Format Cells (React)

FlexSheet allows the format to be set for each cell using the applyCellsStyle method. The format includes the data format of the cell value (Date/Number format), font style, fill color and horizontal alignment.

Learn about FlexSheet | FlexSheet API Reference

This example uses React.

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import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'; import useEvent from 'react-use-event-hook'; import * as wijmo from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjInput from '@mescius/wijmo.react.input'; import * as wjGridSheet from '@mescius/wijmo.react.grid.sheet'; import './app.css'; const fonts = [ { name: 'Arial', value: 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Arial Black', value: '"Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Comic Sans MS', value: '"Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Courier New', value: '"Courier New", Courier, monospace' }, { name: 'Georgia', value: 'Georgia, serif' }, { name: 'Impact', value: 'Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Lucida Console', value: '"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace' }, { name: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', value: '"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif' }, { name: 'Palatino Linotype', value: '"Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif' }, { name: 'Tahoma', value: 'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Segoe UI', value: '"Segoe UI", "Roboto", sans-serif' }, { name: 'Times New Roman', value: '"Times New Roman", Times, serif' }, { name: 'Trebuchet MS', value: '"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Verdana', value: 'Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif' } ]; const fontSizeList = [ { name: '8', value: '8px' }, { name: '9', value: '9px' }, { name: '10', value: '10px' }, { name: '11', value: '11px' }, { name: '12', value: '12px' }, { name: '14', value: '14px' }, { name: '16', value: '16px' }, { name: '18', value: '18px' }, { name: '20', value: '20px' }, { name: '22', value: '22px' }, { name: '24', value: '24px' } ]; function App() { const [format, setFormat] = useState('0'); const [fontIdx, setFontIdx] = useState(0); const [fontSizeIdx, setFontSizeIdx] = useState(5); const [isBold, setIsBold] = useState(false); const [isItalic, setIsItalic] = useState(false); const [isUnderline, setIsUnderline] = useState(false); const [textAlign, setTextAlign] = useState('left'); const applyFillColorRef = useRef(false); const updatingSelectionRef = useRef(false); const flexRef = useRef(null); const colorPickerRef = useRef(null); const initializeFlexSheet = useEvent((sender) => { flexRef.current = sender; sender.deferUpdate(() => { for (let sheetIdx = 0; sheetIdx < sender.sheets.length; sheetIdx++) { sender.selectedSheetIndex = sheetIdx; let sheetName =; // for (let colIdx = 0; colIdx < sender.columns.length; colIdx++) { for (let rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < sender.rows.length; rowIdx++) { if (sheetName === 'Number') { sender.setCellData(rowIdx, colIdx, colIdx + rowIdx); } else { let date = new Date(2015, colIdx, rowIdx + 1); sender.setCellData(rowIdx, colIdx, date); } } } } // sender.selectedSheetIndex = 0; setTimeout(() => updateSelection(sender, sender.selection), 100); }); // sender.selectionChanged.addHandler((sender, args) => { updateSelection(sender, args.range); }); }); const fontChanged = useEvent((sender) => { var _a; if (sender.selectedItem && !updatingSelectionRef.current) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontFamily: sender.selectedItem.value }); } }); const fontSizeChanged = useEvent((sender) => { var _a; if (sender.selectedItem && !updatingSelectionRef.current) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontSize: sender.selectedItem.value }); } }); const colorPickerInit = useEvent((sender) => { // if the browser is firefox, we should bind the blur event. (TFS #124387) // if the browser is IE, we should bind the focusout event. (TFS #124500) let blurEvt = /firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) ? 'blur' : 'focusout'; // Hide the color picker control when it lost the focus. sender.hostElement.addEventListener(blurEvt, () => { setTimeout(() => { if (!sender.containsFocus()) { updatingSelectionRef.current = false; = 'none'; } }, 0); }); // // Initialize the value changed event handler for the color picker control. sender.valueChanged.addHandler(() => { var _a, _b; if (applyFillColorRef.current) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ backgroundColor: sender.value }); } else { (_b = flexRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.applyCellsStyle({ color: sender.value }); } }); // colorPickerRef.current = sender; }); const formatChanged = useEvent((sender) => { var _a; if (sender.selectedValue) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ format: sender.selectedValue }); setFormat(sender.selectedValue); } }); // apply the text alignment for the selected cells const applyCellTextAlign = (value) => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ textAlign: value }); setTextAlign(value); }; // apply the bold font weight for the selected cells const applyBoldStyle = () => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontWeight: isBold ? 'none' : 'bold' }); setIsBold(!isBold); }; // apply the underline text decoration for the selected cells const applyUnderlineStyle = () => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ textDecoration: isUnderline ? 'none' : 'underline' }); setIsUnderline(!isUnderline); }; // apply the italic font style for the selected cells const applyItalicStyle = () => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontStyle: isItalic ? 'none' : 'italic' }); setIsItalic(!isItalic); }; // show the color picker control. const showColorPicker = (e, isFillColor) => { var _a; let offset = cumulativeOffset(; // let he = (_a = colorPickerRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hostElement; if (he) { = 'inline'; = offset.left + 'px'; = - he.clientHeight - 5 + 'px'; he.focus(); } // applyFillColorRef.current = isFillColor; }; // Update the selection object of the scope. const updateSelection = (fs, sel) => { let rCnt = fs.rows.length, cCnt = fs.columns.length, fontIdx = 0, fontSizeIdx = 5; // updatingSelectionRef.current = true; // if (sel.row > -1 && sel.col > -1 && rCnt > 0 && cCnt > 0 && sel.col < cCnt && sel.col2 < cCnt && sel.row < rCnt && sel.row2 < rCnt) { let cellContent = fs.getCellData(sel.row, sel.col, false), cellStyle = fs.selectedSheet.getCellStyle(sel.row, sel.col), cellFormat = ''; if (cellStyle) { if (cellStyle.fontFamily) { fontIdx = checkFontfamily(cellStyle.fontFamily); } if (cellStyle.fontSize) { fontSizeIdx = checkFontSize(cellStyle.fontSize); } if (cellStyle.format) { cellFormat = cellStyle.format; } } let format = ''; if (!!cellFormat) { format = cellFormat; } else { if (wijmo.isInt(cellContent)) { format = '0'; } else if (wijmo.isNumber(cellContent)) { format = 'n2'; } else if (wijmo.isDate(cellContent)) { format = 'd'; } } // let state = fs.getSelectionFormatState(); setFormat(format); setFontIdx(fontIdx); setFontSizeIdx(fontSizeIdx); } // updatingSelectionRef.current = false; }; // check font family for the font name combobox of the ribbon. const checkFontfamily = (value) => { if (!value) { return 0; } for (let fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < fonts.length; fontIndex++) { let font = fonts[fontIndex]; if ( === value || font.value === value) { return fontIndex; } } // return 0; }; // check font size for the font size combobox of the ribbon. const checkFontSize = (value) => { let sizeList = fontSizeList; // if (value == null) { return 5; } // for (let index = 0; index < sizeList.length; index++) { let size = sizeList[index]; if (size.value === value || === value) { return index; } } // return 5; }; // Get the absolute position of the dom element. const cumulativeOffset = (element) => { let top = 0, left = 0, scrollTop = 0, scrollLeft = 0; // do { top += element.offsetTop || 0; left += element.offsetLeft || 0; scrollTop += element.scrollTop || 0; scrollLeft += element.scrollLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; } while (element && !(element instanceof HTMLBodyElement)); // scrollTop += document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; scrollLeft += document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; // return { top: top - scrollTop, left: left - scrollLeft }; }; return (<div className="container-fluid"> <wjGridSheet.FlexSheet initialized={initializeFlexSheet}> <wjGridSheet.Sheet name="Number" rowCount={20} columnCount={8}/> <wjGridSheet.Sheet name="Date" rowCount={20} columnCount={8}/> </wjGridSheet.FlexSheet> <wjInput.ColorPicker style={{ display: "none", position: "fixed", zIndex: 100 }} initialized={colorPickerInit}> </wjInput.ColorPicker> <div className="well well-lg"> <wjInput.Menu header='Format' value={format} itemClicked={formatChanged}> <wjInput.MenuItem value="0">Decimal Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="n2">Number Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="p">Percentage Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="c2">Currency Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuSeparator></wjInput.MenuSeparator> <wjInput.MenuItem value="d">Short Date</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="D">Long Date</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="f">Full Date/TIme (short time)</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="F">Full Date/TIme (long time)</wjInput.MenuItem> </wjInput.Menu> <div>Font: <wjInput.ComboBox style={{ width: "120px" }} itemsSource={fonts} selectedIndex={fontIdx} displayMemberPath="name" selectedValuePath="value" isEditable={false} selectedIndexChanged={fontChanged}> </wjInput.ComboBox> <wjInput.ComboBox style={{ width: "80px" }} itemsSource={fontSizeList} selectedIndex={fontSizeIdx} displayMemberPath="name" selectedValuePath="value" isEditable={false} selectedIndexChanged={fontSizeChanged}> </wjInput.ComboBox> <div className="btn-group"> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${isBold ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={applyBoldStyle}> Bold</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${isItalic ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={applyItalicStyle}> Italic</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${isUnderline ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={applyUnderlineStyle}> Underline</button> </div> </div> <div>Color: <div className="btn-group"> <button type="button" className="btn btn-default" onClick={(e) => showColorPicker(e, false)}> Fore Color</button> <button type="button" className="btn btn-default" onClick={(e) => showColorPicker(e, true)}> Fill Color</button> </div>Alignment: <div className="btn-group"> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${textAlign == 'left' ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={() => applyCellTextAlign("left")}> Left</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${textAlign == 'center' ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={() => applyCellTextAlign("center")}> Center</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${textAlign == 'right' ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={() => applyCellTextAlign("right")}> Right</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>); } const container = document.getElementById('app'); if (container) { const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container); root.render(<App />); }
import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'; import useEvent from 'react-use-event-hook'; import * as wijmo from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjInput from '@mescius/wijmo.react.input'; import * as wjGridSheet from '@mescius/wijmo.react.grid.sheet'; import './app.css'; const fonts = [ { name: 'Arial', value: 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Arial Black', value: '"Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Comic Sans MS', value: '"Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Courier New', value: '"Courier New", Courier, monospace' }, { name: 'Georgia', value: 'Georgia, serif' }, { name: 'Impact', value: 'Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Lucida Console', value: '"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace' }, { name: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', value: '"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif' }, { name: 'Palatino Linotype', value: '"Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif' }, { name: 'Tahoma', value: 'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Segoe UI', value: '"Segoe UI", "Roboto", sans-serif' }, { name: 'Times New Roman', value: '"Times New Roman", Times, serif' }, { name: 'Trebuchet MS', value: '"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif' }, { name: 'Verdana', value: 'Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif' } ]; const fontSizeList = [ { name: '8', value: '8px' }, { name: '9', value: '9px' }, { name: '10', value: '10px' }, { name: '11', value: '11px' }, { name: '12', value: '12px' }, { name: '14', value: '14px' }, { name: '16', value: '16px' }, { name: '18', value: '18px' }, { name: '20', value: '20px' }, { name: '22', value: '22px' }, { name: '24', value: '24px' } ]; function App() { const [format, setFormat] = useState('0'); const [fontIdx, setFontIdx] = useState(0); const [fontSizeIdx, setFontSizeIdx] = useState(5); const [isBold, setIsBold] = useState(false); const [isItalic, setIsItalic] = useState(false); const [isUnderline, setIsUnderline] = useState(false); const [textAlign, setTextAlign] = useState('left'); const applyFillColorRef = useRef(false); const updatingSelectionRef = useRef(false); const flexRef = useRef(null); const colorPickerRef = useRef(null); const initializeFlexSheet = useEvent((sender) => { flexRef.current = sender; sender.deferUpdate(() => { for (let sheetIdx = 0; sheetIdx < sender.sheets.length; sheetIdx++) { sender.selectedSheetIndex = sheetIdx; let sheetName =; // for (let colIdx = 0; colIdx < sender.columns.length; colIdx++) { for (let rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < sender.rows.length; rowIdx++) { if (sheetName === 'Number') { sender.setCellData(rowIdx, colIdx, colIdx + rowIdx); } else { let date = new Date(2015, colIdx, rowIdx + 1); sender.setCellData(rowIdx, colIdx, date); } } } } // sender.selectedSheetIndex = 0; setTimeout(() => updateSelection(sender, sender.selection), 100); }); // sender.selectionChanged.addHandler((sender, args) => { updateSelection(sender, args.range); }); }); const fontChanged = useEvent((sender) => { var _a; if (sender.selectedItem && !updatingSelectionRef.current) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontFamily: sender.selectedItem.value }); } }); const fontSizeChanged = useEvent((sender) => { var _a; if (sender.selectedItem && !updatingSelectionRef.current) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontSize: sender.selectedItem.value }); } }); const colorPickerInit = useEvent((sender) => { // if the browser is firefox, we should bind the blur event. (TFS #124387) // if the browser is IE, we should bind the focusout event. (TFS #124500) let blurEvt = /firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) ? 'blur' : 'focusout'; // Hide the color picker control when it lost the focus. sender.hostElement.addEventListener(blurEvt, () => { setTimeout(() => { if (!sender.containsFocus()) { updatingSelectionRef.current = false; = 'none'; } }, 0); }); // // Initialize the value changed event handler for the color picker control. sender.valueChanged.addHandler(() => { var _a, _b; if (applyFillColorRef.current) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ backgroundColor: sender.value }); } else { (_b = flexRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.applyCellsStyle({ color: sender.value }); } }); // colorPickerRef.current = sender; }); const formatChanged = useEvent((sender) => { var _a; if (sender.selectedValue) { (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ format: sender.selectedValue }); setFormat(sender.selectedValue); } }); // apply the text alignment for the selected cells const applyCellTextAlign = (value) => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ textAlign: value }); setTextAlign(value); }; // apply the bold font weight for the selected cells const applyBoldStyle = () => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontWeight: isBold ? 'none' : 'bold' }); setIsBold(!isBold); }; // apply the underline text decoration for the selected cells const applyUnderlineStyle = () => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ textDecoration: isUnderline ? 'none' : 'underline' }); setIsUnderline(!isUnderline); }; // apply the italic font style for the selected cells const applyItalicStyle = () => { var _a; (_a = flexRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.applyCellsStyle({ fontStyle: isItalic ? 'none' : 'italic' }); setIsItalic(!isItalic); }; // show the color picker control. const showColorPicker = (e, isFillColor) => { var _a; let offset = cumulativeOffset(; // let he = (_a = colorPickerRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hostElement; if (he) { = 'inline'; = offset.left + 'px'; = - he.clientHeight - 5 + 'px'; he.focus(); } // applyFillColorRef.current = isFillColor; }; // Update the selection object of the scope. const updateSelection = (fs, sel) => { let rCnt = fs.rows.length, cCnt = fs.columns.length, fontIdx = 0, fontSizeIdx = 5; // updatingSelectionRef.current = true; // if (sel.row > -1 && sel.col > -1 && rCnt > 0 && cCnt > 0 && sel.col < cCnt && sel.col2 < cCnt && sel.row < rCnt && sel.row2 < rCnt) { let cellContent = fs.getCellData(sel.row, sel.col, false), cellStyle = fs.selectedSheet.getCellStyle(sel.row, sel.col), cellFormat = ''; if (cellStyle) { if (cellStyle.fontFamily) { fontIdx = checkFontfamily(cellStyle.fontFamily); } if (cellStyle.fontSize) { fontSizeIdx = checkFontSize(cellStyle.fontSize); } if (cellStyle.format) { cellFormat = cellStyle.format; } } let format = ''; if (!!cellFormat) { format = cellFormat; } else { if (wijmo.isInt(cellContent)) { format = '0'; } else if (wijmo.isNumber(cellContent)) { format = 'n2'; } else if (wijmo.isDate(cellContent)) { format = 'd'; } } // let state = fs.getSelectionFormatState(); setFormat(format); setFontIdx(fontIdx); setFontSizeIdx(fontSizeIdx); } // updatingSelectionRef.current = false; }; // check font family for the font name combobox of the ribbon. const checkFontfamily = (value) => { if (!value) { return 0; } for (let fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < fonts.length; fontIndex++) { let font = fonts[fontIndex]; if ( === value || font.value === value) { return fontIndex; } } // return 0; }; // check font size for the font size combobox of the ribbon. const checkFontSize = (value) => { let sizeList = fontSizeList; // if (value == null) { return 5; } // for (let index = 0; index < sizeList.length; index++) { let size = sizeList[index]; if (size.value === value || === value) { return index; } } // return 5; }; // Get the absolute position of the dom element. const cumulativeOffset = (element) => { let top = 0, left = 0, scrollTop = 0, scrollLeft = 0; // do { top += element.offsetTop || 0; left += element.offsetLeft || 0; scrollTop += element.scrollTop || 0; scrollLeft += element.scrollLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; } while (element && !(element instanceof HTMLBodyElement)); // scrollTop += document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; scrollLeft += document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; // return { top: top - scrollTop, left: left - scrollLeft }; }; return (<div className="container-fluid"> <wjGridSheet.FlexSheet initialized={initializeFlexSheet}> <wjGridSheet.Sheet name="Number" rowCount={20} columnCount={8}/> <wjGridSheet.Sheet name="Date" rowCount={20} columnCount={8}/> </wjGridSheet.FlexSheet> <wjInput.ColorPicker style={{ display: "none", position: "fixed", zIndex: 100 }} initialized={colorPickerInit}> </wjInput.ColorPicker> <div className="well well-lg"> <wjInput.Menu header='Format' value={format} itemClicked={formatChanged}> <wjInput.MenuItem value="0">Decimal Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="n2">Number Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="p">Percentage Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="c2">Currency Format</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuSeparator></wjInput.MenuSeparator> <wjInput.MenuItem value="d">Short Date</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="D">Long Date</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="f">Full Date/TIme (short time)</wjInput.MenuItem> <wjInput.MenuItem value="F">Full Date/TIme (long time)</wjInput.MenuItem> </wjInput.Menu> <div>Font: <wjInput.ComboBox style={{ width: "120px" }} itemsSource={fonts} selectedIndex={fontIdx} displayMemberPath="name" selectedValuePath="value" isEditable={false} selectedIndexChanged={fontChanged}> </wjInput.ComboBox> <wjInput.ComboBox style={{ width: "80px" }} itemsSource={fontSizeList} selectedIndex={fontSizeIdx} displayMemberPath="name" selectedValuePath="value" isEditable={false} selectedIndexChanged={fontSizeChanged}> </wjInput.ComboBox> <div className="btn-group"> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${isBold ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={applyBoldStyle}> Bold</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${isItalic ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={applyItalicStyle}> Italic</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${isUnderline ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={applyUnderlineStyle}> Underline</button> </div> </div> <div>Color: <div className="btn-group"> <button type="button" className="btn btn-default" onClick={(e) => showColorPicker(e, false)}> Fore Color</button> <button type="button" className="btn btn-default" onClick={(e) => showColorPicker(e, true)}> Fill Color</button> </div>Alignment: <div className="btn-group"> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${textAlign == 'left' ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={() => applyCellTextAlign("left")}> Left</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${textAlign == 'center' ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={() => applyCellTextAlign("center")}> Center</button> <button type="button" className={`btn btn-default ${textAlign == 'right' ? 'active' : ''}`} onClick={() => applyCellTextAlign("right")}> Right</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>); } const container = document.getElementById('app'); if (container) { const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container); root.render(<App />); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo Wijmo FlexSheet Formatting Cells</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="" integrity="sha512-G6mEj6h18+m3MvzdviSDfPle/TfH0//cXcB33AKlNR/Rha0yQsKefDZKRTkIZos97HEGq2JMV1RT5ybMoQ3WsQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div id="app"></div> </body> </html>
.container-fluid .wj-flexsheet { height: 400px; margin: 6px 0; }
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