GrapeCity has been developing JavaScript products for over six years, and in summer of 2016, hosted two global conferences on JavaScript in Seoul and Tokyo. Chris Bannon, Wijmo product manager, and Alex Ivanenko, program manager, presented two talks to their audiences. This recording is from Chris's presentation in Tokyo.
The browser landscape has changed greatly since we started and we have learned a lot along the way. Today, we manage Wijmo 5, a suite of JavaScript UI controls, specializing in a high-performance datagrid and powerful charts. In this session, we will give you a look inside our project. We will go over the collections of tools, frameworks, languages and patterns that we have refined over the years. You walk away from this session with useful tips for managing large-scale JavaScript applications. Chris Bannon, Product Manager of Wijmo, presents at Echo Seoul
This talk was simultaneously translated so the speaking is at a slower pace.