Layout Definition

The TransposedMultiRow control extends the FlexGrid control to display data using a transposed layout, where columns represent data items and rows represent item properties like in the TransposedGrid control.

But in contrast to the TransposedGrid control, the TransposedMultiRow control uses multiple columns to represent each data item.

Like the MultiRow control, The TransposedMultiRow control also allows to customize layout using the property layoutDefinition. This property has the same meaning and usage as in the MultiRow control although the resulting view will looks differently because of transposing.

This sample demonstrates the differences between the TransposedMultiRow and the MultiRow controls that have the same layout definition.

Learn about FlexGrid | Layout Definition Documentation | TransposedMultiRow API Reference

import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import './styles.css'; // import * as wjCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjInput from '@mescius/wijmo.input'; import * as wjPdf from '@mescius/wijmo.pdf'; import * as wjGridPdf from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.pdf'; import * as wjGridXlsx from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.xlsx'; import { MultiRow } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.multirow'; import { TransposedMultiRow } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.transposedmultirow'; import { generateAppData } from './data'; // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { let appData = generateAppData(); let orders = appData.orders; let layoutDefs = appData.layoutDefs; let currentLayout = appData.layoutDefs.currentItem; let trnMultirow = new TransposedMultiRow('#trnMultirow', { itemsSource: orders, layoutDefinition: currentLayout.def }); let ordMultirow = new MultiRow('#ordMultirow', { itemsSource: orders, layoutDefinition: currentLayout.def }); let ldComboBox = new wjInput.ComboBox('#ldComboBox', { itemsSource: layoutDefs, displayMemberPath: 'name' }); // updateDescriptions(); layoutDefs.currentChanged.addHandler(() => { currentLayout = appData.layoutDefs.currentItem; updateMultirow(); updateDescriptions(); }); // document.getElementById('btnExportToExcel').addEventListener('click', function () { wjGridXlsx.FlexGridXlsxConverter.saveAsync(trnMultirow, { includeRowHeaders: true }, 'FlexGrid.xlsx'); }); // document.getElementById('btnExportToPDF').addEventListener('click', function () { wjGridPdf.FlexGridPdfConverter.export(trnMultirow, 'FlexGrid.pdf', { documentOptions: { pageSettings: { layout: wjPdf.PdfPageOrientation.Landscape } }, scaleMode: wjGridPdf.ScaleMode.ActualSize }); }); // function updateMultirow() { trnMultirow.layoutDefinition = currentLayout.def; ordMultirow.layoutDefinition = currentLayout.def; } // function updateDescriptions() { wjCore.setText(document.querySelector('#mainDesc'), currentLayout.descriptions.main); wjCore.setText(document.querySelector('#trnDesc'), currentLayout.descriptions.transposedView); wjCore.setText(document.querySelector('#ordDesc'), currentLayout.descriptions.ordinaryView); } }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo TransposedMultiRow Layout Definition</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="" integrity="sha512-skZbMyvYdNoZfLmiGn5ii6KmklM82rYX2uWctBhzaXPxJgiv4XBwJnFGr5k8s+6tE1pcR1nuTKghozJHyzMcoA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <label>Layout option: <div id="ldComboBox"></div></label> <p id="mainDesc"></p> <label>Transposed MultiRow</label> <p id="trnDesc"></p> <div id="trnMultirow"></div> <div> <button id="btnExportToExcel" class="btn btn-default"> Export To Excel </button> <button id="btnExportToPDF" class="btn btn-default"> Export To PDF </button> </div> <label>Ordinary MultiRow</label> <p id="ordDesc"></p> <div id="ordMultirow"></div> </div> </body> </html>
import * as wjCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid'; // export function generateAppData() { // create some data let appData = {}, customers = [], firstNames = 'Aaron,Paul,John,Mark,Sue,Tom,Bill,Joe,Tony,Brad,Frank,Chris,Pat'.split(','), lastNames = 'Smith,Johnson,Richards,Bannon,Wong,Peters,White,Brown,Adams,Jennings'.split(','), cities = 'York,Paris,Rome,Cairo,Florence,Sidney,Hamburg,Vancouver'.split(','), states = 'SP,RS,RN,SC,CS,RT,BC'.split(','); for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { let first = randArray(firstNames), last = randArray(lastNames); customers.push({ id: i, name: first + ' ' + last, address: randBetween(100, 10000) + ' ' + randArray(lastNames) + ' St.', city: randArray(cities), state: randArray(states), zip: wjCore.format('{p1:d5}-{p2:d3}', { p1: randBetween(10000, 99999), p2: randBetween(100, 999) }), email: first + '.' + last + '', phone: wjCore.format('{p1:d3}-{p2:d4}', { p1: randBetween(100, 999), p2: randBetween(1000, 9999) }) }); } let cityMap = new wjGrid.DataMap(cities); let shippers = [ { id: 0, name: 'Speedy Express', email: '', phone: '431-3234', express: true }, { id: 1, name: 'Flash Delivery', email: '', phone: '431-6563', express: true }, { id: 2, name: 'Logitrax', email: '', phone: '431-3981', express: false }, { id: 3, name: 'Acme Inc', email: '', phone: '431-3113', express: false } ]; let orders = []; let today = new Date(); for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { let shipped = wjCore.DateTime.addDays(today, -randBetween(1, 3000)); orders.push({ id: i, date: wjCore.DateTime.addDays(shipped, -randBetween(1, 5)), shippedDate: shipped, amount: randBetween(10000, 500000) / 100, customer: clone(randArray(customers)), shipper: clone(randArray(shippers)) }); } // function randBetween(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } // function randArray(arr) { return arr[randBetween(0, arr.length - 1)]; } // shallow copy function clone(obj) { if (wjCore.isFunction(Object.assign)) { // IE does not support it return Object.assign({}, obj); } let clone = {}; for (let prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { clone[prop] = obj[prop]; } } return clone; } // expose orders CollectionView to the app appData.orders = new wjCore.CollectionView(orders); // expose grouped orders CollectionView to the app appData.groupedOrders = new wjCore.CollectionView(orders, { groupDescriptions: [ '' ] }); // expose paged orders CollectionView to the app appData.pagedOrders = new wjCore.CollectionView(orders, { pageSize: 4 }); // expose addNew oders CollectionView to the app appData.addNewOrders = new wjCore.CollectionView(orders, { newItemCreator: function () { return { customer: {}, shipper: {} }; }, }); appData.addNewOrders.moveCurrentToLast(); // refresh views when data source changes let ordersRefreshing = false; appData.orders.collectionChanged.addHandler(function () { ordersRefreshing = true; if (!pagedOrdersRefreshing) { appData.pagedOrders.refresh(); } if (!groupedOrdersRefreshing) { appData.groupedOrders.refresh(); } if (!addNewOrdersRefreshing) { appData.addNewOrders.refresh(); } ordersRefreshing = false; }); // addNew orders let addNewOrdersRefreshing = false; appData.addNewOrders.collectionChanged.addHandler(function () { addNewOrdersRefreshing = true; if (!ordersRefreshing) { appData.orders.refresh(); } if (!pagedOrdersRefreshing) { appData.pagedOrders.refresh(); } if (!groupedOrdersRefreshing) { appData.groupedOrders.refresh(); } addNewOrdersRefreshing = false; }); // grouped orders let groupedOrdersRefreshing = false; appData.groupedOrders.collectionChanged.addHandler(function () { groupedOrdersRefreshing = true; if (!ordersRefreshing) { appData.orders.refresh(); } if (!pagedOrdersRefreshing) { appData.pagedOrders.refresh(); } if (!addNewOrdersRefreshing) { appData.addNewOrders.refresh(); } groupedOrdersRefreshing = false; }); // paged orders let pagedOrdersRefreshing = false; appData.pagedOrders.collectionChanged.addHandler(function () { pagedOrdersRefreshing = true; if (!ordersRefreshing) { appData.orders.refresh(); } if (!addNewOrdersRefreshing) { appData.addNewOrders.refresh(); } if (!groupedOrdersRefreshing) { appData.groupedOrders.refresh(); } pagedOrdersRefreshing = false; }); // sample layout definitions appData.ldOneLine = [ { cells: [{ binding: 'id', header: 'ID', cssClass: 'id', isReadOnly: true }] }, { cells: [{ binding: 'date', header: 'Ordered' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: 'shippedDate', header: 'Shipped' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: 'amount', header: 'Amount', format: 'c', cssClass: 'amount' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Customer' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: 'customer.address', header: 'Address', wordWrap: true }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'City', dataMap: cityMap }] }, { cells: [{ binding: 'customer.state', header: 'State', width: 45 }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Zip' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Customer Email', cssClass: 'email' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Customer Phone' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Shipper' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Shipper Email', cssClass: 'email' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Shipper Phone' }] }, { cells: [{ binding: '', header: 'Express' }] } ]; appData.ldThreeLines = [ { header: 'Order', colspan: 3, cells: [ { binding: 'id', header: 'ID', rowspan: 2, cssClass: 'id' }, { binding: 'amount', header: 'Amount', format: 'c', rowspan: 2, cssClass: 'amount' }, { binding: 'date', header: 'Ordered' }, { binding: 'shippedDate', header: 'Shipped' } ] }, { header: 'Customer', colspan: 3, cells: [ { binding: '', header: 'Name' }, { binding: 'customer.address', header: 'Address', rowspan: 2 }, { binding: '', header: 'City', dataMap: cityMap }, { binding: '', header: 'EMail', rowspan: 2, cssClass: 'email' }, { binding: 'customer.state', header: 'State', width: 45 }, { binding: '', header: 'Phone' }, { binding: '', header: 'Zip' }, ] }, { header: 'Shipper', colspan: 3, cells: [ { binding: '', header: 'Shipper' }, { binding: '', header: 'EMail', cssClass: 'email' }, { binding: '', header: 'Express' } ] } ]; appData.layoutDefs = new wjCore.CollectionView([ { name: 'Basic layout', descriptions: { main: 'This layout is divided into three groups: order, customer, and shipper. Each group consists of multiple properties and spans three columns.', transposedView: 'This view uses three columns per record, and different number of rows per group.', ordinaryView: 'This view uses the same number of rows per record, and three columns per group.' }, def: appData.ldThreeLines }, { name: 'Grid layout', descriptions: { main: 'This layout is like a grid view. Each group consists of single property and spans one column.', transposedView: 'This view corresponds to transposed grid view in which columns represent records.', ordinaryView: 'This view corresponds to traditional grid view in which rows represent records.' }, def: appData.ldOneLine } ]); return appData; }
.wj-transposed-multirow { height: 300px; margin: 6px 0; } .wj-multirow { height: 400px; margin: 6px 0; }
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