C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / GridChangedTypeEnum Enumeration

GridChangedTypeEnum Enumeration
Specifies the type of change that occurred when the controls fires the C1FlexGridBase.GridChanged event.
Public Enum GridChangedTypeEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
AfterCollapseA tree node has just been collapsed or expanded.
AfterSelChangeThe selection has just changed.
BeforeCollapseA tree node is about to be collapsed or expanded.
BeforeSelChangeThe selection is about to change.
CellChangedThe value in a cell has changed.
ColAddedA column has been added to the grid.
ColMovedA column has been moved into a new position.
ColRemovedA column has been removed from the grid.
ColSelectedA column has been selected or de-selected.
EnsureVisibleA tree node will be scrolled into view.
ExpressionChangedThe column expression has changed.
ExpressionsAllowedExpressions are allowed
GridChangedThe number of grid rows or columns has changed.
GroupExpressionChangedThe column group expression has changed.
LayoutChangedThe number of fixed grid rows or columns has changed.
NoneNo action.
RepaintGridThe grid has been invalidated and will be repainted.
RepaintRangeA range has been invalidated and will be repainted.
RowAddedA row has been added to the grid.
RowMovedA row has been moved into a new position.
RowRemovedA row has been removed from the grid.
RowSelectedA row has been selected or de-selected.
SelectA tree node will be selected.
StyleAppliedA style has been applied to a range.
StyleChangedA style definition has changed.
UpdateThe grid will be repainted.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also