ComponentOne Chart for WPF and Silverlight
Chart for WPF and Silverlight / Getting Started / Key Hints for Chart WPF
In This Topic
    Key Hints for Chart WPF
    In This Topic

    The following top tips for Chart for WPF and Silverlight will help you when you use the C1Chart control.

    Tip 1: Use the BeginUpdate()/EndUpdate() methods to improve performance

    This improves performance since the redrawing occurs only once after a call of the EndUpdate() method.

    For example:

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' start update
      Dim nser As Integer = 10, npts As Integer = 100
      For iser As Integer = 1 To nser
        ' create data arrays
        Dim x(npts - 1) As Double, y(npts - 1) As Double
        For ipt As Integer = 0 To npts - 1
          x(ipt) = ipt
          y(ipt) = (1 + 0.05 * iser) * Math.Sin(0.1 * ipt + 0.1 * iser)
        ' create data series and add it to the chart
        Dim ds = New XYDataSeries()
        ds.XValuesSource = x
        ds.ValuesSource = y
      ' set chart type
      C1Chart1.ChartType = ChartType.Line
      ' finish update

    Copy Code
    // start update
      int nser = 10, npts = 100;
      for (int iser = 0; iser < nser; iser++)
        // create data arrays
        double[] x = new double[npts], y = new double[npts];
        for (int ipt = 0; ipt < npts; ipt++)
          x[ipt] = ipt;
          y[ipt] = (1 + 0.05 * iser) * Math.Sin(0.1 * ipt + 0.1 * iser);
        // create data series and add it to the chart
        XYDataSeries ds = new XYDataSeries();
        ds.XValuesSource = x; ds.ValuesSource = y;
      // set chart type
      c1Chart1.ChartType = ChartType.Line;
      // finish update

    Tip 2: Use the Line or Area type chart for large data arrays

    The line and area charts provide the best performance when you have a lots of data values.

    To get better performance, enable built-in optimization for large data by setting the attached property, LineAreaOptions.OptimizationRadius. For example:

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    LineAreaOptions.SetOptimizationRadius(C1Chart1, 1.0)

    Copy Code
    LineAreaOptions.SetOptimizationRadius(c1Chart1, 1.0);

    It's recommended you use small values 1.0 - 2.0 as radius. A larger value may affect the accuracy of the plot.


    Tip 3: Update the appearance and behavior of a plot element using the DataSeries.PlotElementLoaded event

    When any plot element (bar,column,pie, etc) is loaded it fires the PlotElementLoaded event. During this event you have access to the plot element properties as well as to the corresponding data point.

    The following code sets the colors of points depending on its y-value. For example:

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' create data arrays
      Dim npts As Integer = 100
      Dim x(npts - 1) As Double, y(npts - 1) As Double
      For ipt As Integer = 0 To npts - 1
        x(ipt) = ipt
        y(ipt) = Math.Sin(0.1 * ipt)
      ' create data series
      Dim ds = New XYDataSeries()
      ds.XValuesSource = x
      ds.ValuesSource = y
      ' set event handler
      AddHandler ds.PlotElementLoaded, AddressOf PlotElement_Loaded
      ' add data series to the chart
      ' set chart type
      C1Chart1.ChartType = ChartType.LineSymbols
      ' event handler
      Sub PlotElement_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As EventArgs)
        Dim pe = CType(sender, PlotElement)
        If Not TypeOf pe Is Lines Then
          Dim dp As DataPoint = pe.DataPoint
          ' normalized y-value(from 0 to 1)
          Dim nval As Double = 0.5 * (dp.Value + 1)
          ' fill from blue(-1) to red(+1)
          pe.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(CByte(255 * nval), _
           0, CByte(255 * (1 - nval))))
        End If
      End Sub

    Copy Code
    // create data arrays
      int npts = 100;
      double[] x = new double[npts], y = new double[npts];
      for (int ipt = 0; ipt < npts; ipt++)
        x[ipt] = ipt;
        y[ipt] = Math.Sin(0.1 * ipt);
      // create data series
      XYDataSeries ds = new XYDataSeries();
      ds.XValuesSource = x; ds.ValuesSource = y;
      // set event handler
      ds.PlotElementLoaded += (s, e) =>
          PlotElement pe = (PlotElement)s;
          if (!(pe is Lines)) // skip lines
            DataPoint dp = pe.DataPoint;
            // normalized y-value(from 0 to 1)
            double nval = 0.5*(dp.Value + 1);
            // fill from blue(-1) to red(+1)
            pe.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(
              Color.FromRgb((byte)(255 * nval), 0, (byte)(255 * (1-nval))));
      // add data series to the chart
      // set chart type
      c1Chart1.ChartType = ChartType.LineSymbols;

    Tip 4: Data point labels and tooltips

    To create a data point label or tooltip, you should set the data template for the PointLabelTemplate or PointTooltipTemplate property.

    The following sample code shows the index for each data point.

    Copy Code
    <c1chart:C1Chart Name="c1Chart1" ChartType="XYPlot">
          <!-- source collection -->
              <Point X="1" Y="1" />
              <Point X="2" Y="2" />
              <Point X="3" Y="3" />
              <Point X="4" Y="2" />
              <Point X="5" Y="1" />
          <c1chart:XYDataSeries SymbolSize="16,16"
            XValueBinding="{Binding X}" ValueBinding="{Binding Y}">
                <!-- display point index at the center of point symbol  -->
                <TextBlock c1chart:PlotElement.LabelAlignment="MiddleCenter"
                           Text="{Binding PointIndex}" />

    Tip 5: Save chart as image

    The following method saves chart image as png-file.

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Sub Using stm = System.IO.File.Create(fileName)
        c1Chart1.SaveImage(stm, ImageFormat.Png)
    End Using


    Copy Code
    using (var stm = System.IO.File.Create(fileName))
        c1Chart1.SaveImage(stm, ImageFormat.Png);

    Tip 6: Printing chart

    The following code prints the specified chart on the default printer with the default settings. For example:

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim pd = New PrintDialog()
      pd.PrintVisual(C1Chart1, "chart")

    Copy Code
    new PrintDialog().PrintVisual(c1Chart1, "chart");


    Tip 7: Mixing Cartesian chart types

    You can easily mix different chart types on the same Cartesian plot using the ChartType property.

    The following code creates three data series: the first is area, the second is step, and the third has the default chart type (line).

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim nser As Integer = 3, npts As Integer = 25
      For iser As Integer = 1 To nser
        ' create data arrays
        Dim x(npts - 1) As Double, y(npts - 1) As Double
        For ipt As Integer = 0 To npts - 1
          x(ipt) = ipt
          y(ipt) = (1 + 0.05 * iser) * Math.Sin(0.1 * ipt + 0.1 * iser)
        ' create data series and add it to the chart
        Dim ds = New XYDataSeries()
        ds.XValuesSource = x
        ds.ValuesSource = y
      'default chart type
      C1Chart1.ChartType = ChartType.Line
      ' 1st series
      C1Chart1.Data.Children(0).ChartType = ChartType.Area
      ' 2nd series
      C1Chart1.Data.Children(1).ChartType = ChartType.Step

    Copy Code
    int nser = 3, npts = 25;
      for (int iser = 0; iser < nser; iser++)
        // create data arrays
        double[] x = new double[npts], y = new double[npts];
        for (int ipt = 0; ipt < npts; ipt++)
          x[ipt] = ipt;
          y[ipt] = (1 + 0.05 * iser) * Math.Sin(0.1 * ipt + 0.1 * iser);
        // create data series and add it to the chart
        XYDataSeries ds = new XYDataSeries();
        ds.XValuesSource = x; ds.ValuesSource = y;
      //default chart type
      c1Chart1.ChartType = ChartType.Line;
      // 1st series
      c1Chart1.Data.Children[0].ChartType = ChartType.Area;
      // 2nd series
      c1Chart1.Data.Children[1].ChartType = ChartType.Step;
    See Also