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ActiveReportsJS v5.2 is Here! Check out our newest update.

ActiveReportsJS v5.2 is Here!

ARJS 5.2 is Here!

What's New in ActiveReports.NET v15.3


We are pleased to announce the release of ActiveReports.NET v15.3. This will be the final service pack for this version. This release includes important fixes, as well as some small features, and we have addressed several performance and memory management tasks.


ActiveReports 15.3 Fixes:

  • Case: AR-26590 - Silent installation using Web Installer implemented

  • Case: AR-27895 - RichTextBox now supports text-align:justify; in CrossPlatform mode

  • Case: AR-27896 - Fixed issue with Visual Query Designer showed JSON data with a pink background

  • Case: AR-28157 - Resolved 'Chart internal error' with Gantt chart on setting "Year month" formatting on the values axis labels

  • Case: AR-28259 - Fixed JSViewer showing 'Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'stream')' error on Expand/Collapse of table group

If you haven't already updated to this latest release, you can do so using NuGet Package Manager or get the installer here.

By the way, this is a free upgrade to existing v15 customers. This service pack brings ActiveReports 15 development to a close. We will focus our full attention on the current version of ActiveReports 16 and gear up to develop some exciting features in our next version, ActiveReports 17.
