ComponentOne Chart for WPF and Silverlight
Chart for WPF and Silverlight / Chart Types / Scatter Charts / Creating a Scatter Chart
In This Topic
    Creating a Scatter Chart
    In This Topic

    Scatter charts, also known as XY Plot charts, are used to show relationships between variables. Unlike the charts we introduced so far, in XY charts each point has two numeric values. By plotting one of the values against the X axis and one against the Y axis, the charts show the effect of one variable on the other.

    We will continue our C1Chart tour using the same data we created earlier, but this time we will create XY charts that show the relationship between revenues from two products. For example, we might want to determine whether high Widget revenues are linked to high Gadgets revenues (perhaps the products work well together), or whether high Widget revenues are linked to low Gadgets revenues (perhaps people who buy one of the products don’t really need the other).

    To do this, we will follow the same steps as before. The main differences are that this time we will add XYDataSeries objects to the chart’s Data.Children collection instead of the simpler DataSeries objects. The Linq statement used to obtain the data is also a little more refined and interesting.

    Step 1) Choose the chart type:

    The code clears any existing series, then sets the chart type:

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    public Window1()
       // Clear current chart
       // Set chart type
       c1Chart.ChartType = ChartType.XYPlot;

    Step 2) Set up the axes:

    Since we’re now creating XY series, we have two value axes (before we had a label axis and a value axis). We will attach titles and formats to both axes as we did before. We will also set the scale and annotation format as before. We will use the AnnoAngle property to rotate the annotation labels along the X axis so they don’t overlap:

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    // get axes
      var yAxis = _c1Chart.View.AxisY;
      var xAxis = _c1Chart.View.AxisX;
      // configure Y axis
      yAxis.Title = CreateTextBlock("Widget Revenues", 14, FontWeights.Bold);
      yAxis.AnnoFormat = "#,##0 ";
      yAxis.AutoMin = false;
      yAxis.Min = 0;
      yAxis.MajorUnit = 2000;
      yAxis.AnnoAngle = 0;
      // configure X axis
      xAxis.Title = CreateTextBlock("Gadget Revenues", 14, FontWeights.Bold);
      xAxis.AnnoFormat = "#,##0 ";
      xAxis.AutoMin = false;
      xAxis.Min = 0;
      xAxis.MajorUnit = 2000;
      xAxis.AnnoAngle = -90; // rotate annotations

    Step 3) Add one or more data series

    Once again, we will use the second data-provider method defined earlier:

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    // get the data
      var data = GetSalesPerMonthData();

    Next, we need to obtain XY pairs that correspond to the total revenues for Widgets and Gadgets at each date. We can use Linq to obtain this information directly from our data:

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     // group data by sales date
      var dataGrouped = from r in data
        group r by r.Date into g
        select new
          Date = g.Key, // group by date
          Widgets = (from rp in g // add Widget revenues
            where rp.Product == "Widgets"
            select g.Sum(p => rp.Revenue)).Single(),
          Gadgets = (from rp in g // add Gadget revenues
            where rp.Product == "Gadgets"
            select g.Sum(p => rp.Revenue)).Single(),
        // sort data by widget sales
        var dataSorted = from r in dataGrouped
          orderby r.Gadgets
          select r;

    The first Linq query starts by grouping the data by Date. Then, for each group it creates a record containing the Date and the sum of revenues within that date for each of the products we are interested in. The result is a list of objects with three properties: Date, Widgets, and Gadgets. This type of data grouping and aggregation is a powerful feature of Linq.

    The second Linq query simply sorts the data by Gadget revenue. These are the values that will be plotted on the X axis, and we want them to be in ascending order. Plotting unsorted values would look fine if we displayed only symbols (ChartType = XYPlot), but it would look messy if we chose other chart types such as Line or Area.

    Once the data has been properly grouped, summarized, and sorted, all we need to do is create one single data series, and assign one set of values to the ValuesSource property and the to the XValuesSource property:

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     // create the new XYDataSeries
      var ds = new XYDataSeries();
      // set series label (displayed in a C1ChartLegend)
      ds.Label = "Revenue:\r\nWidgets vs Gadgets";
      // populate Y values
      ds.ValuesSource = (
        from r in dataSorted
        select r.Widgets).ToArray();
      // populate X values
      ds.XValuesSource = (
        from r in dataSorted
        select r.Gadgets).ToArray();
      // add the series to the chart

    Step 4) Adjust the chart’s appearance

    Once again, we will finish by setting the Theme property to quickly configure the chart appearance:

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    c1Chart.Theme = c1Chart.TryFindResource(new ComponentResourceKey(typeof(C1.WPF.C1Chart.C1Chart), "Office2007Black")) as ResourceDictionary;
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    c1Chart.Theme = Theme.Office2007Black;

    The completed chart will show a positive correlation between Gadget and Widget revenues.




    See Also