Planning Spread COM Version 8
Thanks to those of you who have been using our Spread COM product over the years. Lately, there have been several internal and external forum discussions regarding the future of this product in regards to adding new features. In short, we are planning on releasing a new major COM version, Spread 8! Now it’s your turn. What new features would you like to see added? Before you answer, please keep in mind that items requiring major architecture design changes, for example hierarchy view, likely will not be implemented. One of the major focuses for this release will be an updated look and feel, as well as 64-bit support and other enhancements. So, please consider leaving a comment below that answers these two questions: 1. What feature(s) would you like to see added to Spread 8 (COM)? 2. Would you upgrade to this new version? Thanks in advance for your input and we would appreciate your reply by the end of this week. It is greatly appreciated. And as always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We still have the comments from our original post back in 2006 when we began pondering this new version. - Donald