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Wijmo 2.0.0 Released

Wijmo matures as Version 2.0.0 has officially landed. This marks the second major release of the most complete UI kit for HTML5 & jQuery development.

 There is so much to talk about, but to sum it all up, we added a whole lot of widgets for Data Visualization and powerful features to the Grid. Beyond that, we've added more widgets, enhancements, and bug fixes across the board. With over 40 widgets, this is the most complete collection of tools a Web developer may access for creating interactive websites and applications. The power of HTML5 is harnessed in the Wijmo collection, and with it, your web applications will perform faster, run smoother, and be more engaging than even before.

New Widgets

Breaking Changes

We updated our graphics library to Raphael version 2. Make sure to remove all references of Raphael 1.5.2 from your projects. We are also now including Raphael in our combined file.

Fewer Script References

We have bundled all of our scripts and dependencies together to make using Wijmo much easier. Wijmo Open now includes BGIframe, Mousewheel, and Globalize libraries. Wijmo Complete now includes Raphael and Cookie libraries. We also merged everything into a single CSS file for both Wijmo Open and Complete. Here is how easy it is to reference Wijmo now:

    <!--jQuery References-->  
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="rocket-jqueryui" />  

    <!--Wijmo Widgets CSS-->  
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  

    <!--Wijmo Widgets JavaScript-->  
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  

New Docs and Website

We rewrote our entire website and online documentation for this release. Both are now much easier to navigate and read. We even made them responsive so our content is accessible on any computer or device! We hope you enjoy all of the work we put into the site and docs.

Go get it!

Make sure to download the latest version of Wijmo and read the change log!

Chris Bannon - Global Product Manager

Chris Bannon

Global Product Manager of Wijmo
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