CalendarView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where calendar dropdown is not getting closed by clicking anywhere of form when TopMost property of parent form is set to True.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where ValueChanged event of C1DateEdit is not fired even after changing the value by pressing up/down arrow key or clicking up/down button of control.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where Font property does not work for all calendar elements when only c1DateEdit1.Font value is set.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where 'DateValueChanged' event is not fired on changing day through textbox area.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where LastMonth value is last day of current month in C1DateEdit with non-default CalendarDimension when DropDownCalendar is never opened from C1DateEdit.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where 'DateValueChanged' event is not fired on setting 'Calendar.SelectedDate' through code.
- Fixed the issue where some properties of C1CalenderView.Theme.Titles.Today were not affected on today caption.
- Fixed the issue where font is not applied on the C1CalendarView at run-time if it is set at design-time after applying the themes.
- Fixed the issue where Min year is not shown in the year list after selecting the max year when MinDate and MaxDate is more than 2 years different and PeriodSelectionType=List.
- Fixed the issue where Month and Year in the Calendar drop down is cut off when used italic font.
- Fixed the issue where "ObjectDisposedException" is observed randomly in DropDownForm.
- Fixed the issue where C1DateEdit dropdown is hiding when the month part of dropdown C1Calendar is clicked and the TopMost property of form is set to true.
- Fixed the issue where Theme.Titles.Month.Margins/Padding changed all the calendar elements when MonthTitlePosition = Left/Right.
- Added support of ToolTips to C1DateEdit: C1DateEdit1.Calendar.ShowToolTips property and C1DateEdit1.Calendar.BeforeDayTooltipShow event.
- Added WeekNumbersFont property to CalendarSettings.
Other changes
- Changed target framework from ".Net Framework 4" to ".Net Framework 4 Client Profile".
Chart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where setting the PlotArea.LocationDefault did not set the X axis endpoints.
- Fixed the issue where C1Chart2D draws the zooming rectangle incorrectly with 150% Windows scaling.
Editor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1Editor toolbar color picker is not scaled in high DPI environment.
- Fixed the issue where on clicking within the control the focus shifted on the top.
Excel for .NET
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where it is observed that only one sheet gets selected (using "SelectedIndex" property) while saving the excel file through C1XLBook.
- Fixed the issue where some characters appear garbled in excel file when half width characters are saved in excel through C1XLBook.
- Fixed the issue where back color of some cells is incorrect in result file when loading and saving certain Excel file via C1Excel.
- Fixed the issue where hyperlinks in resultant excel file do not work in some special condition.
- Fixed the issue where C1Excel gives errors with .xlsm file.
- Fixed the issue where Invalid Excel OpenXml file (*.xlsx) exception is thrown on loading C1XLBook with xlsx created in LibreOffice.
- Added SelectedIndexes property for the XLSheet class (the index array of the sheets that is selected).
Expression Editor for WinForms
Breaking Changes
- Added new method AddAlias into the IEngine interface.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the highlighting is not applied to the syntax although SyntaxHighlighting=true after setting SyntaxHighlighting=False.
- Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when 'Instr(' is entered in the expression box.
- Fixed the issue where focus is not moved to the item of right panel in c1ExpressionEditorPanel when pressing 'Tab' key.
- Fixed the issue where functions tree nodes are not able to collaspe/expand in category selection by pressing 'Enter' Key.
- Fixed the issue where underline errors are not shown although 'UnderlineErrors=true' when 'SyntexHighlighting=false'.
- Fixed the issue where 'Error Box' of expression editor is not changed to right-to-left even after setting 'RightToLeft=Yes'.
- Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException occurred on pressing the 'Left' or 'Right' arrow key.
- Fixed the issue where expression text is shown as 'active' state if use ExpressionEditorPanel when setting Enable=False.
- Fixed the issue where no space is added on double clicking the operators in category.
- Fixed the issue where C1ExpressionEditor throws an exception when expression is '1 + (['.
- Fixed the issue where IntelliSyntaxHighlightingEnable and SyntaxHighlighting did not work properly in some cases.
- Fixed the issue where on adding the function which have overloaded, tooltips is not shown for the second and onward parameters value.
- Fixed the issue where intelligence box is auto opened on pressing 'Backspace' Key in c1ExpressionEditor.
- Fixed the issue where UnderlineError is not shown under the character after type only one character.
- Fixed the issue where System.FormatException occurred on typing '#' character.
- Fixed the issue of operator precedence.
- Fixed the issue where exception occurred on typing character with Japanese, Korean or Chinese language.
- Fixed the issue where C1ExpressionEditor did not work with IList data source.
- Added support of alias (DisplayNameAttribute) for fields.
- Added support of BrowsableAttribute for fields.
- Aggregate functions with one argument works for all items from DataSource.
- Added the Round math function.
- Added alphabetical order for the items of the categories selection.
Other Changes
- Changed target framework from ".Net Framework 4" to ".Net Framework 4 Client Profile".
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where DataLabels are not displayed although properties of Series.DataLabel are set.
- Fixed the issue where tooltip of chart blinks when only the part of tooltip is displayed, such as it is at the top of the screen.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect description of GroupStyle property is displayed in IntelliSense.
- Fixed the issue where GroupStyle properties for numeric axis labels grouped by GroupProvider are not affected.
- Fixed the issue where data labels are not getting rendered for Histogram and RangedHistogram series.
- Fixed the issue where the 'Binding' property is mandatory for 'Histogram' series to be plotted, even though it has no effect.
- Fixed the issue where the data points are not getting rendered on the series on binding FlexChart to C1DataSource for EntityFrameWork.
- Improved the performance of Histogram charts with large data source.
- Added Pareto and TreeMapNodeColor demos in FlexChartExplorer sample.
- Added new Axis.StaggeredLines property for Staggered axis labels.
- Added new members of OverlappingLabels enum: Trim and WordWrap to trim or wrap the overlapping axis labels.
- Added new DataLabel.Angle property for rotated data labels.
- Added new Series.DataLabel property for Series-specific data labels.
- Added new 'Auto' member of LabelPosition enum for Automatic positioning of data labels without overlapping.
- Added new DataLabel's properties: MaxWidth, MaxLines, ContentOptions and corresponding ContentOptions enum to trim or wrap data label content.
- Added new DataLabel's properties, Overlapping and OverlappingOptions and corresponding enums LabelOverlapping and LabelOverlappingOptions to control the appearance of overlapped data labels.
- [FlexPie/Sunburst] Added new PieDataLabels.Overlapping property and corresponding enum PieLabelOverlapping. Data labels can be hidden or trimmed if their content is outside pie segment.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where tooltip did not reappear when chart is reset using Reset() method..
- Fixed the issue where background color of the subtotal rows is not changed on setting SubtotalBackground property at runtime.
- Fixed the issue where "SubTotal" is displayed in English in JP environment.
- Fixed the issue where some texts of FlexPivotPage are displayed in English while working with Japanese build.
- Added Swedish localization for C1FlexPivot.
- Added SubtotalForeground property for C1FlexPivotGrid class. This property determines the color used to paint the foreground of cells that contain totals.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where you could not enter decimal fractions if Format and EditMask are specified including decimal point in the column and setting MaxLength of the internal editor in the SetupEditor event.
- Fixed the issue where scrolling behavior is dependent on the header's height.
- Fixed the issue where CustomComparer did not work on for merging empty cells.
- Fixed the issue where extra checkbox appear in the filter drop down after open and close the editor drop down without selecting any item.
- Fixed the issue where Filter Editor Forms's value rows did not show up in Right To Left layout.
- Fixed the issue where font of "TextFilter" in "FilterEditorForm" form did not change when font of "FilterEditorForm" form is changed.
- Fixed the issue where max number is not shown on pasting an out of range value in the cell after setting DataType=Int64.
- Fixed the issue where check box in C1FlexGrid is not zoomed on zooming Flexgrid to C1ZoomPanel.
- Fixed the issue where AddItem() method added two rows if an edit is made in C1Flexgrid.
- Fixed the issue where copy through "Ctrl +C" doess not work correctly on selecting random rows through code.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where RenderReportAction.ParameterValues property is not serialized when report exported to HTML.
- [FlexReport Designer App] Added property: bool FireOnFormatForEachInstanceOfRepeatedGroupSection { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the OnFormat script is fired for each instance of a repeated group section, or just once for the first instance.Applies only to groups with Repeat property set to true.
RenderReportAction.ParameterValues property is not serialized when report exported to HTML.
- [FlexReport Designer App] C1FlexReportDesigner craches in some rare cases when import Access report
- Added support of nullable types in custom recordset specified for C1FlexReport
- Added property to C1FlexReport.BehaviorOptions.
- Added property:
bool C1FlexReport.BehaviorOptions.IgnoreMarginsForEmptyFields { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether for empty fields with FieldBase.AutoHeight or FieldBase.AutoWidth set to AutoSizeBehavior.CanShrink, margins and borders will have zero heights or widths in the generated report layout. The default is false. Setting this to true improves compatibility with C1Report.
- [FlexViewer] Supported various page scaling modes to avoid printing issues.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where subtasks Start and Finish shapes are not reflected on grop/summary task.
- Fixed the issue where tooltip for new task is displayed at incorrect position while creating a new task with mouse in ChartView.
- Fixed the issue where conflict error icon and percent complete icon were overlapped in PrintPreview.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where the era name is shown as"-01年" after Up or Down key press.
- Fixed the issue where flickering of input controls' buttons happened.
- Fixed the issue where C1 controls missed borders and buttons when 'DrawtoBitmap' is used.
- [C1DropDownControl] Fixed the issue where Form containing C1DropDownControl is loses focus when clicking outside the dropdown region.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1Combobox throws PreValidationError if dropdown is opened and closed without changing value.
- Fixed the issue where When DisabledForeColor of C1TextBox is set, even if BackColor is set other than default Color, it turned gray in the disabled state.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1Combobox dropdown list didn't move on scrolling the mouse wheel.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox dropdown list, which is opened in the closed child form is displayed when clicking on the parent form.
- Fixed the issue where When AutoSuggestMode of C1ComboBox is set to "Suggest" and list items contain 2 byte codes, auto completion doesn't work correctly for filtering the items.
- Fixed the issue where C1Input's Value property is not localized in Japanese text.
- Fixed the issue where memory leak in C1DropDownControl and all descendents.
Other changes
- C1TextBox.DrawBorder(Graphics g, IntPtr dc, bool clear) method is marked as obsolete. Use C1TextBox.DrawBorder(Graphics g, bool clear) method instead.
- C1DropDownControl.DrawImage(Graphics g, IntPtr dc, Rectangle bounds) method is marked as obsolete. Use C1DropDownControl.DrawImage(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) method instead.
- C1Input controls like C1Numericedit, C1DateEdit, C1Combobox, C1TextBox, C1Label, C1CheckBox lost their properties BackColor, ForeColor, BorderStyle at design time if set on C1DockingTab.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where ColumnDivider Style of C1List is not effected in exported excel file.
- Fixed the issue where column is still visible in drop-down of C1Combo when the C1Combo is set as FlexGrid's editor although the column.Visible = false.
MultiSelect for WinForms
Initial release of MultiSelect control.
PDF for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where unexpected rendering occurs on saving a PDF document with FontType specified as Standard or TrueType.
- Fixed the issue where text cuts off on generating PDF from EMF file [small text format].
Report for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where long RTF fields containing tables render incorrectly.
Ribbon for WinForms
Breaking Change
- RibbonAppMenuTab can be used when Appearance is set as WholeForm and VisualStyle is set as Custom
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where RibbonContextualTabGroup multiple tabs appeared incorrectly.
- Fixed the issue where RibbonItem didn't scale a large image which contained in RibbonAppMenu.
- Fixed the issue where 'ApplicationException' occurs when C1Ribbon is added to TabControl.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when ribbon items is added or removed to a ribbon combo box and a combo box dropped form is shown.
- Fixed the issue where Control.BackColor did not apply to back color of host control in tab area of RibbonAppMenuTab.
- Fixed the issue where Form's title and control box is duplicate by shrinking form till MinimumWidth/MinimumHeight of C1Ribbon while opening RibbonApplicationMenu with 'WholeForm' appearance.
- Fixed the issue where 'Back' button of RibbonApplicationMenu (Appearance=WholeForm) is hidden by resizing the form while opening RibbonApplicationMenu.
- Fixed the issue where pressing Up/Down arrow key in ComboBox hosted in RibbonAppMenuTab did not select next/previous items.
- Fixed the issue where tab area is black when Ribbon from C1RibbonForm didn't have tabs and VisualStyle is not Custom.
Schedule for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where memory leak happened in C1Schedule and C1Calendar themes.
- Fixed the issue where background of Appointment is flickering on scrolling when ViewType=TimeLine and RightToLeft='Yes'.
- Fixed the issue where the width of Appointment expands in RightToLeft layout if setting TimelineStyle='Days' and ViewType='Timeline'.
- Fixed the issue where the width of the task may expand when re-executing the data binding if you set the TimeLineStyle property to Days.
- Fixed the layout of appointments and drag&drop behavior in TimeLineView when application uses RightToleft layout.
- Improved scrolling performance when there are a lot ot appointments with long text.
- Updated images and icons which are used in embedded dialogs and context menu.
- Honor actual time slot size at layout appointment in TimeLineView.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1SizerLight adds gap on the top of scrollable panel if panel is scrolled to the bottom before resizing.
- [C1SizerLight] Fixed the issue where C1SizerLight does not function while maximizing a form containing a Ribbon control.
SplitContainer for WinForms
Bug Fix
- Fixed the issue where last C1SplitterPanel remains original size after collapsing previous C1SplitterPanel.
SSRSDocumentSource for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1SSRSDocumentSource throws an exception if server address starts with "https".
- Fixed the issue where exception occurs in rare cases in C1SSRSDocumentSource when SSRS report contains nested tables.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
- Added new FollowCursor property to C1SuperTooltipBase class. This property gets or sets a value indicating whether the tooltip follows the cursor.
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where TargetInvocationException is thrown when application theme is changed in case of C1RibbonForm.
- Fixed the issue where C1Theme "Office2007Silver" is not rendered properly when set on Ribbon.
- Added C1TreeView/TreeViewStyles/CheckBoxStyle property.
TreeView for WinForms
Breaking Change
- BindingMode, AutoGenerateColumns, DataSource, DataMember, ParentKeyField, KeyField properties moved into BindingInfo property.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where data is not shown in TreeView when binding directly from DataSource at design time.
- Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown when last node is removed.
- Fixed the issue where long text does not get refreshed when set WordWrap=True and borderStyle=Full.
- Fixed the issue where tree node is not dim although setting enable=false at both design time and run time.
- Fixed the issue where column header checkbox's border is cut off on setting CheckBoxStyle = Window10 at run time.
- Fixed the issue where CheckBox editor type didn't change a node value.
- Fixed the issue where the display and behavior were incorrect if you dragged a node to another node that is not displayed on the form.
- Fixed the issue where selection remained when collapsing by clicking collapse/expand button while selecting child node.
- Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown when the BeginEdit method is used.
- Fixed the issue where some CheckBox Style is not correctly applied on CheckBox of tree node.
- Fixed the issue where C1TreeView didn't update old nodes styles.
- Fixed the issue where C1TreeView's indicating displays lines is cut off when resize the form.
- Fixed the issue where collapse image is shown although expanding the node after setting ButtonImageList.
- Fixed the issue where themes is still applied on the part of C1TreeView after setting Themes to 'none' from C1ThemesController.
- Fixed the issue where exception is thrown when the DataSource is set and the ParentKeyField is empty.
- Fixed the issue where C1TreeView scrolled very slowly as the number of items increases.
- Added new ExtendLastColumn property. This property gets or sets whether the last column should be extended to fill the control.
- Added support of BorderStyle property.
- Added new ScrollOnMouseClick property. This property gets or sets whether to scroll the node cell when it gets focus by mouse click.
- Added support of dynamic color for checkboxes with flat style.
- Horizontal scroll bar flickered before vertical scroll bar is shown.
- Navigation by tree is changed. When node is expanded and current cell is first cell of this node then after pressing the 'Left' key the node will collapsed. When node is collapsed and current cell is first cell of this node then after pressing the 'Left' key the current cell will moved to last cell of parent node. When node is collapsed and current cell is last cell of this node then after pressing the 'Right' key the node will expanded. When node is expanded and current cell is last cell of this node then after pressing the 'Right' key the current cell will moved to first cell of first child node.
- Added integration with C1ExpressionEditor control.
- Added ExpressionInfo property to C1.Win.TreeView.C1TreeColumn. This property contains information about an expressions.
- Changed the behavior of styles. If the Hot style equals the Default style for current C1TreeView theme then the Hot style will not be used until its parameters are changed. Similarly for Selected and HotSelected, Selected and UnfocusedSelected styles.
- Added new BindingInfo property. This property contains information about a data binding: DataSource, DataMember, ParentKeyField, KeyField, etc.
- When a C1TreeNode is added to a C1TreeNodeCollection it is removed from previous parent collection. When a C1TreeColumn is added to a C1TreeColumnCollection it is removed from previous parent collection.
- Improved performance of filling the C1TreeView.
New Features
- Added new CellBeginEdit and CellEndEdit events. This events fired before and after edit of cell.
- Added new IsSelected, IsHotSelected, IsUnfocusedSelected properties to CustomContentPresenter class. Changed the behavior of the CustomContentPresenter.SetStyle method, now this method will be fired when a node will change his state.
- Added new Search method, this method searches for the node containing the specified string.
- Added the DisplayFieldName editor to the C1TreeColumn for design time.
- Added new HeaderCheckBox property. This property contains information about the C1TreeColumn header CheckBox.
- Added the SelectionModifier property. This property gets or sets a value indicating whether how to select node for Multi and MultiSibling modes.
- Added the CheckedFieldName property. This property gets or sets the list of fields to be used for binding with check boxes depending on the level of the node.
- Added the Owner property to CustomContentPresenter class. This property gets the C1TreeView of current C1TreeNode.
- Added the DisabledFieldName property. This property gets or sets the list of fields to be used for binding with enabled properties depending on the level of the node.
Other Change
- Changed target framework from ".Net Framework 4" to ".Net Framework 4 Client Profile".
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1TruedBGrid which is bound to BindingSource is not updated properly on changing data source of its BindingSource.
- Fixed the issue where same row does not appear as selected in other split on moving to 'AddNewRow' by clicking mouse on row selector area.
- Fixed the issue where visual style of grid is not changed to default(Custom) when setting Themes=none.
- Fixed the issue where expression is not applied when the grid column associated with the column in the data source.
- Fixed the issue where 'ExpressionEditor' icon is not shown when 'AllowExpressionEditing=True' and 'DataView=Form'.
- Fixed the issue where all ValueItems in filter drop-down appeared as selected instead of only the corresponding filtered values.
- Fixed the issue where the ColContaining method returned incorrect column number by bordered value.
- Fixed the issue where exported delimited file got appended instead of being overwritten when TrueDBGrid is exported to "Delimited File" format.
- Fixed the issue where the selection is not correct by the mouse and keyboard action.
- Fixed the issue where 'ExpressionEditor' icon is not shown immediately in column header on setting 'AllowExpressionEditing=True'.
- Fixed the issue where applied expression text disappears in 'Edit Expression' dialog box on reordering the columns.
- Fixed the issue where only 'ExpressionEditor' icon is shown on column of first panes when inserting the horizonal/verical split.
- Fixed the issue where 'ExpressionEditor' icon is disappeared when changing DataView of c1TrueDBGrid.
- Fixed the issue where 'ExpressionEditor' icon is not shown at design-time when setting 'AllowExpressionEditing=True' from c1TrueDBGrid Designer dialog box.
- Fixed the issue where drop-down of C1TrueDBGrid remained open even if any other application is opened when Parent Form is child of another Form.
- Fixed the issue where the C1DataColumn incorrectly displayed a state of check boxes when the DataType of C1DataColumn is bool and the ValueItems contained "Yes" and "No" values.
- Fixed the issue where Filter drop-down and filter icon are not displayed now for an unbound column in bound mode grid if FilterDropdown=true.
- Fixed the issue where many column divider lines are shown while dragging the double arrow to resize the column.
- Fixed the issue where row divider appeared in exported files when TrueDBGrid is exported to Pdf/Excel even if RowDivider.Style set to "None".
- Fixed the issue where the return value of CellValue method is incorrect when NumberFormat property is set.
- Fixed the issue where the column divider is shown away from the grid while dragging the double arrow to resize the column with the screen scale factor more then 100%.
- [C1TrueDBGrid.Excel] Fixed the issue where horizontal alignment of column header changed on exporting C1TrueDBGrid to excel using "SaveExcel" method.
- Added FooterExpression property for C1DataColumn.
- Added FilterCascade property for C1DataColumn. This property gets or sets a value indicating that a drop-down list in the filter cell contains list of all values or only visible values of the column.
Word for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where docx file could not be loaded into C1Word (invalid).
- Fixed the issue where alignment of text and image in the MS document are missing when read/write in another C1WordDocument.
- Fixed the issue where alignment and FontStyle of RTFParagraph are affected to the adjacent RTFString with different behavior in (.docx) and (.rtf) files.
- Fixed the issue where ForeColor of RTFParagraph are affected to the adjacent RtfDateField when save the document with (.rtf) format.
- Fixed the issue in adding watermark image in C1WordDocument.
- Fixed the issue partly where RoundRectangleShape looses rounded corner/text on saving to *.rtf/*/docx formats respectively.
- Fixed the issue where bullet color is not retained on loading the word document and save it as '.docx' using C1WordDocument.
- Fixed the issue where extra space are added in heading style text on reading and writing in new C1WordDocument.
- Fixed the issue where total page count number is not properly shown in exported .docx and .rtf files when loading the .docx file contained table.
- Fixed the issue where outline set in MS Word cannot be read properly.
- Fixed the issue where FlexReport exported to docx generates the entire document in bold and italics.
Other Controls
Bug Fixes
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where exception occurs in C1FlexViewer when rendering report with expression like =iif(1 = 1,"18 pt","8 pt") i.e. font size contains spaces.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where exporting ruled lines and subreports in C1Report.
- C1Document] Fixed the issue where image is not scaled in the ImageField when report is exported to PDF and HTML format.
- [C1Command] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab TabStyle property set in design time is ignored after upgrade.
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where floating DockingTabPage is moved when clicking its title bar while parent window is active.
- [C1Command] Fixed the issue where C1NavBar.Style.Button.MoreButtonImage is not applied at run time although is set at design-time.
- [C1Command] Fixed the issue where the customizing menu for C1ToolBar is now shown always with image and text regardless of ButtonLook property of CommandLink.
- [C1Command] Fixed the issue where adding new C1CommandLink removed the label added with previous CommandLink in design-time.
- [C1Command] Fixed the issue where C1ToolBar's VisualStyle is not affected on the sub menu of customizeButton.
- [C1Command] Fixed the issue where theme is still applied on the part of C1OutBar and C1NavBar after setting 'Theme=none' from C1ThemesController.
- [C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where C1NavBar didn't redraw immediately when reset Style.Button.MoreButtonImage property.
- [C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where button image and text of C1NavBar panels is not shown by pressing 'Ctrl+Z' and 'Ctrl+Y' after adding C1NavBarPanel.
- [C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where vertical text on collapse is not shown when collapse the C1NavBar after setting VisualStyle (Office2007xxx).
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where empty space is left behind when TabPage is hidden.
- C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where font of DockingTab is not changed to the desired value, when the theme is applied.
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTabPage is cut off if C1DockingTab is in RightToLeft style and AlignTabs is 'Center' or 'Far'.
- [C1OutBar] Fixed the issue where refreshing issue happens when C1OutBarPage's BackColor property is Transparent.
- [C1DockingTab] Added TabTextAlignment property that specifies the alignment of a text shown on the tab.
- [C1Document] Added FontScaling property to XlsFilter.
- [C1Document] Added C1DocumentSource.DefaultPrintOptions property allows to define default print options. Set C1DocumentSource.DefaultPrintOptions.PageScaling to FitToPrintableArea if document's margins are too small and less than printable margins of physical printer.