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ActiveReportsJS v5.2 is Here! Check out our newest update.

ActiveReportsJS v5.2 is Here!

ARJS 5.2 is Here!

ActiveReportsJS v1.2 is Available


ActiveReportsJS v1.2 is available. This release includes new reporting capabilities in JavaScript. There are new features that extend upon the entire reporting experience, from designing reports with new report controls, to exporting reports and editing PDF documents.

We have added two new report controls, improved zooming, new functions for fiscal reports, and more.

BandedList Control

The BandedList control is a collection of free-form bands. A free-form band can contain other report controls, so designers can customize layouts for rows of data in a list. The control also includes a Header and Footer row that are great for identifying data in a column or displaying summary field values.

InputField Control

The InputField control is a field for report data that can be modified. It allows report designers to create reports that are editable as PDF documents. Upon the export of a report, a user can change the values of the data in a TextBox and save the new data in the document. Currently, the 'Type' of input supported in export is 'Text.'

Improved Zooming

A new shortcut is available to help when designing reports with strict layouts. Use the "Ctrl" button + Mouse scroll to quickly zoom in and out of the report without losing moving the mouse position. It is much easier to design reports with accuracy. You can also leverage this feature when viewing reports in the viewer.

SVG images

Design & Preview

Along with PNG and JPG images, you can now select SVG images to load into your reports. SVG images provide better scaling so you can adjust the dimensions of SVG images without degrading the quality of the image or your reports.

Export to PDF & Excel

You can also export SVG images in your reports to PDF and Excel documents.

New Functions for Fiscal Reports


Quarter function takes a date and returns a value 1-4. This value indicates the fiscal quarter for a given date.


The QuarterName function takes data and returns a string value Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4. The value indicates the Fiscal Quarter with a "Q" prefix.

Change Panel Position

By default, the Viewer's panel is fixed along the left side of the Viewer. We have added the ability to move the panel to the right side of the viewer component.

const viewer = new ActiveReports.Viewer('#viewer', {
 PanelsLocation: 'sidebar'

New Samples

  1. Balance Sheet

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