DataViewsJS supports using the Data Analysis Expression (DAX) language to perform the calculations. DAX is a formula language that allows custom calculations. It includes various functions that are used in Excel formulas. DAX also provides additional functions that are designed to work with aggregates.
This topic covers the following calculation types:
In DataViewsJS, you can add calculated columns to the data view. A calculated column includes an expression as a value for its data field. The expression starts with an '=' sign and the result is evaluated at run time.
The expressions in the calculated column can have functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNTROWS, or FILTER. The expressions can also refer to existing data columns or other calculated columns by referring to the column id within [], such as, SUM([ColumnId]).
Use the following steps to work with calculated columns.
var cols = [
id: 'salesPercentage',
caption: 'Percentage',
dataField: '=[sales] / sum([sales])',
format: '0.0%',
cssClass: 'align-right',
allowEditing: false,
minWidth: 100,
id: 'performance',
caption: 'Performance',
dataField: '=if([sales] > 50, "good", "bad")',
presenter: '<span style="color: \{{? it.performance=="good"}}green\{{??}}red\{{?}}">\{{=it.performance}}</span>',
width: 110,
allowEditing: false,
var dataView = new GC.DataViews.DataView(
new GC.DataViews.GridLayout()
Using DataViewsJS, you can create calculated fields and display them outside the primary data view. Calculated fields are pre-defined named formulas that can be placed anywhere on the page.
Note: Calculated fields and calculated columns are similar since both are formula based, but they differ in terms of usage. Calculated columns treat the calculated results of a formula in a single column, where as the calculated fields define a formula that can be used anywhere on the page.
Use the following steps to implement the calculated field.
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="grid1" class="grid"></div>
<div class="result">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<h2 id="totalSales"></h2>
<h3>Top Three Sale Products:</h3>
<ul id="topSales"></ul>
var columns = [
id: 'product',
caption: 'Product',
dataField: 'Product',
width: 280,
allowEditing: false,
id: 'price',
caption: 'Item Price',
dataField: 'Price',
dataType: 'number',
allowEditing: false,
id: 'quantity',
caption: 'Quantity',
dataField: 'Quantity',
dataType: 'number',
width: 60,
id: 'sales',
caption: 'Sales',
dataField: '=[price]*[quantity]',
dataType: 'number',
format: '$#,##0.00',
width: 180,
id: 'salesPercentage',
caption: 'Percentage',
dataField: '=[sales] / sum([sales])',
format: '0.0%',
cssClass: 'align-right',
allowEditing: false,
minWidth: 120,
var dataView = new GC.DataViews.DataView(
new GC.DataViews.GridLayout({
allowEditing: true,
);'totalSales', 'SUM([sales])', true);
var excelFormatter = new GC.DataViews.Formatter.ExcelFormatter(currencyFormat);
dataView.editing.addHandler(function (sender, args) {
if (args.status == 'endEditing') {
function refresh() {
var totalSales ='totalSales');
'Total Sales: ' + '<span style="font-weight:bold">' + excelFormatter.format(totalSales) + '</span>'
var top3Items =
'TOPN(3, summarize([product], "salesSubtotal", sum([sales])), [salesSubtotal])'
var ul = document.getElementById('topSales');
var fragment = '';
for (var i = 0, len = top3Items.length; i < len; i++) {
fragment +=
'<li style="font-weight:bold">' +
top3Items[i]['product'] +
' ' +
excelFormatter.format(top3Items[i]['salesSubtotal']) +
DataViewsJS allows you to set an aggregator formula for the columns in the group header or footer while grouping.
Steps to implement aggregate formulas are as follows:
var columns = [
id: 'id',
caption: 'Order Id',
dataField: 'Transaction_Id',
dataType: 'number',
visible: false,
id: 'date',
caption: 'Date',
dataField: 'Transaction_Date',
dataType: 'date',
format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
id: 'country',
caption: 'Country',
dataField: 'Country',
width: 180,
'quantity: \{{=it.eval("=sum([quantity])")}}, percent: \{{=it.eval("=sum([quantity]*[price]) / sumx(GROUP.PARENT(), [quantity]*[price])", "0.0%")}}',
id: 'state',
caption: 'State',
dataField: 'State',
width: 120,
'quantity: \{{=it.eval("=sum([quantity])")}}, percent: \{{=it.eval("=sum([quantity]*[price]) / sumx(GROUP.PARENT(), [quantity]*[price])", "0.0%")}}',
id: 'city',
caption: 'City',
dataField: 'City',
width: 120,
id: 'name',
caption: 'Name',
dataField: 'Name',
width: 120,
id: 'product',
caption: 'Product',
dataField: 'Product',
width: 280,
id: 'price',
caption: 'Item Price',
dataField: 'Price',
dataType: 'number',
groupFooter: 'average: \{{=it.eval("=average([price])")}}',
id: 'quantity',
caption: 'Quantity',
dataField: 'Quantity',
dataType: 'number',
id: 'paymentType',
caption: 'Payment',
dataField: 'Payment_Type',
id: 'detail',
caption: 'Detail',
dataField: 'Product_Detail',
width: '*',
var dataView = new GC.DataViews.DataView(
new GC.DataViews.GridLayout({
grouping: [
field: 'country',
collapsed: false,
footer: {
columns: [
id: 'quantity',
groupFooter: 'total: \{{=it.eval("=sum([quantity])")}}',
field: 'state',
collapsed: true,
footer: {
columns: [
id: 'quantity',
groupFooter: 'count: \{{=it.eval("=count([quantity])")}}',
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