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Xuni: First Release

After a month of rigorous testing on the Beta version, Xuni is now ready to fly free. If you haven’t already downloaded the Beta, you can begin your evaluation by downloading the first release here: In addition to polish and perfection, we’ve introduced licensing into this official release. Licensing affects trial users, as well, because to evaluate Xuni in your own apps you will need to generate an evaluation key. Our samples will work right out of the box - no problem. To test Xuni in your apps follow the steps at to generate an evaluation key. New to Xamarin.Forms or prefer to watch live humans teach you how Xuni works right before your eyes? Register for our upcoming webcast, Introducing Xuni and Xamarin.Forms, on February 26th. If you have any questions or comments submit them below or on our forums. We look forward to hearing from you! Coming up next: FlexGrid!

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