ComponentOne Chart for WPF and Silverlight
Chart for WPF and Silverlight / Chart Features / Axis / Annotation / Rotate Axis Labels
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    Rotate Axis Labels
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    Use the AnnoAngle property to rotate the axis annotation counterclockwise from the specified number of degrees. This property is especially useful if the X-axis is crowded with annotation. Rotating the annotations +/- 30 or 60 degrees allows a much larger number of annotations in a confined space on horizontal axes. By utilizing the AnnoAngle property, the X-axis annotation does not overlap, as shown below:



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                            <c1chart:Axis Min="0" MajorUnit="10" AnnoFormat="c" AutoMin="false" AutoMax="false" Max="200" AnnoAngle="60"  />


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    // Financial formatting
    c1Chart1.View.AxisX.AnnoFormat = "c";
    c1Chart1.View.AxisX.Min = 0;
    c1Chart1.View.AxisX.AnnoAngle = "60";


    See Also