FlexChart / Working with FlexChart / FlexChart Elements / Annotations / Creating Callouts
Creating Callouts

Callouts in charts are used to display the details of a data series or individual data points in an easy-to-read format. Callouts being connected with data points, help better visualize and comprehend chart data by minimizing visual disturbances in the chart area. In FlexChart, Polygon type annotations can be customized to create chart callouts with line or arrow connectors.

In this example, we are using sample created in the  Quick Start topic to further create an arrow callout and polygon annotation with line connection. This is done with the help of the Points property and the ContentCenter property that define the coordinates of polygon vertices and annotation content center respectively.

To create callouts connected with respective data points, follow these steps:

The following image illustrates polygon annotations connected to data points through arrow and line connectors.

Annotation connector

Step 1: Create annotation with line connector

To create a line callout, use the following code.

    lineCallouts.SeriesIndex = 2
    lineCallouts.PointIndex = 2
    lineCallouts.ContentCenter = New Point(-50, 75)
    Dim lineCalloutsPoints As PointCollection = New PointCollection()
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(0, 0))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(25, -25))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(50, -25))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(50, -50))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(25, -75))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(0, -50))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(0, -25))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(25, -25))
    lineCalloutsPoints.Add(New Point(0, 0))
    lineCallouts.Points = lineCalloutsPoints
End Sub

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Step 2: Create arrow annotation callout

  1. To create an arrow callout use the following code.
    Private Sub SetUpAttotations()
        'Create an arrow callout annotation of polygon type
        Dim arrowCalloutContentCenter As Point = New Point(25, -50)
        arrowCallouts.ContentCenter = arrowCalloutContentCenter
        'Create list of points for arrow callout by calling GetPointsForArrowCallout()
        arrowCallouts.Points = GetPointsForArrowCallout(arrowCalloutContentCenter.X, arrowCalloutContentCenter.Y, "Low")
        arrowCallouts.SeriesIndex = 1
        arrowCallouts.PointIndex = 2
  2. Define the GetPointsForArrowCallout() method to specify the points for arrow callout.
    1. To measure the size of content string in arrow callout, and reuse it to calculate and set the dimensions of arrow annotation, use the following code.
      Private Function GetPointsForArrowCallout(centerX As Double, centerY As Double, content As String) As PointCollection
          Dim size As _Size = _engine.MeasureString(content)
          Return GetPointsForArrowCallout(centerX, centerY, size.Width + 10, size.Height + 10)
      End Function
    2. To calculate the dimensions and points for arrow annotations, define the method overload GetPointsForArrowCallout() as shown below.
      Private Function GetPointsForArrowCallout(centerX As Double, centerY As Double, rectWidth As Double, rectHeight As Double) As PointCollection
          Dim points As PointCollection = New PointCollection()
          Dim rectLeft As Double = centerX - rectWidth / 2
          Dim rectRight As Double = centerX + rectWidth / 2
          Dim rectTop As Double = centerY - rectHeight / 2
          Dim rectBottom As Double = centerY + rectHeight / 2
          Dim angle As Double = Math.Atan2(-centerY, centerX)
          Dim angleOffset1 As Double = 0.4
          Dim angleOffset2 As Double = 0.04
          Dim arrowHeight As Double = 0.4 * rectHeight
          Dim hypotenuse As Double = arrowHeight / Math.Cos(angleOffset1)
          Dim subHypotenuse As Double = arrowHeight / Math.Cos(angleOffset2)
          Dim isNearBottom As Boolean = Math.Abs(rectTop) > Math.Abs(rectBottom)
          Dim nearHorizontalEdge As Double
          If (isNearBottom) Then
              nearHorizontalEdge = rectBottom
              nearHorizontalEdge = rectTop
          End If
          Dim isNearRight As Boolean = Math.Abs(rectLeft) > Math.Abs(rectRight)
          Dim nearVerticalEdge As Double
          If (isNearRight) Then
              nearVerticalEdge = rectRight
              nearVerticalEdge = rectLeft
          End If
          Dim isHorizontalCrossed As Boolean = Math.Abs(nearHorizontalEdge) > Math.Abs(nearVerticalEdge)
          Dim nearEdge As Double
          If (isHorizontalCrossed) Then
              nearEdge = nearHorizontalEdge
              nearEdge = nearVerticalEdge
          End If
          Dim factor As Int16
          If (nearEdge > 0) Then
              factor = -1
              factor = 1
          End If
          Dim crossedPointOffsetToCenter As Double
          If (isHorizontalCrossed) Then
              crossedPointOffsetToCenter = rectHeight / (2 * Math.Tan(angle)) * factor
              crossedPointOffsetToCenter = rectWidth * Math.Tan(angle) * factor / 2
          End If
          'Arrow points
          points.Add(New Point(0, 0))
          points.Add(New Point(Math.Cos(angle + angleOffset1) * hypotenuse, -Math.Sin(angle + angleOffset1) * hypotenuse))
          points.Add(New Point(Math.Cos(angle + angleOffset2) * subHypotenuse, -Math.Sin(angle + angleOffset2) * subHypotenuse))
          'Rectangle points
          If (isHorizontalCrossed) Then
              points.Add(New Point(-nearEdge / Math.Tan(angle + angleOffset2), nearEdge))
              If (isNearBottom) Then
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectTop))
              End If
              points.Add(New Point(-nearEdge / Math.Tan(angle - angleOffset2), nearEdge))
              points.Add(New Point(nearEdge, -nearEdge * Math.Tan(angle + angleOffset2)))
              If (isNearRight) Then
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectTop))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectRight, rectBottom))
                  points.Add(New Point(rectLeft, rectBottom))
              End If
              points.Add(New Point(nearEdge, -nearEdge * Math.Tan(angle - angleOffset2)))
          End If
          'Arrow points
          points.Add(New Point(Math.Cos(angle - angleOffset2) * subHypotenuse, -Math.Sin(angle - angleOffset2) * subHypotenuse))
          points.Add(New Point(Math.Cos(angle - angleOffset1) * hypotenuse, -Math.Sin(angle - angleOffset1) * hypotenuse))
          Return points
      End Function

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Step 3: Render the annotations in chart

To Render the annotations in chart, follow these steps:

  1. Define global field of render engine.
    Dim _engine As IRenderEngine

  2. To create an instance of AnnotationLayer and add the annotation callouts in it, use the following code.
                <Annotation:Polygon x:Name="arrowCallout" Content="Low" 
                                    SeriesIndex="0" PointIndex="1" Attachment="DataIndex">
                        <Chart:ChartStyle Fill="#C800FF00" Stroke="Green"/>
                <Annotation:Polygon x:Name="lineCallout" Content="High"  
                                    SeriesIndex="0" PointIndex="4" Attachment="DataIndex">
                        <Chart:ChartStyle Fill="#C8FF0000" Stroke="Red" />
  3. To render the callouts use the following code in the Rendered event of chart.
    Private Sub flexChart_Rendered(sender As Object, e As RenderEventArgs)
        If (_engine Is Nothing) Then
            _engine = e.Engine
        End If
    End Sub

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