.
Fixed the issue where the C1Input text editors used the wrong editor size for initial text selection.
Fixed the issue where the C1Input text editors didn't move the selection with the Left key and Shift+Tab keys.
Fixed the issue where the C1Iput controls with a text editor after applying the auto-size mode to the Width value.
Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException was thrown when closing the dropdown by pressing 'F4' key.
Fixed the issue where the C1CheckBox and C1RadioButton didn't change size when changing the Padding property and setting AutoSize to true.
Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox didn't update the items size in the dropdown form when changing the item style.
Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox didn't display items from the AutoCompleteCustomSource when setting autocomplete mode to Suggest.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred sometimes when removing the C1Input controls from the form.
[.NET6] [C1Label] Fixed the issue where the DataSource and DataMember properties were missing from the Label control.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where FormatException was thrown when using the MaxLength property with EditMask.
[.NET Framework] [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the C1ComboBox did not suggest the items on matching the pressed key with the Display member.
Added the ExtraIcons property to the C1Input text editors. This property gets a collection with additional input editor icons.
Added the ImageAlign property to the C1Input text editors. This property gets or sets the alignment of the image.
Improved performance of C1Input text editors in autosize mode.
Added support for the AutoSize property at design time.
Changed the default value of the AutoSize property to true for controls based on the C1DropDownControlBase and C1TextBoxBase classes.
[.NET6] [DbNavigator] Added support for adding items from the NavItemsCollection editor.
[.NET6] [DbNavigator] Added the AutoSize property to PropertyGrid.
[.NET6] [DbNavigator] Added the DefaultSize for both DbNavigator orientations.
[.NET6] [DbNavigator] Added support for the DataSource property editor.
[.NET6] [DbNavigator] Added Actions and Verbs to C1DbNavigator designer.
[.NET6] [DbNavigator] Added support for DataSource property editor.
[.NET6] [Pickers] Added localization.
InputPanel for WinForms
Added the IsThemedControlHost property. This property indicates whether the theme applies to the InputControlHost.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1InputPanel didn't apply a theme to the control from InputContolHost.
Fixed the issue where the InputControlHost on the InputPanel did not ask for the class name.
Fixed the issue where the drag and drop operation didn't work from the InputItems toolbox window at design time.
Fixed the issue where the InputOption didn't use the text color of hot menu item style from the C1Theme.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an error message box appeared when exporting to Excel using the ExportToExcel().
[.NET6] [C1Combo] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown on applying the 'ExpressionDark' or 'ExpressionLight' themes.
Fixed the issue where the tooltip of C1Combo was not reset after setting Tooltip property value to string.Empty.
Menu and Toolbars for WinForms
Command controls and components now implement C1.Win.ISupportSuperTooltip interface which provides two properties: "ShowToolTips" and "SuperTooltip". These properties can be used to fine-tune the tooltips.
C1CommandHolder component now has 'ShowToolbarTooltips', 'ShowMenuTooltips', 'SuperTooltip' peoperties. These properties provide global tooltip settings for all c1Command controls and components containing C1Command.
Bug Fixes
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the Selected tab's text was not fully shown when invoking the ScrollToSelectedTab().
[C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where More button was too small on a HighDpi monitor.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab was not rendered correctly when setting the TabSizeMode to Fit and hiding certain tabs.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where the TabSpacing property was reset after applying the theme, even if it was set manually.
PDF for WinForms
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the border style could not be rendered correctly when converting the padding.htm to pdf document using DrawStringHtml.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the Text within the box was not shown when w3c.htm was converted to PDF document using DrawStringHtml.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the Black table was shown in the generated PDF document when rendering HTML to PDF file using DrawStringHtml.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the Border Color in the C1PdfDocument was not shown correctly when rendering HTML text to PDF file using DrawStringHtml.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the image drawn using EMF file had incorrect filling and clipping in C1PdfDocument.
PrintDocument for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where a NullRerenceException was thrown on calling the Generate() before setting the C1MultiDocument to C1PrintPreview Control.
Fixed the issue where the Save() method threw exception when the C1MultiDocument was not in generated state.
Fixed the issue where document could not be loaded on exporting .xlsx/.xls file for 'Daily' style in the 'PrintDocTemplates\PrintDocTemplates.Core' product sample.
Fixed the issue where the C1TrueDBGrid cell text was not rendered correctly in PrintPreview with a scaling value of 125 percent.
[PrintPreview] Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was thrown when a combination of numbers and characters were searched in the Print Preview.
Ribbon for WinForms
Added ContextMenuStrip support for RibbonGallery.ItemsPanel when RibbonGallery is expanded.
[.NET6] Improved C1StatusBar designer: added actions and verbs, selection, text editor.
Added the MinVisibleItems property to the RibbonGallery component. This property specifies the minimum number of visible items in expanded mode.
Added the GetItemWidth and SetVisibleItems methods to support the MinVisibleItems property from the RibbonGallery component.
Added the SizeChanged event to the IGalleryItemsPanel interface. This event occurs when the size value of the items panel changes.
Added the ElementToolTipShowing event to the RibbonGallery. This event occurs before a tooltip of an galley element is displayed.
The ItemsPanel is docked to the the RibbonGallery and resizes along with the gallery.
Added OpeningGallery and ClosingGallery to the IGalleryItemsPanel interface.
Added the GetFocusedItem and FocusItem methods to the IGalleryItemsPanel interface. These methods improves the focus behavior of the ItemsPanel in the RibbonGallery.
Added the Ribbon.PopupToolTip event that handles the ToolTipPositionEventArgs.Text property. The user can set the value of the Text property and the ribbon will use it as the tooltip text.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1RibbonForm disappeared from the taskbar after minimizing when the form was IsMdiContainer.
[.NET6] Fixed the issue where the Ribbon Item's icon was not shown when the ShowAsMonochrome property was set to 'Always'.
[.NET6] Fixed the issue where the ribbon Color Picker's default icon box was not shown in SelectImageDialog box.
Fixed the issue where the ChangeImage Dialog box was closing when clicking the 'New Bitmap Icon' button.
[.NET6] Fixed the issue where the the Text of the "Change Image" and "Select Image" dialog boxes was changed.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonGallery icon wasn't displayed after switching from full view to simplified view.
Fixed the issue where the RibbonControlHost didn't resize correctly when moving the form from one monitor to another with a different scaling.
Fixed the issue where the Ribbon control rendered icons as monochrome when the ribbon item had a gradient brush in the background.
Fixed the issue where RibbonSplitButton did not apply word wrapping to the description when placed inside the dropdown portion of inside ApplicationMenu items.
RulesManager for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where black color was always selected using custom RGB Color picker.
SplitContainer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[.NET6] Fixed the issue where the Panel collection editor could not be opened at design-time.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an image was not rendered in FlexReport with SuperLabel Field that contains Base64 encoded Image.
Themes for WinForms
[.NET6] Added theme support for the C1Accordion control.
Bug Fixes
[.NET6] Fixed the issue where text editors from C1Input had the wrong value of Margins property.
TreeView for WinForms
Added support for automatic generation of KeyField and ParentKeyField properties from relations in the DataSet.
Improved the data binding behavior where the user can use the ParentKeyField property for a hierarchical data source.
Added ParentKeyMemberPath property to the C1TreeView.BindingInfo class, which gets a collection that identifies the parent key fields of the data source by tree levels.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the application hung when clicking on disabled nodes with SHIFT key.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when the user cleared a value from date editor.
Fixed the issue where the TreeView didn't correctly show nodes added to the tree.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Added the ScaleDropDownHeight property to the C1DisplayColumn class.
Added the useTranslatedValues parameter to the SaveExcel and LoadExcel methods.
[.NET6] Added SaveLayout, LoadLayout and ChooseDataSource actions and verbs to C1TrueDBGrid Designer.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where DBNull.Value was not checked in filter dropdown list when setting the "Translate" property of "ValueItems" of Column to true.
Fixed the issue where the focus was moved to the next cell when the editor is a C1Input control, even if the BeforeColUpdate event was canceled.
Fixed the issue where the horizontal alignment of columns with some data types was incorrect after applying the theme.
Fixed the issue where the dropdown filter was opened a long time if it contained a large number of unique values.
Fixed the issue where the space key cycled the last selected row on focusing the Filter-Row.
Fixed the issue where filter rows were displayed as collapsed when the bounded TrueDBGrid was filtered from filterbar after expanding grouped rows.
Fixed the issue where the filter drop-down list was not displayed correctly for columns with Translated values.
Word for WinForms
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when loading the specific 'docx' file to the C1WordDocument.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where some phonetic symbols were rendered as Japanese characters in the exported (*.rtf) result file of C1FlexReport.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the ExtraBlankRectangleBorder was shown in the exported RTF file extension when loading or saving the word document generated from FlexReportDesigner.
ComponentOne WinForms Basic Library
Other Changes
[.NET6] AboutBox was removed from the smart tag for designer of all ComponentOne controls and components. It is still available in the context menu and property grid.
Spans can be aligned to left and right in C1SuperLabel.