C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / HitTestTypeEnum Enumeration

HitTestTypeEnum Enumeration
Type of grid element at a specific point on the control.
Public Enum HitTestTypeEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
CellThe point is on a grid cell. (The cell coordinates are stored in the HitTestInfo.Row and HitTestInfo.Column properties).
CheckboxThe point is on a check box.
ColumnFreezeThe point is near the right edge of the last frozen column, in the column freezing area.
ColumnHeaderThe point is on a fixed row, over a column.
ColumnPickerIconThe point is on the Column picker icon on a cell [0,0].
ColumnResizeThe point is near the right edge of a fixed cell, in the column resizing area.
EditButtonThe point is on an edit button (drop down, popup editors).
ExpressionIconThe point is on the expression editor icon on a column header cell.
FilterIconThe point is on the filter icon on a column header cell.
NoneThe point is in the grid's empty area.
OutlineBarThe point is on the outline bar (visible when the grid's C1FlexGridBase.Tree property has a GridTree.Style that contains the TreeStyleFlags.ButtonBar flag).
OutlineTreeThe point is on the collapse/expand button on an outline tree (visible when the grid's GridTree.Style property contains the TreeStyleFlags.Symbols flag).
PinIconThe point is on the pin icon on a column header cell.
RowFreezeThe point is near the bottom edge of the last frozen row, in the row freezing area.
RowHeaderThe point is on a fixed column, next to a row.
RowResizeThe point is near the bottom edge of a fixed cell, in the row resizing area.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also