[.NET] Renamed Accordion.Styles.AccordionTheme to Accordion.Styles.AccordionStyles.
[.NET] Added UIAutomation for C1Accordion control.
[.NET] Added keyboard navigation for C1Accordion control.
[.NET] Improved designer: added support for scrolling, improved selection.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the issue where "Property value is not valid" message box was shown while setting font using Styles.Pages.Font property after adding item using C1AccordionPage.
[.NET] Fixed the System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException issue that occurred when some themes are applied to C1Accordion but when Page opened, Page had different content items.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where page header's backcolor and forecolor were not implemented at run-time even when they were applied in design time.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where TooltipText setting for the AccordionPage had no effect.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where Styles.Common.Disabled.BorderColor did not take effect on the border of C1Accordion while setting the enable property to false at run time.
[.NET] Fixed the font issue which was not reset when reset the Styles.Pages.Font from property grid.
[.NET] Fixed the visible property issue of C1AccordionPage that was not shown at property grid.
Calendar for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the error message issue that was shown while setting CalendarType for C1CalendarView at design-time.
[.NET] [DateEdit] Fixed the dropdown calendar issue, which was not clear when Alt+C was pressed.
[.NET] [DateEdit] Fixed the Date Time input selection issue which didn't reflect while using SelectionStart or SelectionLength properties.
[.NET] [DateEdit] Fixed the text issue of C1DateEdit which was setting when clicked on it for the first time even if EmptyAsNull=true.
Command for WinForms
[C1DockingTab] Updated CloseBox property to show the Close button which was not shown on the tab pages in a floating state, even when CloseBox property was set to 'AllPages'.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] [C1DockingTab] Fixed the error message issue that was displayed for SelectedIndex and AutoHiding in PropertyGrid at design-time.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the floating form icon issue which was shown when made it visible after hiding.
[C1DockingTab] Fixed the TabList issue which was not closed when clicked outside of the drop-down list if C1DockingTab is placed on UserControl.
[C1NavBar] Fixed the 'Navigation Panel Options' dialog issue that had incorrect layout on a HighDpi monitor.
DataFilter for WinForms
Added the GlyphSize property to the DataFilterCaptionGlyphStyle class that allows you to get or set the size of the glyph.
Added the HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties to the DataFilterCaptionStyle class to apply text alignment.
Added support for filtering by DBNull values in numeric, bool and date fields with FilterEditor.
[FilterEditor] Added FilterEditor.GetFilterExpression method that allows to get filter expression used by the DataCollection for filtering.
[.NET] Added numeric editor for FilterEditor.
[.NET] Ported FilterEditor to .NET6.
Document for WinForms
Added a feature to localize Save as Pdf dialog when saving FlexReport to pdf via FlexViewer.
Bug Fixes
Fixed "InvalidCastException" issue, which was thrown on exporting word format (*.docx)/(*.rtf) of C1FlexReport with 'Line'.
Fixed the "Paged" option issue, which was wrongly translated in German localization of "Save As DOCX/RTF dialog”.
Fixed the printing pages issue which, while printing specific pdf, gets rotated using PDFDocumentSource.
Fixed the 'Value cannot be null' error issue that was thrown if (*.pdf) file loaded to C1FlexViewer is exported to word (*.docx) without pagination.
[FlexReport] Fixed the C1.Win.Bitmap and C1.Pdf missing issue from C1.Win.FlexReport assembly.
Fixed the paper size issue that changed slightly while migrating to 2022Jv2.
[.NET] Updated C1EditorRibbon control which is now inherited from C1Ribbon instead of UserControl.
[.NET] Removed IRibbonToolOptions interface, RibbonTool enum, and ToolOptionsCollection.
[.NET] Added following new C1Editor methods:
public void CopySelectedFragmentToClipboard()
public void PasteText(string text = null)
public void PasteFragment(string fragmentString = null)
public void FindTextDecorate(string text, string tags=null, string styles = null)
public void FindTextReplace(string text, string newText)
public void CutSelectedFragmentToClipboard()
public void HeaderSelection(int level)
public void RemoveHeaderSelection(int level)
public void InsertHyperlink(string href, string description, string attributes = null)
public void InsertList(string type, string[] entries, string attributes = null)
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the issue where font operations no longer generate an exception.
[.NET] Fixed the paste issue which was pasting into empty lines.
[.NET] Fixed the issue to avoid exception if RightToLeft property is changed during initialization by adding a check.
[.NET] Fixed the styling toggle buttons issue which can now toggle the style for the selected text.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue to improve display when style is “white-space”. One must use <pre> tag instead.
Excel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue regarding box of C1XLBook which did not open although 'About C1XLBook' link was clicked from context menu.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the data contents issue which was lost in result (*.xlsx) file that exported using C1XLBook in which specific XLS file is loaded.
ExpressionEditor for WinForms
Bug Fixes
[C1ExpressionEditorPanel] Fixed the CategoryType enum issue that had incorrect value for 'Functions'. Values are now changed from '0x3FE' to 'AggregateFuncs | TextFuncs | DateTimeFuncs | LogicalFuncs | MathFuncs | ConvertFuncs'.
FlexChart for WinForms
Added TrendLineMenuItem for FlexChart's toolbar.
Added FinancialChartToolbar and toolbar items for financial overlays (MovingAverage, BollingerBands, Envelopes, Alligator, Zigzag).
Added new property ChartStyle.VerticalText that allows you to change text orientation for axis title and labels.
Added new Axis.TitleAngle property that specifies rotation of axis title.
Added Axis.Formatter property that allows to specify custom formatter for axis labels.
Updated FlexChart.HitTest() method by adding an optional parameter testLines which allows to include connecting lines to the hit testing.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the exception issue from several financial indicators in case of missing required data.
Fixed the issue by removing FinancialChart's toolbar from desgin-time.
Fixed the rendering issue when LineMarker that has empty content.
Fixed the exception issue from SeriesMenuEditor when binding to DataTable.
Fixed the ChartType selection issue that works correctly with FinancialChart's ribbon.
Fixed the incorrect data label issue for selected pie slice in multi-pie chart.
Fixed the rotated axis labels issue which is now rendering corrrectly when OverlappingLabels = Trim or WordWrap.
Fixed the issue with LinePattern which is now ‘None’ and it works correctly with chart style.
Fixed the issue by adding Japanese localization for design-time verbs.
Fixed the issue where ‘About’ dialog is now correctly displayed for FinancialChart.
Fixed the issue where LineMarker is displayed correctly after FlexChart print preview.
Fixed the FlexChart issue by updating it properly after removing chart's ribbon.
Fixed the BoxWhisker plot issue which now correctly works with DateTime x-values.
Fixed the design-time data issue for Sunburst control.
Fixed the SaveImage() method issue which now uses parent control's background if chart's background is transparent.
Fixed the C1Theme issue that could not be applied to FlexChart at run-time after C1Theme was applied at design-time.
Fixed the exception issue for DirectX rendering mode while adding ChartRangeEditor.
Fixed the flickering issue after adding AxisMenuItem to FlexChartToolbar.
Fixed the LineMarker positioning issue in chart with toolbar or ribbon.
Fixed the background image issue which is now correctly displayed in exported image.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Breaking Changes
Updated PageBreak event, which is now firing on all pages, inluding last page or even if there is only one page.
Updated the SearchAppliedEventArgs constructor with bool 'highlight' argument as obsolete and use the SearchAppliedEventArgs constructor with SearchHighlightMode 'highlightMode' instead.
Updated the SearchAppliedEventArgs.Highlight property as obsolete and use HighlightMode instead.
Updated the SearchApplyingEventArgs constructor with bool 'highlight' argument as obsolete and use the SearchApplyingEventArgs constructor with SearchHighlightMode 'highlightMode' instead.
Updated the SearchApplyingEventArgs.Highlight property as obsolete and use HighlightMode instead.
Updated the FlexGridBase.ApplySearch method with bool 'highlight' as obsolete and use FlexGridBase.ApplySearch method with SearchHighlightMode 'highlightMode' instead.
Updated the FlexGridSearchPanel.HighlightSearchResults property as obsolete and use HighlightSearchResultsMode instead.
Added 'Load layout...' and 'Save layout...' verbs at design-time.
Added customization of visibility columns in the Column picker window.
Added FlexGrid.ShowColumnPicker() method, FlexGrid.ColumnPickerShowing and FlexGrid.ColumnPickerShown events.
Added XmlOptions enum and the corresponding parameters for the WriteXml and ReadXml methods that allows to choose which elements should be saved or loaded.
Added a new option to ApplySearch that highlights all occurrences.
Added image drawing option along with checkboxes in tree nodes.
Applied conditional formatting to footers and nodes by using '((IFormattableView)c1FlexGrid1).ItemFormatting' event and canceling it where you need.
Added FlexGrid export DataOnly option to FileFlag.
Added FlexGrid drawing in grayscale to print preview dialog.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the exception issue that occurred while setting the grouping.
Fixed the selected text issue that was not cleared by the backspace key when the data type in the cell was int, decimal and similar.
Fixed the Checkbox issue which disappeared from column header while sorting.
Fixed the theme issue which are not applied to Column picker.
Fixed the sorting data issue that did not work correctly when data was filtered using the ApplySearch method.
Fixed the issue where FlexGrid generated extra designer code.
Fixed the numeric cell value issue which sometimes changed incorrectly at the first change if the cell format was set.
Fixed the editing issue that sets a wrong value in a cell after editing while working with DataMap.
[BandedView] Fixed the issue where AllowEditing was applied incorrectly to the data cell in the advanced banded view mode.
Fixed the column picker icon issue which was overlapping cells text.
Fixed the exception issue which was thrown sometimes while setting the column caption if C1ExpressionEditor was attached to C1FlexGrid.
Fixed the scroll bars issue which was shown although content was fit into C1FlexGridGroupPanel when BorderStyle is set to Fixed3D.
FlexPivot for WinForms
Added C1FlexPivotGrid.GridContextMenu property that References the context menu for FlexPivotGrid.
Updated Polish localization.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the FlexPivotSlicer throws exception issue when binding to a field that contains Null values in Data.
Fixed the localization issue of FlexpivotFieldDialog.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the sub reports issue which was not displayed after upgrading to latest version.
Fixed the group headers issue in sub reports which didn’t get rendered on some pages.
Fixed the issue where Undo in FlexReportDesigner resets the AutoHeight of GroupHeader.
Fixed the different A4 PageSize issue for Exported Pdf.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the text in grid area issue which was incorrect when print style is set to fit width to page.
Fixed the generic error issue that occurred in GDI+ exception thrown in C1GanttView.
Input for WinForms
Improved the default appearance of c1TextBox-based controls for Windows 11.
[.NET] Added 'InputEditorStyles.Underline' and 'InputEditorStyles.Corners' properties.
Added the Default option to the InitialSelection enum which allows to control behavior of a base text box.
[.NET] [MultiColumnCombo] Updated the first build.
[.NET] [SplitButton] Updated the base SplitButtonItem class to Component. SplitButtonItem class is now available at design time from the properties window and is serialized as form variable and available by component name. For the designed form to perform a serialization update for the SplitButtonItems, you need make any change to it.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the C1Combobox height issue which didn't change, and the text was cut off when a material theme was applied.
[.NET] Fixed the C1Button and C1SplitButton issue which was not shown with rounded corners in Expression and Material themes.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where C1TextBox retained disabled style after setting the Enabled property to true.
[.NET] Fixed the DropDownСontrol issue which had a disabled dropdown button when the DropDownStyle property was set to DropDownList.
[.NET] Fixed the ImeSetKanaMode method and ImeResultString event issue which didn't work when mouse selecting C1TextBox.
[.NET] Fixed the input editors issue where the text was longer while scrolling text in comparison to the editor's default width.
[.NET] Fixed the 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error message issue that was shown in event at design time.
[.NET] [MultiColumnCombo] Fixed the MultiColumnCombo editor issue where the text is scrolled if it was longer than the editor's default width.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where a value containing only numbers was not fully displayed when pasted into a C1Textbox.
[.NET] [RangeSlider] Fixed the exception issue that occurred when hovering on C1RangeSlider and applying the mouse wheel.
[.NET] Fixed the custom Disabled.ForeColor issue that did not apply to text input editors.
[.NET] Fixed the C1DropDownControl issue that did not show the control in the drop-down form if it was changed in the run-time.
[.NET] Fixed the FormatException issue which was thrown when the value of the MaxLength property was less than the length of the EditMask value.
[.NET] [Pickers] Fixed the custom Disabled.ForeColor issue that did not apply to C1ColorPicker and C1FontPicker text.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where description of the MaxLength property was incorrect.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox could not close autosuggest window for IME mode.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the rounded corners issue which was ignored when the background color was changed after applying the theme.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the class name issue that was not shown in “DropdownFormClassName” property of C1DropDownControl at design time.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the FormatException isse which was thrown when the value of the MaxLength property was less than the length of the EditMask value.
InputPanel fir WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue of InputTextBoxTest, InputComboBox, InputNumericBox, InputDatePicker and InputTimePicker components by adding the InitialSelection property. The property helps you determine the selection position when a control receives input focus.
Fixed the C1InputPanel issue that didn't apply a theme to the control from InputContolHost when InputContolHost was contained in the InputGridPanel or InputFlowPanel.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the theme issue that was still displayed in the C1Combo border area even though the theme was not set.
Fixed the C1Combo issue that has a light blue border even after setting the Enabled property to false.
Map for WinForms
Added GeoJsonReader that allows to import GeoJSON data to the map.
Bug Fix
Fixed the exception issue while using hit testing before completed map intitialization.
Pdf for WinForms
[.NET Framework] Removed EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) attribute from C1PdfDocumentBase.
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the Emf format images issue which was not exported correctly (clipping with angle).
[.NET Framework] [C1PrintDocument] Fixed the issue where adding Unicode characters into PDF was additionally embedding extra Font.
PrintDocument for WinForms
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue of export to PDF file using C1PrintDocument by implementing DejaVu font.
Fixed the drawing issue of clipped content.
Ribbon for WinForms
Added the FormInactiveHotCloseButton option to the StyleBrush and StyleColor enums. This option allows customize the C1RibbonForm colse button when other application is active.
Added the FormInactiveBackground2, FormInactiveTitle and FormInactiveHotButton options to the StyleBrush enum and FormInactiveHotGlyph option to the StyleColor enum. These options allow customization of C1RibbonForm header when other application is active.
[.NET] Improved designer by adding ToolTip editor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the C1Ribbon issue that uses wrong brushes for the CheckBoxHot and CheckBoxPressed StyleBrush enum values.
Fixed the BackgroundColor issue of FormAppMenuPressedButton was not affected when press on app menu window buttons.
Fixed the RibbonFrom title bar background color issue that was displayed as inactive even though RibbonForm became active after another active window was closed.
Fixed the Ribbon issue that didn't hide the RibbonContextualTabGroup when the group's Visible property was set to false.
Fixed the C1BackstageView issue which was changing the active MDI child when the C1BackstageView was closed.
Schedule for WinForms
Updated TimeLineView to scroll in vertical direction during drag & drop operations.
Themes for WinForms
[.NET] Added "Underline" and "Corners" nodes for TextBox-base control.
Added InactiveBackground, HotInactive and Inactive properties to Title, Buttons and Qat respectively for C1Ribbon365/Form namespace.
[.NET] Updated display names for charts.
TreeView for WinForms
Added the ExpandButtonBehavior property. This property gets or sets a value that specifies the behavior of the C1TreeView when the expand button is clicked.
Improved performance of the PropertyPath class.
[.NET] Improved designer by adding nodes editor, button image list editor, check image list editor.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Added C1DataColumn.ButtonStretch property that allows you to get or set the stretch type for the dropdown button in a column.
Added hourglass cursor while the filters are calculated for the data or filters are applied.
Added C1DataColumn.ButtonPictureAlignment property that allows you to get or set the alignment of the image shown in a drop-down button in a column.
Added C1DataColumn.ButtonPictureStretch property that allows you to get or set the stretch type for the image shown in a drop-down button in a column.
Added C1DataColumn.ButtonPictureBackColor property that allows you to get or set the backgrownd color for the image shown in a drop-down button in a column.
Added localized strings for Spanish.
Improved PrintOptionsForm form for different localizations.
Added RowError property for the 'Rows' to bound C1TrueDBGrid.
Added Expanded event that occurs after a hierarchical row is expanded.
Added Collapsed event that occurs after a hierarchical row has been collapsed.
Added GroupColMoved event that occurs after a column has been moved into or out of the grouping area.
Added GetHeaderCellBounds method to get CellRect of Header Cells.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the RowColChange event issue that was fired when EndInit is called in the designer code.
Fixed the ComboBox issue whose dropdown list items count are decreased after filtering.
Fixed the issue where TrueDBGrid didn't draw a focus rectangle when active cell was changed using Right/Left key in FilterBar.
Fixed the horizontal alignment issue of data columns that was incorrect when applying the theme after LoadLayout was used.