ComponentOne Chart for WPF and Silverlight
Chart for WPF and Silverlight / Chart Features / Interaction / Zooming in C1Chart
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    Zooming in C1Chart
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    To add zooming behavior in C1Chart, use some custom code in the Chart's MouseWheel event.

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    private void chart_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
          if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control && e.Delta == -120)    
           chart.View.AxisX.Scale += .1;
           chart.View.AxisY.Scale += .1; 
    else if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control && e.Delta == 120)
              chart.View.AxisX.Scale -= .1;
              chart.View.AxisY.Scale -= .1;    

    To enable the user to move the chart around when it’s zoomed, add the following to C1Chart’s XAML markup:

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     <c1c:C1Chart x:Name="chart" MouseWheel="chart_MouseWheel" >
             <c1c:TranslateAction MouseButton="Left" />


    See Also