C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / SelectionModeEnum Enumeration

SelectionModeEnum Enumeration
Specifies the type of selection provided by the grid.
Public Enum SelectionModeEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
CellThe user can select only a single cell at a time.
CellRangeThe user can select continuous blocks of cells using the keyboard and the mouse. Clicking on header cells does not affect the selection.
ColumnThe user can select a single column at a time.
ColumnRangeThe user can select a range of contiguous columns at a time.
DefaultThe user can select continuous blocks of cells using the keyboard and the mouse. Clicking on header cells selects entire rows and columns.
ListBoxThe user can select non-contiguous rows using control-click.
MultiRangeThe user can select multiple continuous blocks of cells using the mouse.
RowThe user can select a single row at a time.
RowRangeThe user can select a range of contiguous rows at a time.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also