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Adastra Cut Development Time in Half with Wijmo

Case Study  |  Mar 1, 2021  |  Adastra

Industry Context

"Because Wijmo reduced the development time of the modules by at least 50%. The development of charting was sped up, without worrying about compatibility."

Many organizations face the dilemma of migrating their information from a legacy or in-house system to a dynamic, modern one. Adastra, a data transformation company, was one of those organizations. They had thousands of files; systematically organized using their tried-and-true internal data system. The company had outperformed year after year, resulting in even more data to manage and analyze. The current system catered to their needs and worked for years, but was lacking in modern functionality to keep up with company’s rapidly-changing demands.

This begged the question - When is the right time to migrate? Many organizations are at crossroads to evaluate current capacities versus converting.


"Due to the time saved on development, we could complete our project 90% faster."

Adastra was on a mission to migrate from Silverlight to JavaScript. The driving force behind this migration was to find a solution that provided a charting library built for both React and Typescript and supplied quality documentation - all while keeping resources and time at a minimum. One of the biggest challenges was to address chart rendering performance due to large amounts of data, browser compatibility, and time-to-market.


MESCIUS' Wijmo ordered Adastra notable features, in addition to framework compatibility. Specifically, FlexChart and the related charting sub-components were just the thing to meet Adastra’s requirements. Wijmo provided Adastra with hundreds of framework-specific samples with source code and was an appealing solution due to its well-known UI framework, impressive market share, and support structure.


Adastra Data Visualizations

These are actual images of how Adastra used Wijmo on their website. These are dynamic back pressure data visualizations.

 "Besides the out-of-the-box capabilities of the Wijmo controls, it also provided great flexibility to add custom features."

Wijmo provided the Adastra team with a positive migration experience. It was easy-to-use, quick to ramp-up, and saved hours of effort and development time. Because of Wijmo, Adastra reduced the development time of the modules by over 50%. With the development of charting was sped up without worrying about compatibility. Productivity saw improvement because the team did not need to spend extra effort writing or coding charts and conducting unit testing. Because of the time saved on development, we could complete our project 90% faster and reduce our coding/ ramp-up time by 90% in charting implementation, which was extremely helpful to our team.

About Adastra

Adastra, the world's largest brand-name supplier of manufacturing solutions, transforms the Data & Analytics space by providing smart Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Digital, and Governance services and solutions. Its mission is to manage, control, and improve data that connects you to your customer. Since 2000, they have been helping market and industry leaders worldwide to harness and leverage their data assets, accelerate innovation, improve operational excellence, and create unforgettable customer experiences.

About Wijmo

Wijmo is MESCIUS' full set of over 100 dynamic JavaScript UI components for enterprise development. Wijmo enables users to build lightweight, high-performance HTML and JavaScript components fast and orders virtualized renderings and limitless cell templates. It leads the pack with powerful UI components such as FlexGrid, FlexChart, Input, and so much more. This security-compliant UI component orders first-class framework support and is available in web application frameworks, including Angular, Vue, and React.

Accelerate development time with responsive layouts, powerful data-binding capabilities, cross-browser compatibility, and ready-to-use themes.

Schedule A Consult With Our Resident Wijmo Expert

Wijmo FlexGrid is the Fastest, Most Flexible JavaScript Data Grid

The FlexGrid grid control provides a powerful infrastructure for binding cells to data and formatting the cells using CSS, but in some cases that may not be enough. In those situations, use the formatItem event to customize the style or the content presented in each cell. The grid below uses formatItem to format cells with star ratings and sparklines.

Get started fast with easy integration backed by comprehensive documentation, interactive demos, and flexible support options here.

Adastra Data Visualizations

Wijmo FlexGrid - the fastest, most flexible JavaScript data grid.


MESCIUS was founded in Sendai, Japan in the early 1950s by a group of American educators in Japan. With a focus on high-quality English education, this small group established world-class elementary schools in northern Japan. After nurturing the schools to success, there was a realization that the company had software needs not met by what was on the market. So, MESCIUS expanded into technology and software to create what was needed.

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