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Xamarin Build 2.4.20172.195 Available Now

A hotfix for ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin is now available via the GrapeCity NuGet server and as build 2.4.20172.195. This build provides better compatibility with Xamarin.Forms 2.4 and .NET Standard.

2.4.20172.195 Change Log


This release has been updated to work better with Xamarin.Forms 2.4 and projects using .NET Standard rather than a PCL. Our libraries target .NET Standard 1.1 so they should remain compatible with both project styles whether PCL (profile 111) or .NET Standard.

Key: [XF] = Xamarin.Forms, [X.Android] = Xamarin.Android, [X.iOS] = Xamarin.iOS


Bug Fixes

  • [XF] Fixed an issue where e.OldText of TextChanged event returns the e.NewText value when a character is entered into a C1MaskedTextView
  • [XF] Fixed a bug where setting C1MaskedEntry's Text property in the code behind would not work


Bug Fixes

  • [XF] Fixed an issue that could occur on UWP where the control throws the error “Could not load type ‘Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UWP.FormsTimePicker’”

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