Sometimes rows are bound to data objects that contain more information than would fit easily on a regular grid.
In these scenarios, you may want to use the FlexGridDetailProvider class that is included with the wijmo.grid.detail module. The FlexGridDetailProvider will create a details section for each row that users can expand to see the rest of the data.
You can add anything you want to the detail row, including other grids. The sample below shows both how to display the data in another grid, as well as within standard HTML elements.
import 'bootstrap.css';
import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css';
import './styles.css';
import * as wjCore from '@mescius/wijmo';
import * as wjOdata from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
import * as wjGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid';
import * as wjGridDetail from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.detail';
import * as wjInput from '@mescius/wijmo.input';
document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init;
function init() {
// get OData categories and products
const url = '';
const categories = new wjOdata.ODataCollectionView(url, 'Categories', {
fields: ['CategoryID', 'CategoryName', 'Description']
const products = new wjOdata.ODataCollectionView(url, 'Products');
// shared column definitions
const categoryColumns = [
{ binding: 'CategoryName', header: 'Category Name', width: '*' },
{ binding: 'Description', header: 'Description', width: '2*' }
// get products for a given category
const _catToProductMap = new Map();
function getProducts(categoryID) {
let categoryProducts = _catToProductMap.get(categoryID);
if (!categoryProducts) {
categoryProducts = products.items.filter(product => (product.CategoryID === categoryID));
_catToProductMap.set(categoryID, categoryProducts);
return categoryProducts;
// grid with HTML detail
const htmlDetail = new wjGrid.FlexGrid('#htmlDetail', {
autoGenerateColumns: false,
columns: categoryColumns,
itemsSource: categories,
isReadOnly: true,
// html detail provider
const dpHtml = new wjGridDetail.FlexGridDetailProvider(htmlDetail, {
// use animation when showing details
isAnimated: true,
// create detail cells for a given row
createDetailCell: function (row) {
// build detail content for the current category
const cat = row.dataItem;
const prods = getProducts(cat.CategoryID);
let html = `ID: <b>${cat.CategoryID}</b><br />`;
html += `Name: <b>${cat.CategoryName}</b><br />`;
html += `Description: <b>${cat.Description}</b><br />`;
html += `Products: <b>${prods.length} items</b><br />`;
html += '<ol>';
prods.forEach(product => { html += `<li>${product.ProductName}</li>`; });
html += '</ol>';
// create and return detail cell
const cell = document.createElement('div');
cell.innerHTML = html;
return cell;
// grid with grid detail
const gridDetail = new wjGrid.FlexGrid('#gridDetail', {
autoGenerateColumns: false,
columns: categoryColumns,
itemsSource: categories,
isReadOnly: true,
// grid detail provider
const initialOptions = {
// specifies when and how the row details are displayed
detailVisibilityMode: wjGridDetail.DetailVisibilityMode.ExpandSingle,
// maximum height of the detail rows, in pixels
maxHeight: null,
// whether to use animation when showing row details
isAnimated: true,
// action to perform when the ENTER key is pressed
keyActionEnter: wjGridDetail.KeyAction.None,
// callback function that determines whether a row has details
rowHasDetail: null,
// function that creates detail cells
createDetailCell: function (row) {
const cell = document.createElement('div');
new wjGrid.FlexGrid(cell, {
headersVisibility: wjGrid.HeadersVisibility.Column,
isReadOnly: true,
autoGenerateColumns: false,
itemsSource: getProducts(row.dataItem.CategoryID),
columns: [
{ header: 'ID', binding: 'ProductID' },
{ header: 'Name', binding: 'ProductName' },
{ header: 'Qty/Unit', binding: 'QuantityPerUnit' },
{ header: 'Unit Price', binding: 'UnitPrice' },
{ header: 'Discontinued', binding: 'Discontinued' },
return cell;
const dpGrid = new wjGridDetail.FlexGridDetailProvider(gridDetail, initialOptions);
// create detailVisibilityMode selector
const detailVisibilityModeMenu = new wjInput.Menu('#detailVisibilityMode', {
selectedIndexChanged: (s, e) => {
if (s.selectedIndex > -1) {
dpGrid.detailVisibilityMode = s.selectedValue;
header: 'detailVisibilityMode',
displayMemberPath: 'header',
selectedValuePath: 'value',
itemsSource: [
{ header: 'Code', value: wjGridDetail.DetailVisibilityMode.Code },
{ header: 'Selection', value: wjGridDetail.DetailVisibilityMode.Selection },
{ header: 'ExpandSingle', value: wjGridDetail.DetailVisibilityMode.ExpandSingle },
{ header: 'ExpandMulti', value: wjGridDetail.DetailVisibilityMode.ExpandMulti },
detailVisibilityModeMenu.selectedValue = initialOptions.detailVisibilityMode;
// create maxHeight selector
const maxHeightMenu = new wjInput.Menu('#maxHeight', {
selectedIndexChanged: (s, e) => {
if (s.selectedIndex > -1) {
dpGrid.maxHeight = s.selectedValue;
header: 'maxHeight',
displayMemberPath: 'header',
selectedValuePath: 'value',
itemsSource: [
{ header: 'null', value: null },
{ header: '100', value: 100 },
{ header: '200', value: 200 },
{ header: '300', value: 300 },
{ header: '400', value: 400 },
{ header: '500', value: 500 },
maxHeightMenu.selectedValue = initialOptions.maxHeight;
// create isAnimated selector
const isAnimatedMenu = new wjInput.Menu('#isAnimated', {
selectedIndexChanged: (s, e) => {
if (s.selectedIndex > -1) {
dpGrid.isAnimated = s.selectedValue;
header: 'isAnimated',
displayMemberPath: 'header',
selectedValuePath: 'value',
itemsSource: [
{ header: 'False', value: false },
{ header: 'True', value: true },
isAnimatedMenu.selectedValue = initialOptions.isAnimated;
// create keyActionEnter selector
const keyActionEnterMenu = new wjInput.Menu('#keyActionEnter', {
selectedIndexChanged: (s, e) => {
if (s.selectedIndex > -1) {
dpGrid.keyActionEnter = s.selectedValue;
header: 'keyActionEnter',
displayMemberPath: 'header',
selectedValuePath: 'value',
itemsSource: [
{ header: 'None', value: wjGridDetail.KeyAction.None },
{ header: 'ToggleDetail', value: wjGridDetail.KeyAction.ToggleDetail },
keyActionEnterMenu.selectedValue = initialOptions.keyActionEnter;
// create rowDetails selector
const rowDetailsMenu = new wjInput.Menu('#rowDetails', {
selectedIndexChanged: (s, e) => {
if (s.selectedIndex > -1) {
dpGrid.rowHasDetail = s.selectedValue ? null : (row => !(row.dataItem.CategoryID % 2));
header: 'rowDetails',
displayMemberPath: 'header',
selectedValuePath: 'value',
itemsSource: [
{ header: 'All', value: true },
{ header: 'Even rows only', value: false },
rowDetailsMenu.selectedValue = initialOptions.rowHasDetail;
function formatMenuHeader(menu) {
let index = menu.header.indexOf(':');
if (index !== -1) {
menu.header = menu.header.substring(0, menu.header.indexOf(':')) +
wjCore.format(': <b>{header}</b>', menu.selectedItem);
else {
menu.header = menu.header + wjCore.format(': <b>{header}</b>', menu.selectedItem);
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