[C1DateEdit] Fixed an issue where Day and popup month in the calendar dropdown of C1DateEdit are hard to see when 'BeigeOne' and 'Violette' theme are applied.
[C1DateEdit] Fixed an issue where Day title does not appear in the calendar dropdown of C1DateEdit when 'BeigeOne' and 'Violette' themes are applied.
[.NET][C1DateEdit] Added the ReadOnly property missing in .NET.
[.NET Framework][C1DateEdit] Fixed an issue where month selection form stayed open after closing the parent form.
Command for WinForms
[C1DockingTab] Added AllowedAnchors property for C1DockingManager.FloatingWindowOptions, which controls allowed anchors for the floating window.
[C1DockingTab][Themes] Added page border for unpinned page in C1DockingTab.
Added rounded corners for menu's dropdown.
Added padding for context menu items.
[C1DockingTab][Themes] Added rounded corners for docked tabs placed inside C1CommandDock.
[C1DockingTab][Themes] Added new 'Office365' TabStyle (TabShape) with rounded corners.
Bug fixes
[C1DockingTab] Fixed an issue where Up/down anchors of DiamondCenter anchor were not shown at parents DockingTab although setting DockingManager.FloatingWindowOptions.AllowedAnchors = All.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed an issue where System.NullReferenceException was thrown when hover on C1Command DockingTab if color used for caprion image drawing was set to transparent.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed an issue where Docking for floating window worked only once.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed an issue where the floating window was docked to the other floating window, and it could not be moved back to the parent window.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed an issue where restoring a floated tab larger than the main form gets cut in the main form.
[C1CommandDock] Fixed an issue where C1DockingTab.RestoreLayout() restored layout of C1CommandDock with zero height and width.
[.NET Framework] [C1NavBar] Fixed an issue where MoreArrowColor and CollapseArrowColor are not defined in the theme, the default button Forecolor will be used to draw the collapse arrow and the MoreButton image.
DashboardLayout for WinForms
Added support of rounded corners for placeholder shown while panels are dragging.
Added the Corners property to the ContainerHeaderStyle and ItemContainerStyle styles.
Added the ContainerHeaderIconStyle style to the ContainerHeaderStyle style. This style contains display attributes that determine the appearance of the icon in the item's container header on the screen.
Other Changes
[.NET] Made DashboardLayout CLSCompliant.
DataFilter for WinForms
Added the GlyphSize property to the DataFilterCheckBoxGlyphStyle class and FilterEditorCheckBoxGlyphStyle class.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where Hot back color of FilterCaption was displayed in focused filter although it did not hover.
Fixed an issue where Border/Corner of scroll thumb and scroll button were not applied correctly if set at design time.
Fixed an issue where Border of FilterCaption was not applied by using border property of C1DataFilter.
Document for WinForms
[FlexReport] The opportunity to specify the DocumentInfo.Producer field is added to C1PdfFilter and PdfFilter.
Bug fixes
[FlexReport] Fixed an issue where Rich Text Field is compressed when data is single line.
[FlexReport] Fixed an issue where content in Rich Text Field is compressed on decreasing Field's Height.
[FlexReport] Fixed an issue where 'System.NullReferenceException' is thrown after report with 'Image Field' is loaded to C1FlexReport and rendered.
[FlexReport] Fixed an issue where PdfFilter (C1GcGraphics) doesn't draw thick lines.
Fixed an issue where printing to a pdf file using Microsoft Print to PDF shows dialog.
Other changes
[FlexReport] PdfExportProvider - Removed PDF security method if the Password fields are empty.
Editor for WinForms
Breaking changes
[.NET] All the synchronous methods have been deprecated, use asynchronous methods instead.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed an issue where table dialog form is shown incorrect when some theme is applied to C1EditorRibbon.
[.NET] Fixed an issue where image dialog form is shown incorrect when some theme is applied to C1EditorRibbon.
[.NET] Fixed an issue where the image browse icon was not shown in 'Image' dialog when applying theme to C1EditorRibbon.
ExpressionEditor for WinForms
Added C1Framework scroll bars for PopupForm and Operands.
Added custom collapse/expand glyph for an item group of the ExpressionEditorPanel.
Added the Corners property to the element styles.
FlexChart for WinForms
Added Trendline.Approximate() method that allows to be calculated approximated value.
Added Trendline.GetRegressionStatistics() method which returns main statistical characteristics about the regression.
Added AnnotationLayer.DrawOnTop property that can be used to control position of annotations (on the top or or behind the chart).
Added AnnotationLayer.Remove() method which allows to remove annotation layer from the chart.
Tooltip for multiple pie chart now may include comma-separated values that specify different tooltip template for each pie.
Added FlexChart's zoom and translate behaviors which allows to use mouse for panning and scaling plot.
Bug fixes
Fixed problem with saving form with FinancialChart when series added via smart tag.
Fixed the issue of FlexPie not supporting data binding with collection of objects implementing ICustomTypeDescriptor.
Fixed an issue where Range slider of FlexChart did not show properly when reopen the FlexChart theme preview in ThemeDesigner App.
Fixed problem with editing text of FlexChart ribbon menu items at design-time.
Fixed an issue where Font name and size applied to the chart after closing corresponding drop down on ChartAppearanceRibbonGroup.
Improved appearance of axis scrollbar's buttons when its size is small.
The series added via smart tag is correctly saved after closing form.
Fixed design-time context menu for FlexRadar.
Fixed problem with resetting graphics transformation after drawing rotated string in chart.
Fixed an issue of TreeMap updating correctly after changing child collections.
FlexChart is correctly initialized in Wine (Ubuntu/MacOS), only default rendering mode is supported at this moment.
Fixed problem with focus loss after adding LineMarker to FlexChart.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Breaking changes
FlexGrid serializes data maps into XML instead of binary format using the WriteXml method.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where Checkbox's backcolor in alternate cellstyle was not working as it should.
Fixed an issue where FlexGrid font was not updated if form AutoScaleMode was set to Font.
Fixed an issue where sorting by code and then clicking on the column header triggered a multi-column sorting.
Fixed an issue where it was impossible to get the size of a row from a merged range if there was no data in its other row.
Fixed an issue where PrintGrid() method did not print complete grid if the last column is hidden, and PrintGridFlags.ExtendLastCol flag is set.
Fixed an issue where OwnerDrawCellEventArgs.StyleDisplay was changing the parent for the same style.
Fixed an issue where, with AutoSizeRows method, if the row height required for the content in the merged range was not divided by the number of rows in the range, then not all the content was drawn.
Fixed an issue when updating a grid data source and if its groups were already set, no data was displayed in the grid.
Fixed an issue where data in the merged range was displayed only from the beginning when scrolling.
Fixed an issue where font was not set properly after using Styles.Clear.
Fixed an issue where AutoSizeRows was calculating the wrong row height if the rows in the merged range were invisible.
Fixed an issue where AutoSizeCols had inconsistent behavior with AllowMerging and AllowMergingFixed properties.
Fixed an issue where dragging columns did not work properly if columns were merged. Fixed an issue where it was impossible to click on a checkbox if it was in a merged cell and scrolled.
Fixed an issue where the column GroupExpression was calculating the wrong amount.
Fixed an issue where RowDetail did not update its position after editing the value of a sorted column.
Fixed an issue where the node row was invisible if the above node collapsed immediately after being added.
Fixed an issue where a SerializationException occurred when applying a theme and the style has its own DataMap.
Fixed an issue where FlexGrid hung when setting SubtotalPosition after grouping.
Fixed an issue where an exception occurred when loading from Excel with the flag LoadAsTransposed.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Breaking Changes
Replaced System.Data.SqlClient dependency with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
Added disabling the tabs in the Field Settings dialog with incompatible calculation options for the Row and Column fields.
FlexReport for WinForms
Added C1PdfFilter export provider to the list of supported export provider to the FlexReport and FlexViewer.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where AltStyle doesn't work for the negative values.
Fixed an issue where a field appears on the report after migrated to FlexReport,Subreport field grows with AutoHeight = None.
Input for WinForms
Breaking changes
[.NET] Changed a base class of the DropDown style. This style doesn't contain ForeColor, Border and Padding properties. Changed the base class of the Item style. This style doesn't contain Font and Padding properties.
[.NET][C1ComboBox] Changed the timer for searching items in the dropdown list mode to 300 milliseconds.
[.NET][C1FontPicker] Added the SelectionView property to the Item style of the C1FontPicker style.
[ColorPicker] Added highlighting for the selected item, added the SelectionView property to the Item style of the C1ColorPicker style.
Bug fixes
[.NET][C1TextBox] Fixed an issue where the InternalWndProc method didn't handle all messages.
[.NET][C1TextBox] Fixed an issue where NullReferenceException was thrown when rotating the mouse-wheel and moving cursor over textbox.
[.NET][MultiColumnCombo]Fixed an issue where drop-down form didn't apply rounded corners.
[.NET][C1ColorPicker] Fixed an issue where NullReferenceException occurred when pressing Enter after opening a drop-down if the Color property had a value outside the color sets.
[.NET] Fixed an issue where C1ComboBox flickered when used as a C1FlexGrid cell editor.
[.NET][TextBox] Fixed an issue where first character had small part missing for some specific characters.
[.NET][C1ComboBox] Fixed an issue where C1ComboBox didn't use a timer for the keyboard handler when the dropdown style is dropdown.
[.NET][C1TextBox] Fixed an issue where an exception occurred when displaying the form after editing Form_Load code at design time.
[.NET][C1ComboBox] Fixed an issue where C1Input text editor didn't raise the Validation event second time if e.Cancel was true first time.
[.NET][C1DateEdit] Fixed an issue where Win32Exception was thrown sometimes when C1DateEdit was placed on C1RibbonForm running on multiple threads.
[.NET][C1TextBox] Fixed an issue where C1TextBox and other editors didn't increase even if AutoSize was set to true.
[.NET FrameWork][Input][SplitButton] Fixed an issue where NullReferenceException was thrown on clicking SplitButton.
[.NET FrameWork][C1DateEdit] Fixed an issue where '???' string was displayed when we try to clear C1DateEdit by setting its value to string.Empty with EmptyAsNull = true.
[.NET FrameWork] [RangeSlider] Fixed an issue where C1RangeSlider didn't apply all themed properties.
[ComboBox]Fixed an issue where C1ComboBox didn't support suggestion mode when pasting a string from clipboard.
InputPanel for WinForms
TextBoxUnderLine flag works for any OS version. This flag switches on underline style for the InputTextBox.
InputTextBoxes placed inside InputGridPanel could not be navigated using the TAB key.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed an issue where added input components within inputFlowPanel or inputGridPanel were not retained after copy-pasting InputFlowPanel or inputGridPanel.
Fixed an issue where exception occurred when deleting a copied c1InputPanel at design time.
Fixed an issue where name of copied InputPanel component was shown with extra serial no after copy and paste the InputPanel components.
Fixed an issue where InputComponent was not visible in Designer after copy-pasting it.
Fixed an issue where caption of the drop down calendar didn't completely appear when calender used the 'PT-pt' culture.
Fixed an issue where image binding did not work in C1InputPanel's InputImage.
Fixed an issue where BorderColor property was not visible in property window in designer.
List for WinForms
[C1Combo] Added maximum and minimum values to the Corners property.
[C1Combo] Added support of underline style.
[C1Combo] Added support of hot and pressed styles for the drop down button. Added support of custom arrow glyph for the drop down button.
[C1Combo] Added the DropDownCorners property to the C1Combo control.
[C1Combo] Added the Corners property to the C1Combo control.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where ScrollBar did not show hover style in Windows 11.
[.NET FrameWork][C1Combo] Fixed an issue where 'Ambiguous match found' message box was shown when opening the Columns property.
PrintDocument for WinForms
Breaking Changes
Replaced System.Data.SqlClient dependency with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
Ribbon for WinForms
Added the FormBackstageTitle option to the StyleBrush enum. This option defines the background of the window title for a backstage view.
Fixed an issue where Ribbon items used wrong color of icon presets for a black theme when container is Ribbon ToolBar and Ribbon Config ToolBar.
Fixed an issue where text of ribbon tab in contextual tab did not show fully when Office365 themes was applied on C1Ribbon.
Fixed an issue where Ribbon used the wrong background for the area between the tabs and the toolbar and the bottom QAT.
Fixed an issue where Windows 11 snap layouts were not shown if backstageView was opened in RibbonForm.
Fixed an issue where Windows 11 snap layouts were not shown when the RibbonForm contained a Ribbon.
Fixed an issue where changes made to the RibbonTab font in the designer were not reflected in the preview or in the application.
Fixed an issue where RibbonComboBox SelectedIndex property contained previous value in the ChangeCommitted event handler.
Fixed an issue where Ribbon items were not rendered if it was minimized before adding items between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods.
Fixed an issue where all groups disappeared when one group was deleted.
Fixed an issue where Parent RibbonForm didn't display correctly when a child form were open.
Fixed an issue where scroll button appeared if a RibbonGroup was set to visible at runtime.
RulesManager for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where Text(123) in format box was not able to see after office365Black theme was applied to C1RulesManager.
SplitContainer for WinForms
Added the Corners property to the C1SplitContainer control. This property gets or sets the radii of the C1SplitContainer corners.
Added the CloseButtonStyle property to the C1SplitContainer and C1SplitterPanel classes. This property gets the close button styles.
Added the HeaderButtonBackColor property to the C1SplitContainer and C1SplitterPanel classes. This property gets or sets The background color of a close button area of the C1SplitterPanel header.
Schedule for WinForms
Breaking changes
Binary export format is hidden from OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog when end-user wants to save or load data to avoid using non secure binary serialization.
Use iCal format during drag&drop operations.
Allow setting custom icons for appointments in BeforeAppointmentFormat event.
Themes does not take effect in popup Month of c1Calendar although apply the themes.
Honor C1Schedule.Theme.Today style settings when display current date in TimeLineView. Honor C1Schedule.Theme.Today.BorderEdges and C1Schedule.Theme.Today.Padding in day headers.
Changed days coloring in MonthView. Use AlternateMonth background for past dates only.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where C1Schedule should not serialize culture if it is not set by application author.
Fixed wrong selection color in Scheduler slots in Office 2016 palettes when Scheduler is grouped.
Fixed an issue where throwing meaningful ObjectDisposedException when application tries to use disposed ScheduleGroupItem object.
[.NET] Fixed issue with wrong fallback to English if application has custom localized resources.
Themes for WinForms
Breaking changes
[InputPanel] Added theme option for additional states of CheckBox element.
All themes templates were updated with new theme properties from controls base theme templates.
[Ribbon] Added the BackstageBackground property to the Title node and BackstageTopPanelBackground property to the AppMenuItems node of the C1Ribbon365 template.
[RulesManager] Added Office 365 icons in RulesManager.
[Input] Added the DropDown node to the C1DropDownControl, C1FontPicker and C1ColorPicker nodes of the Input template.
[CommandMenu] Added the ShowVerticalSeparator property to the C1CommandMenu\Bar node of the C1Command template.
[MainMenu] Added the Padding subnode to the C1MainMenu\Bar node and the Padding subnode to the C1MainMenu\Item\Default node of the C1Command theme template.
[ToolBar] Added the MinButtonSize to the Bar node and Padding to the Default node and context menu items on the C1Command template.
[ToolBar] Fixed basic appearance options for C1OutBar, C1TopicBar, C1NavBar in Office365 themes.
[TrueDBGrid] Fixed basic appearance options for C1TrueDBGrid in Office365 themes.
[DockingTab] Added the PinOnImage, PinOffImage, CloseImage and ListImage properties to the C1DockingTab node of the C1Command template.
[FlexPivot] Fixed basic appearance options for FlexPivotSlicer in Office365 themes.
Added rounded corners for menu's dropdown.
[DashboardLayout] Added the Padding property to the ContainerHeader node and MaximizeIcon and RestoreIcon properties to the ItemContainer node of the C1DashboardLayout template.
[GanttView] Updated base theme template for C1GanttView. Fixed basic appearance options for C1GanttView in Office365 themes.
[FlexViewer] Fixed basic appearance options for C1FlexViewer in Office365 themes.
[MultiColumnCombo] Fixed basic appearance options for C1MultiColumnCombo dropdown in Office365 themes.
[PrintPreview] Fixed basic appearance options for C1PrintPreview in Office365 themes.
[C1ScrollBar] Added the RoundedCorners property to the Buttons and Thumb nodes of the C1ScrollBar template.
Fixed basic appearance options for Microsoft controls in Office365 themes.
[Ribbon] Added the DropDownArrowGlyph property to the Gallery node of the C1Ribbon365 template.
[Ribbon] Added the TabArrowDownGlyph, TabArrowUpGlyph, TabMoreGlyph, and TabPinGlyph properties to the Tabs node of the C1Ribbon365 template.
[RulesManager] Updated base theme template for C1RulesManager. Fixed basic appearance options for C1RulesManager in Office365 themes.
[Gauge] Fixed basic appearance options for C1BulletGraph in Office365 themes.
[InputPanel] Added the FocusedBorder and FocusedBorderColor properties to the Elements node of the C1InputPanel template.
[Tile] Added the RoundedCorners property and CheckMarkImage property to the Tiles node of the C1TileControl template.
[ExpressionEditor] Updated base theme template for C1ExpressionEditor. Fixed basic appearance options for C1ExpressionEditor in Office365 themes.
[Tile] Added the ScrollBarStyle node to the ScrollBar node of the C1TileControl template.
[DataFilter][FilterEditor] Updated base theme template for C1DataFilter and C1FilterEditor. Fixed basic appearance options for C1DataFilter and C1FilterEditor in Office365 themes.
[InputPanel] Added icons to Office365 themes. Added the DataNavigator node with custom icons.
[Map] Fixed basic appearance options for C1Map in Office365 themes.
[RadialMenu] Fixed basic appearance options for C1RadialMenu in Office365 themes.
[RulesManager] Added rounded corners and border for RulesManager's underlying panel.
[Ribbon] Added the SplitButton node to the DropDowns node. This node provides the background of the 'hot' split button, but not the hovered part of the button.
[InputPanel] Added the Checked and Unchecked nodes to the Box node. Improved CheckBox marks, colors, and size in Office365 themes.
[Tile] Fixed basic appearance options for C1Tile in Office365 themes.
[DataFilter] Added the GlyphSize property to the Glyph node.
[Scheduler] Fixed C1Scheduler appearance options in Office365 themes.
[Accordion] Fixed basic appearance options for C1Accordion in Office365 themes.
Added rounded corners for area of Toolbar and Format example in RulesManager.
Added rounded corners for format example label in RulesManager.
[DataFilter] Added the GlyphType property to the Glyph node.
[FilterEditor] Added the ExpandButtonStyle property to the CombinationNode node.
[RulesManager] Added side accent for selected items in 'List' dropdown editor in RulesManager.
[TreeView] Added the FocusBorderColor and ShowFocusBorder nodes to the TreeViewStyles node.
[RulesManager] Added the Corners node to the DropDowns node.
[SplitContainer] Fixed basic appearance options for C1SplitContainer in Office365 themes.
[DashboardLayout] Fixed basic appearance options for C1DashboardLayout in Office365 themes.
[DataFilter] Added DropDownCorners and DropDownShadow properties to the C1FilterEditorDropDownStyle node of the C1DataFilter template.
[DataFilter] Added Margins, Padding and Corners properties to the C1FilterEditorTextStyle node of the C1DataFilter template.
[DataFilter] Added Corners property to the C1FilterEditorCombinationNodeStyle node of the C1DataFilter template.
[DataFilter] Added Corners and Margins properties to the C1FilterEditorDropDownStyle node of the C1DataFilter template.
[TreeView] Added Corners property to the TreeViewStyles node of the C1TreeView template.
[TreeView] Added Padding and Margins properties to the TreeViewStyles node of the C1TreeView template.
[DockingTab] Fixed basic appearance options for C1DockingTab in Office365 themes.
[RulesManager] Added underline style property for textboxes in C1RulesManager.
[ExpressionEditor] Added C1Framework scroll bars in ExpressionEditor for PopupForm and Operands.
[Ribbon] Adjusted Office365 themes for C1Ribbon according to specs.
[DataFilter] Added ShowFocusBorder and FocusBorderColor nodes to the C1DataFilter template.
[InputPanel] Added the ItemPadding node to the DropDowns node.
[TreeView] Added the ExpandButtonStyle enum to the C1TreeView template.
[InputPanel] Added the Corners node to the DropDowns node.
[ExpressionEditor] Added custom collapse/expand glyph in ExpressionEditor for an item group of the ExpressionEditorPanel.
[Scheduler] Honor Appointment gradient mode set in themes. Historical themes based on Office 2007 and Office 2010 keep gradients. Newer themes don't use gradients by default.
[C1Calendar] Added hot styles (mouse over) for calendar days in Office365 themes.
[C1Calendar] Added the CloseButton node which provides the close button style to the PanelHeader node and HeaderButtonBackColor property to the PanelHeader node of the C1SplitContainer template.
[DataFilter] Added the ScrollBar node for the C1DataFilter node in the C1DataFilter template.
[DataFilter] Added the Border, Corners, ItemsMargins properties to the DataFilterScrollBarStyle class. Added the Border, Corners properties to the DataFilterScrollButtonsStyle class and DataFilterScrollThumbStyle class.
[DataFilter] Added the Hot, Pressed and Expanded property to the DataFilterCaptionStyle. These properties contain the styles for the filter caption.
[DataFilter] Added the Corners property to the C1DataFilterElementStyle class. Added the Corners property to the BasePropStyle class.
[Input] Fixed basic appearance options for Input controls, C1DateEdit, C1Calendar in Office365 themes.
[MultiSelect] Updated base theme template for C1MultiSelect. Fixed basic appearance options for C1MultiSelect in Office365 themes.
[Flexgrid] Updated base theme template for FlexGrid. Fixed basic appearance options for FlexGrid in Office365 themes.
Added support of rounded corners in ExpressionEditor theme template.
[TreeView] Fixed basic appearance options for C1TreeView and C1CheckList in Office365 themes.
[ScrollBar] Fixed basic appearance options for C1ScrollBar in Office365 themes.
[InputPanel] Updated base theme template for C1InputPanel. Fixed basic appearance options for C1InputPanel in Office365 themes.
[ToolBar][MainMenu] Updated base theme template for C1ToolBar, C1MainMenu, C1CommandMenu. Added group of common settings for menus into BaseThemeSettings theme section. Fixed basic appearance options for C1ToolBar, C1MainMenu, C1CommandMenu in Office365 themes.
[SuperToolTip] Fixed basic appearance options for C1SuperToolTip and C1SuperLabel in Office365 themes. Updated base theme template for C1SuperToolTip and C1SuperLabel. Added group of common settings for tooltips into BaseThemeSettings theme section.
Bug fixes
Fixed Ribbon CheckBox size and Element Font Size in Office365 themes.
Fixed an issue where Ribbon elements were not able to see clearly when 'Office365DarkGray' was applied through ThemeController at design time.
Fixed an issue where MS Button ForeColor and BackColor were shown incorrect with Office365Black theme.
Fixed an issue where ScrollBar of C1InputPanel was not shown properly when Office365xxx themes were applied on C1InputPanel.
Fixed an issue where Tree node lines were not shown properly when applied Office365Black theme on C1TreeView.
Fixed an issue where Corners radii set with C1FrameworkCorners theme node type couldn't be read properly after applying theme to C1Input controls.
Fixed an issue by upgrading C1.Zip to the latest version as C1Theme threw an exception.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where margin and padding properties were not effected at run time after setting value from design time.
Fixed an issue where checkbox was disappeared when setting CheckboxStyle to 'Office365White/Office365Black'.
Fixed an issue where Binding C1TreeView in TwoWay BindingMode threw an ArgumentOutOfRange exception.
Fixed an issue where C1TreeView displayed nodes on the wrong position after raising the TreeNodeCollection Move method.
Fixed an issue where Left and Right arrow keys had wrong behavior when the IsFocusSynchronizedWithSelection was true.
Fixed an issue where FocusCell didn't scroll the C1TreeView to view node after adding a new tree node.
Fixed an issue where The TreeView.Styles.Font was not reflected in new Columns that were added after setting the font.
Added the Windows 11 options to the ExpandButtonStyle enum.
Added the ShowFocusBorder and FocusBorderColor properties to the tree view style. These properties determine the appearance of the focus rectangle.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where exception was thrown while setting GroupBy Task in designer.
Fixed an issue where custom sorting closed groups when DisplayColumn.DataColumn.GroupInfo.Position is set to GroupPositionEnum.HeaderAndFooter.
Fixed an issue where exception had occurred when setting FooterDivider property to False.
[.NET Framework] Fixed an issue where C1.Win.ExpressionEditor.4.6.2.dll version was added automatically after setting 'Expression' property of C1DataColumn in C1TrueDBGrid.