C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace (C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.8)
ClassDefines content of the footer cell.
ClassRepresents a base filter.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeMouseDown event.

The C1FlexGrid control is a powerful, full-featured grid.

C1FlexGrid provides advanced features such as outline trees, cell merging, masked editing, translated combo and image lists, owner-draw cells, and automatic data aggregation.

ClassBase class for the C1FlexGrid control.
ClassRepresents an abstract base class for custom grid renderers.
ClassThe CellBorder class encapsulates properties that control the appearance of borders in CellStyle objects.
ClassCollection of CellRange objects.
ClassThe CellStyle class encapsulates properties that control the appearance of grid cells. This information includes the background and foreground colors, font, text and image alignment, etc.
ClassCollection of CellStyle objects defined for a grid.
ClassClass that represents a grid column.
ClassCollection of grid Column objects.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ColumnContextMenuOpened event.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ColumnContextMenuOpening event.
ClassRepresents a filter that contains a ValueFilter and a ConditionFilter.
ClassRepresents a control used to edit a ColumnFilter object.
ClassExtends ToolStripMenuItem
ClassDescribes the Column picker info of FlexGrid.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ColumnPickerShowing event.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ColumnPickerShown event.
ClassHelper class that provides information about a currently active ComboBox editor.
ClassProvides a validation rule that compares two properties.
ClassRepresents a condition within a ConditionFilter.
ClassRepresents a filter based on one or two logical conditions.
ClassRepresents a control used to edit a ConditionFilter.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.CustomizeFilterEditor event.
ClassRepresents a row that displays detail control.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeDragColumn, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeDragRow, C1FlexGridBase.AfterDragColumn, and C1FlexGridBase.AfterDragRow events.
ClassRepresents errors that occur during operations with C1ExpressionEditor.
ClassDefines the footers collection.
ClassDescribes the footer.
ClassDescribes the footers of FlexGrid.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GetCellErrorInfo and C1FlexGridBase.GetRowErrorInfo events.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GetLocalizedString event.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GridChanged event handler.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GridError event.
ClassRepresents a collection of glyphs (images) indexed by glyph type (GlyphEnum type).
ClassRepresents a class that encapsulates the control printing functionality, including page and printer settings, headers, and footers.
ClassRepresents the base abstract class for Office2007 style renderers.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2007 Black visual style.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2007 Blue visual style.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2007 Silver visual style.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2010 Black visual style.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2010 Blue visual style.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2010 Silver visual style.
ClassC1FlexGridRenderer that implements the System visual style.
ClassThe GridTree class encapsulates properties that specify the appearance, position, and behavior of the outline tree.
ClassDescribes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion. Each group description also specifies a sort direction for the property. For example, if you group the data by Country, the grid will sort the data by country before creating the groups.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.KeyDownEdit and C1FlexGridBase.KeyUpEdit events.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.KeyPressEdit event.
ClassClass that implements the IC1MultiColumnDictionary and can be used as a column DataMap to create multi-column combo editors.
ClassThe Node class encapsulates properties and methods used for manipulating node rows (collapsing, expanding, moving, and sorting them).
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.OwnerDrawCell event.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.OwnerDrawOutlineButton event.
ClassRepresents an object that renders a C1FlexGrid into a paged System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.AfterRowColChange, C1FlexGridBase.AfterScroll, C1FlexGridBase.AfterSelChange, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeRowColChange, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeScroll, and C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSelChange events.
ClassSpecifies the numeric range constraints for the value in the editor.
ClassSpecifies that an editor value is required.
ClassClass that represents a grid row.
ClassBase class for grid rows and columns (Row and Column classes).
ClassBase class for grid row and column collections (RowCollection and ColumnCollection classes).
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.AfterEdit, C1FlexGridBase.AfterResizeColumn, C1FlexGridBase.AfterResizeRow, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeEdit, C1FlexGridBase.BeforePageBreak, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeResizeColumn, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeResizeRow, C1FlexGridBase.ShowScrollTip, C1FlexGridBase.CellButtonClick, C1FlexGridBase.ComboCloseUp, C1FlexGridBase.ComboDropDown, C1FlexGridBase.SetupEditor, and C1FlexGridBase.StartEdit events.
ClassCollection of grid Row objects.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.RowDetailsApplying event.
ClassRepresents a row with details.
ClassStatic class containing UI strings used in run-time.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.SearchApplied event.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.SearchApplying event.
ClassGeneric collection that supports data binding and advanced sorting (System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView).

This class is especially useful to provide data for grids that use the C1FlexGridBase.GroupDescriptions property.

ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSort and C1FlexGridBase.AfterSort events.
ClassA lightweight chart which represents the general shape of the data variation.
ClassRepresents a styles of the sparkline.
ClassSpecifies the minimum and maximum length of characters that are allowed in the editor.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSubtotal and C1FlexGridBase.AfterSubtotal events.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ShowScrollTip event.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GetUnboundValue and C1FlexGridBase.SetUnboundValue events.
ClassProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ValidateEdit event.
ClassServes as the base class for all validations.
ClassRepresents a collection of validation rules that can be individually accessed by index.
ClassRepresents a filter based on a set of values.
ClassRepresents a control used to edit a ValueFilter.
InterfaceInterface implemented by column filter objects.
InterfaceInterface implemented by column filter objects.
InterfaceInterface implemented by column filter editor controls.
InterfaceInterface implemented by editors and used by the grid to host edit controls on cells.
InterfaceInterface implemented by detail controls and used by the grid to host detail controls on detail rows.
InterfaceInterface that extends System.Collections.IDictionary and can be used to implement multi-column data maps.
InterfaceInterface that extends IC1MultiColumnDictionary and can be used to implement multi-column data maps.
InterfaceProvides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ColumnPickerShowing and C1FlexGridBase.ColumnPickerShown events.
InterfaceDefines a value editor of filter condition.
InterfaceDefines methods for data integration with complex C1FlexGrid views.
StructureRepresents cell ranges, allowing the caller to set properties for multiple cells with a single statement.
StructureContains information, such as the row and column indexes, about a specific coordinate pair in the C1FlexGrid control.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeMouseDown event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.CustomizeFilterEditor event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeDragColumn, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeDragRow, C1FlexGridBase.AfterDragColumn and C1FlexGridBase.AfterDragRow events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.GetCellErrorInfo and C1FlexGridBase.GetRowErrorInfo events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.GetLocalizedString event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.GridChanged event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.GridError event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.KeyDownEdit and C1FlexGridBase.KeyUpEdit events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.KeyPressEdit event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.OwnerDrawCell event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.AfterRowColChange, C1FlexGridBase.AfterScroll, C1FlexGridBase.AfterSelChange, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeRowColChange, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeScroll, and C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSelChange events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.AfterEdit, C1FlexGridBase.AfterResizeColumn, C1FlexGridBase.AfterResizeRow, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeEdit, C1FlexGridBase.BeforePageBreak, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeResizeColumn, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeResizeRow, C1FlexGridBase.ShowScrollTip, C1FlexGridBase.CellButtonClick, C1FlexGridBase.ComboCloseUp, C1FlexGridBase.ComboDropDown, C1FlexGridBase.SetupEditor, and C1FlexGridBase.StartEdit events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.ShowScrollTip event.
DelegateRepresents the delegate which will create detail control.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSort and C1FlexGridBase.AfterSort events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSubtotal and C1FlexGridBase.AfterSubtotal events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.GetUnboundValue and C1FlexGridBase.SetUnboundValue events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1FlexGridBase.ValidateEdit event.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of aggregate function to calculate with the C1FlexGridBase.Aggregate and C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridBase.Subtotal(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.AggregateEnum,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.AggregateFlags,C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColFlags) methods.
EnumerationSpecifies options to use when calculating aggregates with the C1FlexGridBase.Aggregate method.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the user should be able to drag rows and columns with the mouse.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of filter to be used for a Column.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the user should be able to freeze rows and columns with the mouse.
EnumerationSpecifies how adjacent cells are merged for display.
EnumerationSpecifies constants that define the grid's column pinning capabilities.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the user should be able to resize rows and columns with the mouse.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the user should be able to sort columns with the mouse.
EnumerationSpecifies where the grid should start searching for cells when using the C1FlexGridBase.AutoSearch property.
EnumerationSpecifies options that control auto-sizing.
EnumerationDetermines a border alignment relative to the cell border.
EnumerationSpecifies the direction of cell borders.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of cell border to display.
EnumerationRepresents the type of cell being rendered.
EnumerationEnumeration used to retrieve CellStyle objects from the C1FlexGridBase.Styles collection.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of checkbox to draw in a cell.
EnumerationSpecifies which elements of the grid should be cleared by the C1FlexGridBase.Clear method.
EnumerationSpecifies what parts of the grid should be copied to the clipboard when the C1FlexGridBase.AutoClipboard property is set to true.
EnumerationTypes of the Column picker search.
EnumerationRepresents operators used in filter conditions.
EnumerationSpecifies whether a style should display the cell text, image, both, or none.
EnumerationSpecifies the behavior of the control as an OLE drag-drop source.
EnumerationSpecifies which elements of the cell should be drawn by the grid.
EnumerationColor mode for FlexGrid drawing
EnumerationSpecifies whether cells should be drawn entirely by the grid or with help from custom drawing code.
EnumerationSpecifies the behavior of the control as an OLE drag-drop target.
EnumerationSpecifies options that customize the grid's editing behavior.
EnumerationSpecifies a reason why validation of editor value failed.
EnumerationSpecifies how the column will display the filter icons.
EnumerationSpecifies the appearance of the focus rectangle.
EnumerationSpecifies a type of glyph (image) used by the grid to convey information about a row, column, or cell.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of change that occurred when the controls fires the C1FlexGridBase.GridChanged event.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the grid should highlight the selected range.
EnumerationType of grid element at a specific point on the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of hover highlighting by moving mouse over the grid.
EnumerationDetermines FlexGrid icons view.
EnumerationSpecifies how images are aligns in grid cells.
EnumerationSpecifies the action to perform when the ENTER and TAB keys are pressed.
EnumerationDetermines the position of the marquee border relative to the selected cells range.
EnumerationSpecifies the destination of nodes when they are moved with the Node.Move method.
EnumerationSpecifies a node with respect to another given node.
EnumerationSpecifies the order of the pages during printing when the data does not fit on one page.
EnumerationContains flags that specify printing options to use with the C1FlexGridBase.PrintGrid method.
EnumerationDetermines the visibility mode of the row details.
EnumerationSpecifies options that customize scrollbar behavior.
EnumerationSpecifies text search highlighting mode.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of selection provided by the grid.
EnumerationSpecifies when the grid should display combo buttons in cells.
EnumerationSpecifies the position of the sort glyphs within the column header cells.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the control should use themes for displaying row or column headers.
EnumerationSpecifies how grid columns should be sorted.
EnumerationRepresents the sparkline type.
EnumerationContains flags that specify which style elements are defined in a CellStyle object.
EnumerationSpecifies whether subtotals rows created with the C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridBase.Subtotal(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.AggregateEnum,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.AggregateFlags,C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColFlags) method should be inserted above or below the data they refer to.
EnumerationSpecifies how text is aligned in a grid cell.
EnumerationSpecifies the direction to use when rendering text in a grid cell.
EnumerationSpecifies a 3D effect to use when rendering cell text.
EnumerationSpecifies the appearance of the outline tree.
EnumerationSpecifies a visual style to use when rendering the control.
EnumerationOptions of the WriteXml and ReadXml methods allows to choose which elements of C1FlexGrid should be saved or loaded.
See Also