
All the ComponentOne Editions are accompanied with a wide range of product samples to facilitate a better understanding of controls' features and their implementation. To install the samples, you need to select the "Install Samples" check box while installing the edition using C1ControlPanel. By default, these samples are downloaded and stored in a control specific folder at following location: Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms. For FlexChart, following CS samples are installed in the folder named C1FlexChart:

Sample Description
AnimationDemo Demonstrates the advanced animation options available in FlexChart and FlexPie through an interactive demo.
AnnotationExplorer Demonstrates how to use the annotation layer to render various built-in annotations such as circle, ellipse, image, line, polygon, rectangle and square. The sample also shows how to create callouts using the polygon type annotation.
AxisScrollBar Demonstrates how to implement AxisScrollBar to accomplish detailed chart analysis using the FlexChart control.
CurrencyComparison Demonstrates how to use FlexChart to compare the exchange rates or percentage change of different currencies.
DataManipulation Demonstrates how to perform aggregation or sorting operation on data getting displayed in FlexChart.
DrawingTools Demonstrates the implementation of DrawingLayer attached to FlexChart to add and edit the chart annotations interactively.
DrillDown Demonstrates how to implement drill-down functionality with data grouping in FlexChart, FlexPie and Sunburst controls.
ExtendedFeatures Demonstrates features included in the C1.Win.FlexChart.Extended.dll library such as heatmap, color axis etc.
FlexChart101 Demonstrates how to get started with the FlexChart control and also shows implementation of some basic features.
FlexChartCustomization Demonstrates how to use the custom symbols, lines, legend items etc. in FlexChart.
FlexChartEditableAnnotations Demonstrates the advanced implementation related to annotations. The sample also shows how to add, edit, move or remove an annotation at run-time.
FlexChartExplorer Demonstrates all the chart types and features of FlexChart in an easy to explore manner.
FlexChartPrint Demonstrates how to print FlexChart in different ways such as single chart on multiple pages or a multiple charts on a single page. This sample creates an assembly which encapsulates most of the printing logic and can be re-used in other applications to implement printing scenarios.

Demonstrates how to serialize/deserialize FlexChart properties to or from XML, JSON and binary formats. The sample also provides library to implement the serialization and de-serialization logic in other applications.

FlexRadarIntro Demonstrates how to implement the key features of the FlexRadar control.
FloatingBarChart Demonstrates how to create a Floating bar chart and Gantt chart by customizing the series symbols.
LineMarkerExplorer Demonstrates how to implement and use the line markers in FlexChart.
SunburstIntro Demonstrates how to implement the key features of the sunburst chart.
Tooltips Demonstrates how to customize the chart tooltips to display the plain as well as HTML content in the FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
WealthHealth Demonstrates a dynamic chart based on Gapminder's Wealth and Health of Nations created using FlexChart.
WeatherChart Demonstrates how to use range slider in FlexChart.