[.NET] Removed Styles.Common.Border property. You can now use Styles.Common.ShowBorder to show or hide borders.
[.NET] Removed Styles.Pages.Header.HeaderText.HorizontalAlignment and Styles.Pages.Header.HeaderText.VerticalAlignment properties. Text alignment may be set by Styles.Pages.Header.HorizontalAlignment and Styles.Pages.Header.VerticalAlignment.
Removed Styles.ScrollBar property.
[.NET] Changed default size of C1AccordionPage.
[.NET] Removed C1AccordionPage.Content property. You can now use C1AccordionPage.Controls instead of the C1AccordionPage.Content.
[.NET] Added support for dragging controls to the accordion page at design time.
[.NET] Added the ability to collapse and expand pages at design-time.
[.NET] Added default and disabled style support for C1AccordionControl.
[.NET] Added Styles.Pages.Font property for customization of C1AccordionPage.Font.
[.NET] Added Styles.Common.ShowBorder property to indicate whether C1Accordion control border should be shown or not.
[.NET] Added actions for C1AccordionPage's design-time.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the issue where setting the ActivePage property did not expand the Page by default.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the ActivePage property still contained the removed page even after the active page was removed from the Pages collection.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where different C1AccordionPage states were displayed with different margins settings.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where description for 'HeaderClick' event of C1AccordionPage was not shown.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where RightToLeft property didn't work properly when new page was added at RightToLeft state.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where pages did not save expanded state set in design-time when AllowExpandMany is false (default).
[.NET] Fixed the issue where some c1 controls were not retained at c1AccordionPage after deleting c1Accordion and pressing Ctrl+Z (undo function).
Calendar for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[NET] Fixed the issue where selected date was not changed when the text was changed.
Fixed the issue where RemoveFilters action showed a yes/no dialog if there was no filter in c1DataFilter.
ColorPicker for WinForms
[.NET] Improved design time, added verbs.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1ColorPicker’s About Box was not functional.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the dropdown was opening even though ReadOnly property was set to true.
[.NET] [C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where UpDownButtonClick event did not fired after up/down button was pressed.
[.NET] Improved C1MainMenu, C1ContextMenu and C1CommandLink design-time support.
[.NET] Improved selection of C1CommandLink of C1Command controls at design-time.
[.NET] C1ContextMenu can be edited at design-time using 'Edit command links' Verb or Action.
[.NET] Improved C1ToolBar design-time support.
Bug Fixes
[ToolBar] Fixed the issue where Font, ForeColor, BackColor, ForeHiColor, BackHiColor properties of the C1ToolBar control had no effect.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTabPage was closed on MouseDown instead of MouseUp event when Close button was clicked.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where setting the Font manually had no effect on applying some themes.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where SelectedIndex property was not reset to '-1' after all tab pages were removed.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where an OverflowException was thrown in C1DockingTab.
[.NET] [C1Chart][C1Chart2D] Fixed the issue where 3D Area series was not getting rendered properly.
[.NET] [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab could not change the current tab page at design time.
[NET] Fixed the issue where an error was shown when some links from smart tag of command controls were clicked at design time.
DataFilter for WinForms
[.NET] Improved design time, added actions, verbs, and collection editor.
Added French, Czech, and Spanish localization for run-time strings.
Added the EditorWidth property to the RangeFilter and DateRangeFilter. This property gets or sets a value of editor's width.
Editor for WinForms
[.NET] Beta release for Editor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when clicking the 'New Comment' toolstrip after loading '.xml' file in C1Editor.
Excel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where users were unable to Export the FlexReport to Excel.
Fixed the issue where extra characters were rendered in exported excel (*.xlsx) of C1FlexReport that contains RTF Field formatted with JPN characters and bullets.
Fixed the issue where some contents were missing in exported (*.xls) excel of C1FlexReport that contains RTF Field with specific RTF code.
Fixed the issue where C1Excel threw System.ArgumentException when loading a specific Excel file.
[.NET] Ported to .NET 6.
ExpressionEditor for WinForms
[.NET] Improved design time, added actions, verbs and collection editor.
FlexChart for WinForms
Added new Axis.RoundLimits property that allows Excel-like automatic axis limits calculation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where axis group titles did not clip properly.
Fixed the issue where LineMarker did not render properly when chart has had a ribbon.
Fixed the issue with incorrect moving of LineMarker in chart with ribbon.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when using TimeRangeRibbonGroup with an empty chart.
Fixed the flickering issue with chart ribbon.
Fixed the issue with TimeRangeEditor for chart's toolbar.
Fixed the issue where an overflow exception was thrown in bar chart under several conditions.
Fixed the issue where the chart tooltip was hidden when Tooltip.Active is false.
Fixed the issue where X-axis labels displayed incorrectly when binding FlexChart to IBindingList.
Fixed the issue where background image did not render correctly in DirectX rendering mode.
Fixed the issue with chart ribbon menu style after closing runtime chart designer.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown after calling AxesRibbonGroup.ClearAndDisposeItems().
Fixed problem with chart ribbon popup when chart designer is active.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the application was not responding when using AxesRibbonGroup.
[.NET] Fixed the issue with Visual Studio designer after deleting FlexChart with ribbon.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where an error was thrown on adding ChartRangeRibbonGroup to ChartRibbon.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Improved performance of updating row indexes.
Added ColumnCaptionAsAlias property, which indicates whether the column caption will be used as an alias in expressions.
[.NET] Improved performance of exporting a lot of rows.
[.NET] Improved Grid Designer.
[.NET] Improved Column Collection Editor.
[.NET] Improved Style Collection Editor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where group header rows were displayed with the style of the first not fixed column instead of one of the subtotal styles.
Fixed the issue where data of the newly added columns were not shown when AutoGenerateColumns is set to false.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid Columns could not be sorted with advanced BandedView.
Fixed the issue where tree nodes were added incorrectly when the AllowAddNew property was enabled and inside the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block.
Fixed the issue where some cells were rendered incorrectly when scrolling vertically if theme was applied and rows with detail were expanded.
Fixed the issue where sort order numbers were not shown when sorting by code if AllowSorting property was set to 'MultiColumn'.
Fixed the issue where sort order numbers were shown incorrectly when sorting with the mouse after sorting was reset by code.
Fixed the issue where all settings were not restored using WriteXml and ReadXml.
Fixed the issue where AutoSizeRows did not work correctly for values with trailing spaces.
Fixed the issue where FlexGrid did not show full data in cell.
Fixed the issue where column width was incorrect when StarWidth was used in combination with MinWidth and/or MaxWidth.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when saving the custom column filter to Xml.
Fixed the issue where deserializing ValueFilter in a column changed the filter type to ColumnFilter.
Fixed the issue where there were several sorting issues when grouping.
Fixed the issue where right-aligned text did not extend to left when setting the value of AllowMergin property to Spill.
Fixed the issue where OwnerDrawCell did not fire before conditional formatting allowing to fine-tune the formatting.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the column footer disappeared when updating the footers, while the last node in the grid collapsed.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid.ScrollBarsVisible property always had ScrollBars.None value when theme is applied.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the value could not be set when keying into a non-editable cell when the editor was the control from C1Input.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where MultiRange selection was not canceled on BeforeSelChange event.
FlexPivot for WinForms
[.NET] Added PivotFieldEx.GetReadOnly and PivotFieldEx.SetReadOnly extension methods for the PivotFields class that define whether the field can be changed through UI or not.
[.NET] FlexPivotChart uses corresponding field Width property to wrap long axis group labels. [.NET] Added C1FlexPivotPanel.ShowFieldsCheckBoxes property that determines whether checkboxes are displayed in the field list or not.
[.NET] Added C1FlexPivotGrid.ShowDetails event that fires on Show Details... click in context menu.
[.NET] Added C1FlexPivotPanel.FieldsContextMenu property that references the context menu for field lists.
Bug Fixes
[FlexPivotSlicer] Fixed the issue where the font could not be set after applying the theme.
Fixed the issue where the slicer caption is not changed after changing c1FlexPivotSlicer.Field.Caption.
Fixed the issue where slicer concatenation threw an error when data contains nulls when using C1DataEngine.
Fixed the issue where FlexPivotChart did not display correctly when showing subtotals for rows ShowTotalsForRows = ShowTotals.Subtotals.
Fixed the issue where highlighting the PivotField for which the context menu is opened.
[FlexPivotChart] Fixed issue with incorrect behaviour of axis scrollbar for bar chart.
[.NET] [JPN] Fixed the issue where radio button text overlapped in FlexPivot filter dialog.
[.NET] Fixed the issue with incorrect behavior of axis scrollbar for bar chart.
FlexReport for WinForms
Added possibility to load a separate report from bunch without loafing entire .flxr. Changes in API: Added C1FlexReport.Load(string reportName) method. Added optional parameter saveAll to the C1FlexReport.Save methods (e.g. Save(string fileName, bool saveAll = false))
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where no page breaks even if ForcePageBreak is set for SubReportField in Detail section.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where adding two large-size SubReports in header, generates infinite number of pages.
GanttView for WinForms
[NET] Improved designer: added actions, verbs, editors, and collection editors.
Gauges for WinForms
Updated the default gauges gallery. The default gauges gallery now contains modern-looking gauges. Old gauges have been moved to the 'Colorful' group.
Input for WinForms
[.NET Framework] Added the ItemStyle property to the C1SplitButton control.
[.NET Framework] Added the Placeholder property to the C1TextBox control.
[.NET] Added the EditorElement property to the IInputEditorViewBase interface.
[.NET] Changed the InitialSelection property from its default value to CaretAtEnd when a text input editor is used as an embeded editor.
[.NET] Added the InternalWndProc method to text editors. This method gets access to he edits window procedure of internal text editor.
[NET] Added a feature of continuously incrementing/decrementing the value for TextBox-base or DropDownControl-base controls by holding down the Up/Down button.
[.NET] [C1Label] Added ErrorProvider, FormatInfo, CultureInfo, FormatType, CustomFormat, NullText, EmptyAsNull, TrimStart, TrimEnd, DataSource, DataMember, DataType, ValueIsDbNull and Value properties to C1Label. These properties allow formatting and binding data for the C1Label.
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox was throwing an exception after pasting some data into the textbox.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the image was not shown in the text area of C1ComboBox when an item is selected by typing if AutoCompleteMode was Append.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the C1ComboBox did not set the selected index for the entered value if this value is in the dropdown list and the dropdown form is open.
[.NET Framework] [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the TooltipShowing event had an incorrect Index when DisplayMember and ValueMember were different.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where the placeholder text was shown when the C1Combobox dropdown was opened.
[.NET Framework] [C1Button] Fixed the issue where ForeColor was not applied at runtime when it was changed at designtime after the VisualStyle was changed.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where Validating and Validated events get fired twice each time.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1SplitButton had the wrong width for auto size mode.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where theme was not applied to dropdown of C1DropDownControl.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1SplitButton did not display the scroll up and scroll down buttons.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox ignored the CausesValidation property.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1MaskedTextBox Copy and Paste keyboard shortcuts did not work when Mask was applied.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1DropDownControl threw a NullReferenceException when setting the Control property to null.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1Button Corners property did not take effect.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where value was not shown at form load when the Value of textbox was set.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the dropdown lists of some input controls filled the screen when Windows+Up arrow key was pressed while opening the dropdown list.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where a double-byte character could be added by pasting even though a maximum length was set.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where alignment of c1textbox was not updated immediately after setting vertical/horizontal alignment.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1Input text editors did not handle the MouseWheel event.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the selected item was not shown correctly when selection was changed by spinning mouse wheel.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where an error message was shown when clicking the link of 'Edit Items' from smart tag.
[.NET] [RangeSlider] Fixed the issue where LowerValueChanged, UpperValueChanged and ValueChanged events were not getting fired.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where InputRadioButtons were not mutually exclusive when placed in an InputFlowPanel.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the issue where an error occurred when printing C1List even with all the required references.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1List row heights were not automatically adjusted when C1List.Style.Font property was changed.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1List was throwing an exception when no item and VScrollBar.Style is set to Always.
Maps for WinForms
[.NET] Improved designer: added actions, verbs and collection editors for C1Map.Layers, C1Map.Legends, MapLegend.Items, VectorLayer.Items and VirtualLayer.Slices properties.
MultiSelect for WinForms
[.NET] Ported to .NET 6.
Pdf for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Ported to .NET 6.
PDF DocumentSource for WinForms
Added a feature to localize Save As Pdf dialog when saving FlexReport to pdf via FlexViewer.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where width of SubrSubreportld did not grow automatically if setting its Width <= 1 and AutoWidth='CanGrow'.
Fixed the issue where printing in mixed orientation C1PDFDocument was not happening properly.
Fixed the issue where Japanese text could not be rendered properly in exported HTML file.
PrintDocument for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where time printed field was not getting displayed correctly in non-paginated 'rtf/docx' export when setting 'Style settings...' in C1Schedule.
Fixed the issue where rendered text got cut off and overlapped in exported (*.htm) file of C1PrintDocument in which styles of parent container and RenderText were different.
Fixed the issue where a problem occurred while exporting to PDF file with C1PrintDocument when using DejaVu font.
Ribbon for WinForms
Added the ShowInSimplified property. This property gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonItem can be shown in a simplified view.
Added the ShowContextualGroupsHeaders property, this property gets or sets a value indicating whether the headers of contextual groups are displayed.
[.NET] Added the ApplyMonochromeIconDarkTheme and static ApplyMonochromeIconForDarkTheme properties to RibbonStyle class. These properties get or set a value indicating that the dark theme applies a monochrome style to custom bitmap icons.
[.NET] Added support for global resources for bitmap icons from the icon editor.
[.NET] Improved the ContextMenuPopup event. The event arguments allow the user to get additional information, cancel the showing of the menu or use custom menu instead standard.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where RibbonBottomToolBar did not show items if it was empty at design time.
Fixed the issue where RibbonGallery scrolled visible items to top when gallery was expanded and used GalleryItemsPanel.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where the Visual Studio crashed when adding a new RibbonItem to a C1RibbonGroup in which child items were moved to overflow menu and ViewMode was 'Simplified'.
[NET] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException was thrown when dragging the title bar of a C1RibbonForm in maximized state.
RulesManager for WinForms
Updated the CalcEngine to the 2.0.20223.25 version.
ItemFormattingEventArgs inherits from CancelEventArgs allowing to cancel the conditional formatting.
[NET] Improved designer: added actions, verbs, and collection editors for Rule.AppliesTo and C1RulesManager.Rules properties.
Schedule for WinForms
[.NET] Improved design time, added actions, verbs.
Bug Fixes
[NET] Fixed the issue where themes did not take effect in C1Calendar although applying the themes.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where BeforeAppointmentFormat event was getting fired twice at EndUpdate.
[.NET] [C1Schedule] Fixed the issue where the ResetAppearance action didn't work in design time.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where C1.PrintDocument and C1.Win.PrintPreview references conflicted with C1Report references.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1SizerLight] Fixed the issue where font size of the controls did not remain constant when changing the visibility of some controls.
[C1SizerLight] Fixed the issue where controls were not resized using C1SizerLight.
Themes for WinForms
Breaking Change
The value of the UseVisualStyleBackColor property for MS Buttons becomes 'false' when C1Theme is applied, since C1Theme cannot be fully supported for MS Buttons in another case.
[NET] [ThemeDesigner] C1MultiSelect added into ThemeDesigner.
[NET] Updated theme template for C1Accordion was according to changing C1Accordion's Styles.
[NET] Added theme support for C1TileControl.
[NET] Added theme support for C1MultiSelect and C1TagEditor controls.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the text of the MS Button was unreadable in some themes.
[NET][ThemeDesigner] Fixed the issue where C1TileControl was not added into ThemeDesigner.
TileControl for WinForms
[NET] Ported to .Net 6.
TreeView for WinForms
Breaking Changes
[.NET] Added the StringComparison parameter to the Search and SearchAll methods.
[.NET] Improved designer: added actions, verbs and collection editor.
[.NET] Improved design time, added actions, verbs.
[.NET] [SplitterPanel] C1SplitterPanel scrollbars become themeable. Themeable scrollbars works only in AutoScroll mode and uses settings from VerticalScroll and HorizontalScroll properties that were set before applying the theme.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where BorderStyle property description was not shown in properties grid.
Fixed the issue where C1TreeView threw an exception when SelectionMode was set to None and nodes were clicked with the SHIFT key.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Changed the default value for the MaxComboItems property of the ValueItems class to -1.
Added the AllowFiltering property to the C1DataColumn class. This property gets or sets a value indicating the filter type for the column.
Added the Glyphs property to the Frame class. This property gets the collection of control glyphs (images used to show sorting, check boxes, etc).
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the merged column was not exported properly to excel using C1TrueDBGrid.
Fixed the issue where the tab did not select next control when used in User Control.
Fixed the issue where setting the RecordSelectorWidth property redrawn the control even if the same value was set.
Fixed the issue where the FilterDefinition property did not apply a condition filter.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where cells are drawn with TrueDBGrid's BackColor even after setting SystemColors.Control in Split.Style.BackColor.
Word for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where RTFLineBreak into RtfSection() above the RTFTable is affects the first row of table in docx format.
Fixed the issue with applying Style on RenderRichText.
Fixed the issue with Incorrect RTF/DOCX export of shapes in FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where polygon shape was not rendered in non-paginated rtf/docx export of C1FlexReport.
Fixed the issue where an extra Linebreak was added at the end of paragraphs in docx file when add the bookmark.
Fixed the issue where spacing between edge and content of Text/Paragraph Field got much larger in exported docx file.
Fixed the issue where bullet color was not retained when loading the specific word document and save it as '.docx/.rtf' using C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where line shape was not rendered correctly in output rtf document with DrawLine method.
Fixed the issue where rectangle shape was not displayed correctly in output rtf document with DrawRectangle method.
Fixed the issue where arc shape was not shown correctly in output rtf document when save the WordDocument with DrawArc().
Fixed the issue where ellipse shape was not rendered correctly in output rtf document.
Fixed the issue where black table was shown when loading the file contained table and saving as '.rtf' format by using C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where background color of textbox was not rendered correctly when reading and writing in new C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where Checkbox,radio button and combo-box were not rendered correctly when loading the specific docx file and save it as '.rtf' using C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where bullet font size and name are not retained when loading the specific docx file and saving it as '.rtf' using C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where line break was not rendered correctly when reading and writing in new C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where table width was cut off in result word (*.docx/*.rtf) export of C1FlexReport with 'RTF Field' that contained table in rtf code.