Build 409 has released. It includes a rolled-back fix for input buttons that resulted in making the input controls slightly oversized. It also includes a new, better fix for input buttons. We apologize for any inconvenience this introduced. We also included an enhancement to smooth scrolling on MacOS.
Keep an eye out on for a MAJOR release coming soon. Our 2018 v1 release is going to include a great new set of controls and features.
Get Build 5.20173.409 now
Notice: Wijmo 3 is now a Separate Download
As of build 409, we have removed Wijmo 3 from our Wijmo Enterprise download. The vast majority of our customers are using only Wijmo Core. So in order to make the Wijmo Enterprise download smaller, we removed Wijmo 3. To our loyal Wijmo 3 customers: not to worry, Wijmo 3 is still available to download separately! And Wijmo Enterprise still includes a license granting you the right to use Wijmo 3.