If you use FlexGrid's childItemsPath to show the data as a TreeGrid, the resulting grid will be read-only by default. This happens because every row in a TreeGrid is a GroupRow, and group rows are read-only by default. If you want your TreeGrid to be editable, handle the loadedRows event to set the isReadOnly property of every row to false.
import 'bootstrap.css';
import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css';
import './styles.css';
import * as wjGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid';
document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init;
function init() {
// workers tree data (heterogeneous collection)
var workers = [{
name: 'Jack Smith',
checks: [{
name: 'check1',
earnings: [
{ name: 'hourly', hours: 30.0, rate: 15.0 },
{ name: 'overtime', hours: 10.0, rate: 20.0 },
{ name: 'bonus', hours: 5.0, rate: 30.0 }
}, {
name: 'check2',
earnings: [
{ name: 'hourly', hours: 20.0, rate: 18.0 },
{ name: 'overtime', hours: 20.0, rate: 24.0 }
}, {
name: 'Jack Smith',
checks: [{
name: 'check1',
earnings: [
{ name: 'hourly', hours: 30.0, rate: 15.0 },
{ name: 'overtime', hours: 10.0, rate: 20.0 },
{ name: 'bonus', hours: 5.0, rate: 30.0 }
}, {
name: 'check2',
earnings: [
{ name: 'hourly', hours: 20.0, rate: 18.0 },
{ name: 'overtime', hours: 20.0, rate: 24.0 }
}, {
name: 'Jane Smith',
checks: [{
name: 'check1',
earnings: [
{ name: 'hourly', hours: 30.0, rate: 15.0 },
{ name: 'overtime', hours: 10.0, rate: 20.0 },
{ name: 'bonus', hours: 5.0, rate: 30.0 }
}, {
name: 'check2',
earnings: [
{ name: 'hourly', hours: 20.0, rate: 18.0 },
{ name: 'overtime', hours: 20.0, rate: 24.0 }
// workers tree
var workersGrid = new wjGrid.FlexGrid('#workersGrid', {
headersVisibility: 'Column',
selectionMode: 'Row',
childItemsPath: ['checks', 'earnings'],
autoGenerateColumns: false,
columns: [
{ binding: 'name', isReadOnly: true },
{ binding: 'hours', dataType: 'Number', format: 'n2' },
{ binding: 'rate', dataType: 'Number', format: 'n2' }
loadedRows: function (s, e) {
s.rows.forEach(function (row) {
row.isReadOnly = false;
beginningEdit: function (s, e) {
var item = s.rows[e.row].dataItem, binding = s.columns[e.col].binding;
if (!(binding in item)) { // property not on this item?
e.cancel = true; // can't edit!
itemsSource: workers
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