Fixed the issuw where incorrect PDF417 barcode was generated.
BulletGraph for WinForms
Introduced new C1BulletGraph control.
Calendar for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where calendar drop down was getting closed on editing month part of calendar in some cases.
Fixed the issue where Font style was not getting affected on month pop up of the calendar.
[C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where "System.NullReferenceException" occurred on calling ResetFont or ShouldSerializeFont methods.
[C1CalendarView] Fixed the issue where BackColorChanged event did not fire on changing the BackColor.
Fixed the issue where some strings and buttons were not localized.
Fixed the issue where the current date's year part was cut off while setting font style=Italic.
Added the following events: DropDownOpening, DropDownOpened, DropDownClosing and DropDownClosed.
Added the FinishEdit method. This method finishes edit mode for current date picker.
[C1DateEdit] Added InitialField property that defines the default selected date-time field.
DashboardLayout for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where 'NullReferenceException' occurred while moving c1Toolbar (used as HeaderElements) from the header of ItemContainer.
Fixed the issue where custom HeaderElements disappeared on maximizing the state after changing the value of 'RightToLeft'.
Fixed the issue where Show/Hide Options.HeaderElements panel link did not get refreshed immediately in context menu and property grid.
Fixed the issue where GetSelectedItem method returned null when the tile in maximized state.
The constructor of DashboardItem class has been made public. (TFS:331677)
DataFilter for WinForms
Breaking changes
Changed the behavior of automatic filter generation. Filters are generated always after running the application when the AutoGenerating property is set to true. Auto-generating doesn't remove previous filters if they are added during design-time or if the IsAutoGenerated property is set to false.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the 'SelectAll/UnSelectAll/All' checkbox/radio button was not refreshed immediately after changing the selection mode at run time.
Fixed the issue where the error message box had occurred after deleting the c1DataFilter control from Form.
Fixed the issue where the size of the DropDown Calendar was not changed to the default size after changing 'Material' theme to other themes.
Fixed the issue where the 'SelectAll' check box was not shown in the checked state even after selecting all the items.
Fixed the issue where WeekNumbers were not shown in DateRangeFilter/CalendarFilter although 'ShowWeekNumbers' was set to 'True'.
Fixed the issue where the keyboard support incorrectly worked with CalendarFilter.
Fixed the issue where focus was not on Less/More button of the CheckListFilter on pressing 'Tab' key in the key board.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when a disabled radio button was displayed.
Fixed the issue where the font size of Material Themes was not applied to the DateFilter drop down.
Fixed the issue where the Month popup was not shown on clicking the month option of the calendar drop down.
Fixed the issue where the Edit mode was still shown in the year of dropdown calendar of DateRangeFilter although the dropdown calendar was closed.
Fixed the issue where the ChecklistFilter worked incorrectly in the 'single' selection mode.
Fixed the issue where the ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred in DataFilter when the DataTable to which it was bound contained a DateTime column and AutoGenerateFilters was set to true.
Fixed the issue where the SelectedItems's count was erroneously returned after using SlectAll() method and setting 'Single' to SelectionMode of the checklistFilter.
Fixed the issue where value was changed by using mouse wheel and up/down key when EditorsType of RangeFilter was set as TextBox.
Fixed the issue where 'Error invoking 'Edit filters'/'Remove filters'.' Error occurred while clicking 'EditFilters/Remove Filters' link form smart tag.
Fixed the issue where the current date was not auto selected on clicking 'TodayButton' of Second DateEdit(To) of DateRangeFilter.
Fixed the issue where it was not able to navigate to the Next month after changing the UpperValue with Slider of DateRangeFilter.
Fixed the issue where Filters were not really collapsed after setting 'Expanded' to 'False' at DesignTime.
Fixed the issue where the font size of C1DataFilter had not changed in some cases after applying the theme.
Fixed the issue of error invoking 'Edit filters'/'Remove filters'. The error occurs while clicking 'EditFilters/Remove Filters' link form the smart tag.
Added support of keyboard.
Added support of the Move method for the Filters property.
Added the GenerateFilters method.
Added automatic generation of checklist from the main data source when generating a filter.
Added the ToolTips support: the ShowToolTips property and the BeforeTooltipShow event.
Added the CustomFilter class. This class represents a custom filter. Added the radiobutton "select all" for the ChecklistFilter when selection mode is single.
Added the CalendarFilter. This filter represents a filter of dates with calendar.
Added smart tags for design-time.
Added support of mouse and keyboard events.
Document Library for WinForms
Fixed the issue where the content was lost on exporting the PDF using PdfFilter.
Fixed the issue where it was requested to provide information on setting formatting for exported excel file via C1FlexReportDesigner.
Fixed the issue where the text was incorrectly displayed after exporting to PDF.
Fixed the issue where there was no space between the contents of Text/Paragraph Fields in the exported html file on setting some font with condensed/compressed width.
Fixed the issue where some Font weight/style were not retained in the html export of C1FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where contents in the FlexReport were overlapping and distorted after exporting to Word/RTF by unchecking the "Paged" option.
Fixed the issue where the Text did not fit into the field's bound in RTF/Word/Excel exported file when used in the "TextFitMode".
Fixed the issue where the 'Table of Content' did not show correctly in the exported 'html' file on setting the 'MaxPages' value.
Fixed the issue where the text was overlapping in non-paginated exported rtf/docx files for the condition: TextFitMode=AutoCharSpacing.
Fixed the issue where the text was not being visible in non-paginated exported rtf/docx files for the condition: TextFitMode=AutoFontSize.
Fixed the issue where the background color of 'RtfField' was not getting retained in the non-paginated exported rtf/docx file.
Fixed the issue where some images in the PDF files were not rendered.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred on rendering certain PDFs using C1PdfDocumentSource.
Fixed the issue where semitransparent text was rendered by C1PdfDocumentSource incorrectly in few cases.
Fixed the issue where Group Header/Footer and Page Header/Footer were missing in non-paginated .rtf export.
Fixed the issue where System.IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown when the flxr file is exported to .pdf file.
Fixed the issue where System.Exception was thrown on exporting .flxr file that contained text related Fields with 'Interstate Condensed' font to PDF file.
Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown when a report containing YuGothic font was exported to Pdf format.
Fixed the issue where the Hyperlink in C1FlexReport was lost on PDF export.
Editor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an error message popped upon deleting C1Editor from the Form in Designer.
Excel for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where exception occurred on changing the cell formula.
Fixed the issue where FitPagesAcross and FitPagesDown values were not set correctly in Page SetUp dialog on saving the excel file in OpenXML format.
Fixed the issue where PrintSettings.AutoScale was changing value in case of zero was set as the value of FitPagesAcross, FitPagesDown.
Fixed the issue where all images were not saved when saving the Grid to multiple sheet XLS (BIFF8 format) excel file.
Fixed the issue where sheets were not getting loaded correctly in certain xlsx files.
Fixed the issue where it was not possible to set cell input rules in C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where "Input string was not in a correct format" error occurred while loading Excel Spreadsheet.
Fixed the issue where the 'General' text was displayed in FlexGrid instead of numbers on loading excel with xlsx/xls created in LibreOffice.
Fixed the issue where the cell back color changed to black on loading the data from excel sheet to C1FlexGrid.
Using ZipArchive instead of C1ZipFile in C1Excel (for 4.5 versions).
Data validations of C1Excel are now supported.
Added support for new 5th Era.
Expression Editor for WinForms
Bug fixes
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where ExpressionEditorPanel did not refresh immediately after changing ImageButton.ForeColor.
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where scroll bars were cut off in list box on applying the Material themes to c1ExpressionEditorPanel.
Descriptions could not be seen in the C1ExpressionEditor after applying themes.
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where some Items of 'Functions' disappeared on applying Material themes.
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where horizontal scroll bar still appeared even after changing the theme, although texts were displayed completely.
[c1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the issue where ExpressionItemCategory could not be edited at design time.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where Axis.MajorGrid was synced with MajorUnit for categorical data.
Fixed the issue where Axis.LabelMin/LabelMax worked incorrectly along with MajorUnit.
Fixed the issue where the plot areas were hidden if they were not fit into plot rectangle.
Fixed the issue of incorrect mouse wheel scrolling in the legend.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown in LineMarker when data values were large.
Fixed the issue where plot margin was not getting applied correctly for multiple plot area.
Fixed the issue where the Line pattern was not supported in DirectX rendering mode.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown on using DrawChart() method.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown during animation after adding data point to empty collection.
Fixed the issue where the position of RangeSelector was incorrect.
Fixed the issue concerning the hidden legend group's titles under several conditions.
Fixed the issue where Reversed legend did not work correctly with pie chart.
Fixed the issue concerning incorrect line chart clipping.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when DataLabel.Position=Auto for empty pie chart.
Added localizations for Properties, Events and UI text.
Added automatic data label positioning for pie chart (new enum member PieLabelPosition.Auto).
Added default tooltip value for TreeMap.
Added support of transparent background color.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid appeared smaller in preview on changing the display settings of screen.
Fixed the issue where the Copy operation copied values of hidden columns.
Fixed the issue where sorting a BindingList threw a NullReferenceException.
Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid.ColumnInfo always contained the ShowSparkline attribute.
Fixed the issue where the Copy operation copied values of hidden columns.
Fixed the issue where sorting a BindingList threw the NullReferenceException.
Fixed the issue where exported PDF file displayed extra whitespace on the right upon maximizing the Form.
Fixed the issue where sorting after filtering resulted in the display of filtered rows.
Fixed the issue where a back color was not applied on FlexGrid's fixed row and column on placing FlexGrid into dockingTab.
Fixed the issue where the SelectedColumn/Row header's back color was not affected in FlexGrid's selected row/column when placing c1FlexGrid on c1DockingTab.
Fixed the issue where FlexGrid took a long time to increase or decrease the number of columns.
Fixed the issue where the FilterBar editor opened up below the FilterCell.
Fixed the issue where numbers moved to left side of "," on pressing backspace on the right side of ",".
Fixed the issue where the ForeColorChanged event did not fire even after changing the foreColor of C1FlexGridGroupPanel.
Fixed the issue where the ContextMenuOpening event did not fire while opening the context menu of FlexGridGroupPanel.
Fixed the issue where AfterFilter event was fired on clicking sort glyph icon when AllowFiltering was set to True.
Fixed the issue where the text in conditional filter drop down was clipped when the material theme was applied on FlexGrid.
Fixed the issue where clicking on dropdown arrow for a merged cell of type DateTime required another click for dropdown.
Fixed the issue where there was an incorrect setting of globalization of Norwegian language.
Fixed the issue where format setting was not reflected for dates after 2019/5/1 when "Windows 10 April 2018 Update" was applied.
Fixed the issue where the child grouped column did not collapse despite collapsing all grouped columns using "Full Collapse" from the context menu.
[GroupPanel] Fixed the issue where the descriptions of c1FlexGridGroupPanel properties and events were not localized in Japanese text .
Fixed the issue where the ForeColor of FilterEditor was not shown properly on changing the font to Meiryo UI Font(11 pt).
Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid lost some of its style information when it was placed on C1DockingTabPage.
Added accessibility support to expand/collapse button of node.
The enhanced default width of FilterEditorForm in C1FlexGrid to all the buttons of FilterEditorForm are now visible.
New controls
Added a new control called the C1FlexPivotSlicer. (C1.Win.FlexPivot.Slicer.4.dll)
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where System.IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown when flxr file containing some fonts is exported to .pdf file.
Fixed the issue where System.Exception was thrown on exporting .flxr file containing text related Fields with 'Interstate Condensed' font to PDF file.
Fixed the issue where C1FlexReport.Render() hung if MIN or MAX aggregate functions were used and their expression returned NULL value.
Fixed the issue where RTF field split incorrectly between pages in certain scenarios.
Fixed the issue where unexpected exception occurred when rendering a report in certain scenarios.
Fixed the issue where in some rare cases the calculated fields in group footers were rendered incorrectly if their reference data fields were not used in group expression.
Fixed the issue where C1.Win.FlexReport.CustomFields.4.dll was not strongly named.
Fixed the issue where some "Light" fonts were rendered incorrectly in C1FlexReport.
[FlexReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where the Legacy field did not ignore Border.CornerRadius in design-time.
[FlexReportDesigner App] the issue where 'System.Argument Exception' was thrown on decreasing the font size text of 'Text Field' until '0' using ribbon button.
[FlexReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where access reports were imported incorrectly in some cases.
[FlexReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where the textbox for current page number in page navigation was not getting disabled when page count was 1.
Added bool BehaviorOptions.AddOperatorAsInC1Report { get; set; } property. Setting this property to true forces the script ADD operator to work as in C1Report. It also improves the compatibility with C1Report.
Added support of Section.Repeat for group header/footer in subreports.
FlexViewer for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where images in PDF generated from ActiveReports rendered in C1FlexViewer were not visible.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException was thrown on setting the value of 'ZoomFactor' to be greater than '1' at design time.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where filtering did not properly work when the filtering task was done by 'Using Resource'.
Fixed the issue where Moving/Dragging task was difficult after setting small ChartViewZoomFactor.
Fixed the issue where C1GanttView was not refreshed in Design view on removing child task of 'Summary task'.
Fixed the issue where the row number of C1GanttView with both '%Complete' and conflict error icon was cut off in the print preview even after adjusting the column by double-clicking.
Fixed the issue where ‘NullReferenceException’ was thrown on disposing or clearing tasks when the deadline of Summary Task was less than finish date.
Fixed the issue where 'InvalidOperationException' was thrown on setting 'Duration Only' task as predecessor of manual task through 'Task Information' dialog.
Fixed the issue where C1GanttView did not maintain current view state for checking 'Maintain Hierarchy' in 'GroupBy' toolbar dropdown after calling ScrollToTask.
Fixed the issue where C1GanttView did not maintain current view state on changing some properties to Tasks at run time after calling ScrollToTask.
Fixed the issue where %Complete value of Task was incorrect on entering its value behind '0' (default value) through the 'Task Information' dialog.
Fixed the issue where conflict error icon was still shown after resetting Deadline of Project Summary Task to NA again.
Fixed the issue where Printer's name in Print dialog box did not change, on setting PrinterName property in C1GanttView.
Fixed the issue where the Sort method did not work in C1GanttView, when different levels of summary tasks were included.
Fixed the issue where C1GanttView was not shown properly when Material/MaterialDark themes were applied using C1ThemeController.
Fixed the issue where some controls overlapped each other in "Style Settings" dialog of C1GantView.
Added the BaseColumn.AllowMerging property.
Added the C1GanttView.TaskBarClick event.
Added the C1GanttView.TaskBarTooltip event.
Provided error message on changing the date range for work week conflicts.
Gauge for WinForms
Added hidden Decorators and FaceShapes properties for detailed control adjustment.
Input for WinForms
Breaking Changes
[C1ComboBox] The default sizing behavior has been now changed. By default C1ComboBox always sets DropDownWidth property to the same value as C1ComboBox.Width. If you need to preserve old autosize behavior, then set DropDownWidth property value to -1.
Bug fixes
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the highlighted item was not shown at the top of the dropdown list for the first time when the AutoCompleteMode was Suggest.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where Items were clipped in the dropdown part after setting RightToLeft property to 'Yes'.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where empty space was shown in the suggestion drop down list of C1ComboBox when AutoCompleteMode=Suggest.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where drop down items were cut off in the suggestion list of ComboBox when AutoCompleteMode=Suggest and RighToLeft=Yes.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where two internal exceptions occurred in C1Input controls.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the item in the drop down was not highlighted correctly on pressing the up/down key if the AutoOpen and AllowSpinLoop were set to True.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where when MaxLengthUnit = Char, pasting text including double-byte characters from the clipboard resulted in pasting more characters than specified by MaxLength.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the Item was not getting selected by pressing PageUp/PageDown key from keyboard.
[C1DropDownControl] Fixed the issue where 'Property value is not valid' was shown at design time on changing DropDownStyle property after applying theme.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where 'Property value is not valid' was shown at design time on changing ReadOnly property after applying theme.
[C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where the color could not be edited on typing the name of color (eg.Red), from keyboard, in the text area after using EditorType=ColorPicker.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the text disappeared from C1TextBox when it comes in focus after calling the Paste() method.
Fixed the issue where font size of Day was not getting displayed with large size in the calendar dropdown on applying the material themes.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where the background was not filled partially depending on the alignment of single line text when AutoSize = False and Enabled = False.
Fixed the issue where manually entering the color in C1ColorPicker textbox did not fire the ColorChanged event.
[C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where DropDownForm of the C1FontPicker was not reset to default theme on using ResetTheme() method after applying Material themes.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the Dropdown item's font size was not displayed with large size in C1ComboBox when Material themes were applied.
[C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where PreValidation error was thrown for value within MaxLength range on pasting the value.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where 'System.Exception' error was thrown at runtime in some cases when the TextDetached property was true and the Text property was set at design time.
Fixed the issue where "Shift + Enter" in C1TextBox did not finish editing on setting C1TextBox as the Editor of C1FlexGrid.
[C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where the drop down item height did not adjust according to the font size.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the SelectedIndexChanged event occurred before setting the property value on setting the data source.
[C1NumericEdit] Fixed the issue where the drop down calculator was not shown properly after applying the Material themes.
Era Name, Abbreviated Era Name, Symbol Era Name will be read from registry for all eras, including the new one.
Published CharHelper class to work with Japanese characters.
[C1ComboBox] Added DropDownWidth property, which determines the width of the drop down box in a combo box.
[C1ComboBox] Improved performance for Japanese/Chinese/Korean strings.
[C1DateEdit] Added InitialField property that defines the default selected date-time field.
[C1TextBox] Added GoToField and UpdateSelection protected methods to allow customization of the initial selection if the date type was DateTime.
[C1ComboBox] Improved the performance for filling autocomplete items.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the ForceScrollBar is not shown in C1InputPanel after applying the theme.
Fixed the issue where tabbing worked incorrectly for difficult form layouts.
Fixed the issue where the InputPanel jumps to the top on selecting the first control initially.
List for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where extra space was shown at the end of C1List on scrolling the list using mouse wheel.
[C1Combo] Fixed the issue where C1Combo was not responding to themes just like C1Input controls and looked different.
Fixed the issue where there was no effect on changing MatchCol property of C1Combo to value other than DisplayMember.
Fixed the issue where Theme was partly applying to the C1List/C1Combo dropdown even after resetting the theme to None.
Fixed the issue where C1List was showing invisible grid's horizontal borders on applying certain themes.
Map for WinForms
Added theme support.
Added KmlWriter.
Menu and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug fixes
[C1Command] Fixed the issue where all the docking tab pages were invisible when last docking tab page is set as TabVisible=False in both, design time and runtime.
[C1Command] Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was thrown when the C1RadialMenu was opened after removing RadialMenuItem at run time.
[C1Command] Fixed the issue where the new RadialMenuItem was not getting added to the UI on adding RadialMenuItem at run time.
[C1Command] Fixed the issue where the radial menu was not collapsed by single click on central button when UseAnimation was set to false.
[C1Command] Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException was thrown when the ShowMenu() method was invoked after InitializeComponent().
[C1Command] Fixed the issue where the parallel DockingTab lost its position after AutoHiding and was shown as Stacked position.
[C1OutBar] Fixed the issue where an error message box occurred while deleting C1OutBar after applying the theme through C1ThemeController at design time.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where tab scroll buttons were not shown correctly when setting RightToLeft of c1DockingTab as 'Yes'.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where 'TabPageMoved' Event is fired even when the tab page is not moved to other place.
Fixed the customization issues of C1ToolBar at run-time.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where docking tabs were not shown as parallel after dockingTabs are set in one C1CommandDock.
Added the new property C1DockingManager.FloatingWindowOptions, which allows users to change the floating window border style and close the button behavior.
MultiSelect for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where Styles.TagEditor.Disabled.ForeColor property was not effective.
[C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where Styles.Common.Disabled.ForeColor property was not effective.
Fixed the issue where the items could not be navigated using Home/End keys from the keyboard.
Fixed the issue where BorderColor property was not reset after changing another BorderColor at design time.
Fixed the issue where BackColorChanged event did not fire although back color was changed.
Fixed the issue where Click events did not fire even after clicking on C1MultiSelect control.
Fixed the issue where the selected BackColor of CheckList was not changed even after setting the C1MultiSelect.Styles.Selected.BackColor property.
Fixed the issue where C1CheckList x in the DropDown of the C1MultiSelect did not reset to default theme on using the ResetTheme() method after applying Material themes.
[C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where the AutoSize property was not working in MultiSelect and TagEditor controls even after setting AutoSize to true in design time.
[C1CheckList] Added Enter key support for selecting of items or 'SelectAll' header.
PDF for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where Hebrew text was getting distorted upon opening the exported PDF file with Adobe.
Fixed the issue where a broken PDF was generated when a specific png image was drawn.
Fixed the issue partly where an incorrect PDF was generated on using DrawStringHtml.
Fixed the issue where the Number did not get aligned correctly for France culture.
Fixed the issue where PdfPushButton didn't change its state on being clicked.
Fixed the issue where some text were shown with rectangle box in exported PDF file while rendering the html file to c1PDF.
Fixed the issue where the Form lost focus on maximizing or minimizing the ribbon on adding the ribbon items to QAT.
Fixed the issue where C1RibbonForm's toolbar buttons are not working on using Win10 October update for an application consisting C1Ribbon.
Fixed the issue where the ObjectDisposedException was thrown when both the parent and child forms inherited C1RibbonForm in the MDI structure.
Scheduler for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where all-day appointment was cut off after setting ShowWorkTimeOnly to true in Day View.
Fixed the issue where pressing arrow keys threw NullReferenceException if ShowAllDayArea = false after selecting appointment.
Fixed the issue where TimeLine view has artifacts in time ruler when several days were shown in a view without scrolling.
Fixed the issue where TimeLine view was not refreshed correctly after setting ShowWorkTimeOnly to true.
Fixed the issue where Appointment gets incorrect start time if dropped out of the C1Schedule onto Time Ruler of Day/WorkWeek/Work views.
Fixed the issue where ShowTitle property was reset at design time on closing and opening the form again.
[AgendaView] Fixed the issue where 'NullReferenceException' was thrown on right-click over any appointment if the setting was none to 'Schedule' of C1Schedule with appointments.
Fixed the issue where there was no 'I' beam cursor blinked in Material /MaterialDark on creating/editing appointment with 'Enter'/ 'F2' key.
[TableView, AgendaView] Fixed the issue where the context menu popped up at design time on right-click, after adding C1Schedule and then C1TableView whose 'Dock' property=Fill.
[TableView, AgendaView] Fixed the issue where the context menu was not shown after setting the Theme to 'office2016Green', 'Material' and 'MaterialDark' during design time.
[AgendaView] Fixed the issue where 'System.NullReferenceException' was thrown on right-click after setting none to 'Schedule' property.
Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException was thrown while saving changes in Appointment Form for a series in C1Schedule.
Handled mouse selection over TimeRuler in Day, WorkWeek, Week and TimeLine views.
A request has been added to provide info on how to programmatically set First Visible time on Interval change.
Kept first visible time in Day/Working Week/Week/TimeLine views when the end-user changed time scale through the TimeRuler context menu.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the font size of all the child controls got reduced on maximizing/restoring the form with C1SizerLight.
Sparkline for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where "About C1Sparkline" from the context menu of Sparkline control was not localized in Japanese.
SplitContainer for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where C1SplitterPanel.Collapsed property returns incorrect value on hiding C1SplitContainer.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the control did not reset its font size after changing the assigned theme from Material to another one.
Themes For WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where there were enlarged vertical paddings in C1Schedule's DayView in Material and MaterialDark themes.
Fixed the issue where C1DbNavigator's buttons were not seen properly with the MaterialDark theme.
Fixed the issue where MS control fonts did not change after applying Office2016xxxx themes.
Fixed the issue where some properties of MS controls were not getting reset on resetting the themes.
Fixed the issue where disabled State colors in Ribbon.EditTextBox were incorrect in Office2016Green theme.
Fixed the issue where the System.NotSupported exception occurred after resetting theme of some controls to default.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where buttons in C1Settings were not shown properly on maximizing the form after creating a new theme.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where C1Sparkline was not seen in ThemePreview on creating new theme with MaterialDark theme.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] the issue where C1ThemeDesigner did not allow the C1CommandDock to float in theme preview controls.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where Sparkline data disappeared on moving the column in FlexGrid.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where C1SplitContainer preview was not shown properly in Material themes.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where the buttons were not reset to default in WinForms after changing and resetting the font size.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where an exception occurred on setting the number greater than 16 to default font size properties.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where an unhandled exception occurred on clicking the center button after setting number less than 0 to RadialMenu.Geometry.ButtonRadius property.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where the C1Chart2D was not shown properly after changing the material to another theme.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where an exception occurred sometimes on applying the Material theme.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] [C1RadialMenu] Fixed the issue where the BorderWidth of C1RadialMenu was not reset in ThemePreview after setting the minus value and resetting from ThemeTree.
[C1ThemeDesigner App] Fixed the issue where C1Sparkline could not be seen in ThemePreview while creating new theme with MaterialDark theme.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the grid caption was lost after loading it in the same grid or another grid.
Fixed the issue where the new row was not added to C1TrueDBGrid with AllowAddNew=true when the source of grid was related with other source.
Fixed the issue where extra space was displayed in the filter drop down after re-opening the filter drop down again after setting FilterMultiSelect=True.
Fixed the issue where the size of the TrueDBGrid drop-down list could not be changed after the first opening.
Fixed the issue where the column divider's LineStyleEnum.Double and LineStyleEnum.Raised did not apply properly.
Fixed the issue where the TrueDBGrid's column footer's text was not displayed fully on applying the themes.
Fixed the issue where TrueDBGrid drop down did not resize back to its original size after resizing and closing the drop down.
Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException was thrown on applying undo (ctrl+z) after adding C1TrueDBGrid into Panel and deleting the Panel.
Fixed the issue where ComboSelected event was fired multiple times on re-opening the drop down and pressing the enter key after selecting the item.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred on setting C1DataColumn.IMEMode at design time.
Fixed the issue where the Theme was still applied on C1TrueDBDropDown even after resetting to none from C1ThemeController.
Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException has occurred by setting BackgroundImage of 'Caption' style from design time.
Fixed the issue where there was incorrect information about setting NumberFormat property in C1TrueDBGrid.
Fixed the issue where C1TrueDBGrid.Col value was not updated when active cell was changed for the first time.
Fixed the issue where the border was appearing around C1TrueDBDropdown even with BorderStyle equal to None.
Fixed the issue where C1TrueDBGrid couldn't load layout even when an invalid layout was loaded before.
Fixed the issue where the TrueDBGrid drop down was not resized to the original size after resizing the drop down and closing the drop down.
Fixed the issue where TrueDBGrid had invisible grid's horizontal borders on applying certain themes.
Fixed the issue where when ValueItems.Presentation = ComboBox, the dropdown button disappeared on selecting multiple cells in a column and clicking another cell.
Fixed the issue where the font size of conditional filter drop down appeared small even after applying the material and material dark themes.
Fixed the issue where the caption was not shown properly on applying the Material themes.
Fixed the issue where the theme was still applied on C1TrueDBDropDown irrespective of resetting it to none from C1ThemeController.
Fixed the issue where Collapse/Expand button was not shown in grouped column after aggregating the grouped column and setting RightToLeft to Yes.
Fixed the issue where adding/inserting a row in data table showed incorrect behavior in C1TrueDbGrid.
Fixed the issue regarding get the value issue of ‘Mask’ type column of C1TrueDBGrid.
Added the AutoHeightCaption method. This method calculates the height of display columns caption by caption string.
Zip for WinForms
Breaking changes
The default encoding for file names has been changed to UTF8.
Added a new ZipEncoding class. The ZipEncoding.Encoding property specifies encoding used for zip entry names and comments.
The default encoding is now UTF8.
Other Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where the RowPanel element worked incorrectly when it had invisible elements in the RTL mode.
Fixed the issue where the timer of RepeatButtonElement could be looped on showing a MessageBox from MouseDown event handler.
Other Improvements
Improved performance of rendering Html text with Japanese/Chinese/Korean symbols on setting Style.WordWrap to false.
Added the XViewHost class. This class hosts the XView control.