Plot area is the area of chart where data points are plotted. In a chart having X and Y axis, plot area also refers to the area covered by the axes. In a chart like pie chart or sunburst chart, plot area refers to the circular area actually covered by the chart itself.
In FlexChart, plot area is rendered with a basic white background color. However, you can customize the appearance of plot area to match your requirements using PlotStyle property of ChartStyle type. The ChartStyle class provides properties to set fill, fill color, line pattern, stroke, stroke width, stroke dash pattern etc.
Multiple plot areas are advantageous over multiple overlapped series as they increase the readability of data and hence facilitate better analysis. Drawing multiple series, one in each plot area while sharing some of the chart resources like axes, legend etc. is helpful in scenarios like the one shown in the below chart which demonstrates change in acceleration, velocity and distance against time series. In FlexChart, multiple plot areas can be implemented by adding the plot areas to the PlotAreas collection and while defining the series, specify the plot name in which the same has to be rendered. FlexChart also provides properties to set the height, width, row index and column index of each plot area.
Note that the above sample code uses a custom method named CreateDataPoints to generate random data. You can set up the data source as per your requirements.