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ActiveReports 13.3 is Released

We are pleased to announce the release of ActiveReports v13.3. For ActiveReports developers, this will be the final service pack for version 13. This release includes important fixes and we have addressed several performance and memory management tasks.

ActiveReports 13.3 Fixes:

  • 272040 -When converting RPX to Page reports, some controls beyond of page bounds were removed
  • 273739 -Report not found' error shown when deploying a .NET Core MVC application on Virtual Directory
  • 275345 -"LayoutException: The size of the subreport is too small" error after upgrading from AR12.0 to AR13
  • 275536 -"LocateDataSource" event fires twice in the JSViewer
  • 275980 -Ruler not properly aligned with grid lines in report designer surface
  • 276125 -Fixed issue when UseTopDirectoryOnly set to "False" in "UseFileStore" method of UseDesigner API
  • 276230 -Custom button in HTMLViewer stopped working after Chrome V77 update
  • 276572 -Picture.Image property can now be set to null to hide image
  • 277254 -Stylesheets from a relative path is not applied in Visual Studio integrated designer
  • 277538 -HTML5 Viewer Refresh method does not re-render report
  • 277550 -Hyperlinks in HTML Export broken
  • 277610 -RichTextBox duplicating data after migrating from AR11 to AR13
  • 277628 -Restricted domains did not unload when new domains were created
  • 277981 -Error occurs when previewing a report referencing a subreport in subdirectory of resource file
  • 278150 -Invalid JSON is generated if report contains values with quotes
  • 278371 -Custom chart control causes a "DataSet name needs to be specified" error in report with multiple data sources
  • 278739 -LocateDataSource Event does not fire when fields of dataset used in parameter
  • 275182 -SvgImage CRI is corrupt in HTML export
  • 275264 -PDF export truncates text at the bottom
  • 275446 -Adding Line control by double-clicking in RDL\Page toolbox uses different units of measurement
  • 277608 -FormattedText control displays text with extra spaces

If you haven't already updated to this latest release, you can get the installer here.

This is a free upgrade to existing v13 customers.

This release brings ActiveReports 13 development to a close. We will focus our full attention on the current version of ActiveReports 14 and gear up the development of some exciting features in our next version, ActiveReports 15.

Get ActiveReports 13.3

Mateen Firoz

Mateen Firoz

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