C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / XmlOptions Enumeration

XmlOptions Enumeration
Options of the WriteXml and ReadXml methods allows to choose which elements of C1FlexGrid should be saved or loaded.
Public Enum XmlOptions 
   Inherits System.Enum
AllIncludes all elements.
ColumnInfoIncludes description of the column collection.
ControlIncludes FlexGrid control properties, which are allowed to be saved or loaded.
DataIncludes cell data.
GlyphsIncludes glyphs.
ImagesIncludes images.
MapsIncludes maps.
NoneNothing to save or load.
RangesIncludes merged ranges.
RowInfoIncludes description of the row collection.
StylesIncludes styles.
TreeIncludes outline tree information.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also