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ComponentOne for Xamarin Hotfix Available

A hotfix for ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin is now available via the GrapeCity NuGet server and as build 2.4.20173.234. This build provides several fixes.

Key: [XF] = Xamarin.Forms, [X.Android] = Xamarin.Android, [X.iOS] = Xamarin.iOS, [X.Mac] = Xamarin.Mac

2017 v3.1 Change Log



  • Project templates improved to allow SDK selection for UWP. Also added XAML compilation ( to templates to perform compile time checking and error notification for XAML, remove some of the load an instantiation time for XAML elements, and help reduce file size of the final assembly.


Bug fixes

  • [XF][X.Android] Fixed an issue where an unexpected second tap would be raised when double tapping on Android

Bug fixes

  • [XF] Fixed a System.NullReferenceException that occured when input control is viewed from XF Previewer's Android Platform.
  • [X.Android]System.NullReferenceException thrown when input control is viewing from Android designer portion.
  • [X.iOS] DropDown button correctly repositions when Orientation is changed at runtime(Landscape orientation).


Bug Fixes

  • [XF] Fixed an OutOfMemoryErrorException that could occur when rotating device/emulator from 'Custom Plot Elements' page
  • [XF] Custom labels of axis Y are displayed over plot elements in 'Customizing Axes' page
  • [X.iOS] Changing the Vertical/Horizontal LineStyle for the LineMarker's is correctly reflected in control
  • [XF] Tooltip now correctly disappears on changing device orientation on UWP


Bug Fixes

  • [XF] Fixed an issue where expanded row details cannot be collapsed any more after some operations of expanding and collapsing on Android
  • [XF] Cursor was not shown correctly when resizing a column.
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