FlexChart / Working with FlexChart / Appearance / Symbol Styles for Series
Symbol Styles for Series

Depending upon the requirements, you may need to customize the appearance of series in the chart.

FlexChart allows you to customize series in the chart with the SymbolMarker and the SymbolSize property.

The SymbolMarker property allows you to set the shape of the marker to be used for each data point in the series. The SymbolSize property enables you to set the size (in pixels) of the symbols used to render the series.


Below is a table that lists how these properties affect each chart type:

Value Effect for SymbolMarker Effect for SymbolSize
ChartType.Column No effect No effect
ChartType.Bar No effect No effect
ChartType.Line No effect No effect
ChartType.Scatter Changes the symbol marker Changes the symbol size
ChartType.LineSymbols Changes the symbol marker Changes the symbol size
ChartType.Area No effect No effect
ChartType.Spline No effect No effect
ChartType.SplineSymbols Changes the symbol marker Changes the symbol size
ChartType.SplineArea No effect No effect
ChartType.Bubble Changes the symbol marker No effect
ChartType.Candlestick No effect Changes the symbol size
ChartType.HighLowOpenClose No effect Changes the symbol size

The SymbolSize property has no effect on the Bubble Chart; however, you can change the size of the bubble in the Bubble Chart by setting the BubbleMaxSize and the BubbleMinSize property provided by the ChartOptions class.