The code below creates an unbound two-column data map and assigns it to a grid column:
The map consists of three items, each with two columns. Because the autoKeys parameter was set to true in the map's constructor, the map will have unique integer keys for each value,and those integers will be stored in the grid cells. If autoKeys had been set to false, the strings themselves would be used as keys and stored in the grid cells.
The code below creates a bound data map and assigns it to a grid column:
This map is bound to an Employees DataTable. The keyColumn parameter is set to "EmployeeID", causing this field to be used as a key. When the grid is edited, the values stored in the cells will be the employee's ID. However, this value is never displayed be the grid.
The drop-down list will show the employee's first name, last name, and country, as specified by the columnNames parameter.
When the list is closed, the grid will display the employee's last name, as specified by the displayColumn parameter.
Note that this map is dynamically bound to the data source, so if the employees table is modified, the editor list will reflect the changes automatically.
Note also that the usual combo editing features such as auto-search and double-click cycling still work.